Hashimoto's? Anyone else share the disease with me?

I'd like to correspond with others on MFP who also have Hashimto's since success and trials are a bit different for us given our obstacles.


  • jend114
    jend114 Posts: 1,058 Member
    I have Hashimoto's. Feel free to add me
  • tulip07
    tulip07 Posts: 167 Member
    I do too. Go ahead and add me if you would like. I am new on here and looking for new friends anyway :)
  • Lroppolo
    Lroppolo Posts: 14 Member
    I have Hashi's. Been a sufferer for the last 12 years. Feel free to add me!
  • Yes, I have Hashi's as well. Feel free to add me, too!

    Lucy :)
  • smcassaro
    smcassaro Posts: 123 Member
    I do! Feel free to add me, I would love to support you & I definately need friends who can relate to how hard it is to lose weight because of this.
  • voluptuous_veggie
    voluptuous_veggie Posts: 476 Member
    I have Hashimotos, along with Fibromyalgia and SLE Lupus. It's daunting, but living a healthy life is still possible!
  • zsesteacher
    zsesteacher Posts: 106 Member
    my daughter has Hashimoto's since she was in 6th grade..this year she graduates so I hope I can get some good information from you ladies... what exactly do you all feel? sometimes I try to understand my daughter but it's hard...she takes synthroid once a day...

  • CarolynB38
    CarolynB38 Posts: 553 Member
    Hi. I have an underactive thyroid but don't know the cause because they don't refer you to an endochrinologist in the UK unless you can afford to pay (either that or I have a crap doctor, lol). I've had it for about 12 years too. I am finding it hard to lose weight but I am getting there slowly. I have found a few things that seem to work for me. You can check out my blog if you're interested and you're welcome to add me if you feel I might be someone you'd like as a friend on MFP :happy:
  • Hi ladies!

    I've been on the anti-inflammatory diet for a month and started Armour around the same time. The weight loss is slow but at least headed in the right direction. My integrative doctor has been amazing and I recommend Integrative medicine to any sufferers of this disease. She has her M.D. from a top Medical school but also believes in Naturopathy.
  • I believe so too and so sorry to hear of all your ailments.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    Hi. I have an underactive thyroid but don't know the cause because they don't refer you to an endochrinologist in the UK unless you can afford to pay (either that or I have a crap doctor, lol). I've had it for about 12 years too. I am finding it hard to lose weight but I am getting there slowly. I have found a few things that seem to work for me. You can check out my blog if you're interested and you're welcome to add me if you feel I might be someone you'd like as a friend on MFP :happy:

    Carolyn, I'd push on that one. My best friend has Hashimotos and fybromyalgia - and she was properly diagnosed. Because Hashimotos isn't just a deficiency of the thyroid, but also involves compromised autoimmunity, it's really important to know if that's what you're dealing with. She was diagnosed in Manchester, about 8 years ago - I can try to find out how she got the diagnosis, if you like?
  • I typically would feel much older than my age (or at least what I felt I should feel since who can really have absolute awareness of that haha.) In addition, I would be cold, sore, irritable, had "foggy brain," loss of libido, energy, etc. I found I needed more alone, restful and quiet time over socializing, but on the other side of the coin, exercise is a must.
  • tambink
    tambink Posts: 349
    I have it as well and please feel free to add me :smile:
  • tulip07
    tulip07 Posts: 167 Member
    I typically would feel much older than my age (or at least what I felt I should feel since who can really have absolute awareness of that haha.) In addition, I would be cold, sore, irritable, had "foggy brain," loss of libido, energy, etc. I found I needed more alone, restful and quiet time over socializing, but on the other side of the coin, exercise is a must.

    Everything what you said. I was diagnosed 1 year ago. I felt all of those and exhausted all the time, to the point where I couldn't bear to take 2 more steps. There were days I'd sleep on the couch because I was too exhausted to go upstairs to my bedroom. I was first put on Synthroid by my endocrinologist, it helped initially but I still never felt like myself. When my doctor then said he had to reduce the dose as I was getting hyper, I figured there was something else going on and felt the need to change my doctor someone who can diagnose the whole person and not just my thyroid.

    I switched to a highly recommended osteopath (like you said, he is also someone who believes in naturopathy). He switched me to Armour, checked my Vitamin D and adrenal gland functions. Both Vitamin D and Cortisol were also extremely low. So now I take Vitamin D supplements and also a small dose of DHEA. I feel soooo much better now.

