
  • Horse hockey. I can eat 1200 to 1300 calories a day eating what the conventional wisdom calls a "sensible diet" and not lose weight. Or I can eat 2000 to 2500 calories a day of protein/fat/veggies/fruits and lose weight rather nicely which is what I do now. I lost 145 pounds in 6 months by making certain food choices and eliminating grains and most dairy and sugar and processed frankenfoods.


    I'm sorry that you are so unaware to basic nutrition and science truths.

    Let me educate you real fast. A calorie is a unit of energy. Your body uses calories (energy) for it's basic function and daily processes and tasks. The first Law of Thermodynamics states that energy can never be created or destroyed. What does this mean? Well, it means if you consume 2,000 calories and burn 2,500 calories in a day, the other 500 calories that you did not eat cannot just randomly manifest itself, and therefore is taken from your body. If you over consume calories in a way that there is more calories (over time) that your body can use for energy, it is stored.

    Some make the claim that a calorie is not a calorie.. well, yes and no. By definition all things are equal because a calorie is a standardized unit of energy. With relation to food the argument can be made that specific macronutrients undergo different metabolic pathways, some of which are more or less efficient resulting in variances in net caloric expenditure (this is referred to as the thermic effect of feeding in some cases). With that said, these miniscule variances are not enough to overthrow, disregard or demonize any particular macronutrient.

    While different macronutrients may, in short term, lead to different oxidation and storage processes by the body; in the long term they balance out.

    You lack a clear understanding of basic math/science/biochemistry/metabolic pathways.

    If I were you, I would read some relevant studies.. or perhaps just attempt to educate yourself on nutritional basics.

    Please read this for a better understanding:

    Now please tell me how your anecdotal and irrelevant, unbelievable story somehow disproves the basic laws of science, and how you have been keeping this ground breaking information from the government - because if your account was true and the law of thermodynamics were not accurate, then the law of entropy would not exists and therefore we could have free energy and perpetual motion.

    Please respond.
  • You tough guys are so cute.

    The benefits of a "revised" (like I said) Paleo lifestyle are the following:

    1.) Instead of your body fueling itself off of processed carbs, it in return fuels itself off of fat that you consume...which in return burns fat!

    2.) The energy that is then generated is much more beneficial in everyday life. Meaning, if you are living off of energy from "unnatural" sources your energy is going to have major highs and major lows. What "I have found" is that with Paleo your energy is more consistent through out the day and easier to "peak" when needed. Let's say if you are competing in a competition.

    3.) Your body starts to have a "natural fuel" instead of tanking (your energy) after a massive plate of chicken alfredo pasta.

    Let me clarify. I in no way feel restricted with what I eat. I eat what I want and since having been eating proteins, veggies, and fruit I feel a million times better.

    I drink milk, eat beans, and also love a good protein shake.

    Would you like me to go into more detail...or am I just a silly girl with silly thoughts?
  • mynameisuntz
    mynameisuntz Posts: 582 Member
    Well if I input my current stats into MFP and follow their conventional wisdom guidelines, I would get 1297 calories a day to lose 2 pounds a week. Are you saying MFP is wrong??
    Uh, yes. I would.

    MFP probably doesn't use an efficient calculator when estimating BMR.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Thanks for the link...looks interesting, I'll take a look further in the a.m.:drinker:
  • mynameisuntz
    mynameisuntz Posts: 582 Member
    You tough guys are so cute.

    The benefits of a "revised" (like I said) Paleo lifestyle are the following:

    1.) Instead of your body fueling itself off of processed carbs, it in return fuels itself off of fat that you consume...which in return burns fat!

    What is dietary fat stored as? So a high fat diet has you eating and GAINING more fat, but burning more fat. But...GAINING more fat, too. Don't forget that.

    A higher carb diet has you burning less fat but also gaining LESS fat. Remember that.

    Now, you were saying?
    2.) The energy that is then generated is much more beneficial in everyday life. Meaning, if you are living off of energy from "unnatural" sources your energy is going to have major highs and major lows. What "I have found" is that with Paleo your energy is more consistent through out the day and easier to "peak" when needed. Let's say if you are competing in a competition.

    Zero empirical foundation for this claim. Just because YOU feel better doesn't mean EVERYONE will.
    3.) Your body starts to have a "natural fuel" instead of tanking (your energy) after a massive plate of chicken alfredo pasta.

    What? Massive plate of pasta = filled glycogen = TONS of fuel.
    Would you like me to go into more detail...or am I just a silly girl with silly thoughts?
    Not silly - but you have made zero legitimate claims that make paleo better than a non-paleo diet. All you've said is a misconception regarding CHO/lipid metabolization, and that you personally prefer paleo.
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    The OP didn't even mention weight loss but did ask about feeling "healthy and fit." There is certainly more to health and fitness in the broad sense than just losing pounds (which, yes, can be done with just caloric restriction).

    I don't really use the term "paleo" but I strive to eat a nutrient-dense, whole foods diet, get plenty of sleep in a dark room and get outside to get exercise, fresh air and vitamin D.

    I