    My doc also recommended 'the 17 day diet' to me. I had read about it and seen on the Doctors show before but his recommendation encouraged me to start it immediately and I am doing so well with my weight loss now. So much energy too! My TSH was at 120 (yes, 120 not 12) when I was first diagnosed a year ago, so don't worry, it's possible to get it under control, lose weight and lead a normal life!!
  • CarolynB38
    CarolynB38 Posts: 553 Member
    Hi. I have an underactive thyroid but don't know the cause because they don't refer you to an endochrinologist in the UK unless you can afford to pay (either that or I have a crap doctor, lol). I've had it for about 12 years too. I am finding it hard to lose weight but I am getting there slowly. I have found a few things that seem to work for me. You can check out my blog if you're interested and you're welcome to add me if you feel I might be someone you'd like as a friend on MFP :happy:

    Carolyn, I'd push on that one. My best friend has Hashimotos and fybromyalgia - and she was properly diagnosed. Because Hashimotos isn't just a deficiency of the thyroid, but also involves compromised autoimmunity, it's really important to know if that's what you're dealing with. She was diagnosed in Manchester, about 8 years ago - I can try to find out how she got the diagnosis, if you like?

    Thanks, that would be really helpful. My doctor also thinks I have early stages of RA so that would fit in with autoimmune diseases. The blood test was negative but apparently that's common in the early stages of RA.
  • Leela30
    Leela30 Posts: 177 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    I have an appointment with an endocrinologist on Nov. 4 to test if I have Hashimoto's. My grandmother had the symptoms, and my mother is a walking dictionary of the symptoms but based on basic blood work, her results are "within normal". My sister was born without a thyroid so she has been on synthroid her entire life. Only until this year have I really started to research more about hypothyroidism. But since I'm pretty sure my mother and grandmother have/had it.. I'm thinking Hashimoto.

    I started researching the brittle hair/nails, easy bruising, eczema.. thinking maybe there was a vitamin deficiency and that these things were linked. But reading through the symptoms, I definitely qualify. Especially frustrated with working out at least 5x a week for over year, and eating a deficiency of calories and not losing ANY weight. The only time I have lost over 5lbs in the last 6 years was when I was suffering from one my depressed episodes and just never ate.

    I know my blood work is "within normal" but the more I research the more common it is to be borderline, and that the basic TSH and T4 count don't disprove anything.

    Are/were any of you bordline in your initial basic blood tests, and how did you figure out you were hypothyroidic? How did you go about getting a doctor to look into it.

    Thank you ahead of time for all the help. This condition would explain so much, I'm just hoping I can find a doctor to figure out if this is why or not.
  • count me in. i recently joined here. i've been logging for 11 days & i've only lost half a pound. do you guys use the recommended goals for carbs, protein, fat or do you customize? i know i do better w/ fewer carbs but it is soo hard
  • mags911
    mags911 Posts: 8 Member
    Count me in...you are not alone. :) I have known since I was 20 so 15 1/2 years ago. I take synthroid 175 mcg daily with a double dose every third day but wonder if newer research needs looking into for vitamin and other levels. I have yo-yoed though the years with will power, the birth of my two boys now 8 and 6, and basically life. I am now down to 134 and hope to hit 125 by christmas. (Fingers Crossed!) You can check out my diary if you friend me but be warned that I try to eat healthy (ie all natural, not processed) but am at the babysteps stage, but even so have still lost 16 pounds. :)
  • tegla
    tegla Posts: 132
    What a great topic!! Yes me me me I have Hashimoto's. I've been taking Synthroid for 20 years. I'm 46 and have struggled. I would love to share support and information with you all. I'm tired of being fat, tired, and dried up. Although it feels like running in place. I still have so much to learn, for years I was basically fine, just taking my medicine, and slowly gaining weight. But I wasn't taking care of myself, family first frame of mind.

    As I've gotten older and realizing how crappy I feel, and that there's more to it than not getting enough exercise, I am learning about foods, adrenal glands, etc. It's stressful and frustrating, I just feel like I'm trapped in this sluggish body no matter what I do, Ok I haven't been good about the treadmill. That's my main fault, and I don't eat enough.

    Anyway, I'd love to be added to anyone's friend list. I'm not exactly new, but I could use some friends as well.

    Nice to meet you all and thanks again for the topic.
  • cpldjski
    cpldjski Posts: 64 Member
    I have it as well. I was diagnosed about a year ago. Anyone who would like to add me feel free. I am new and always looking for more friends and motivation.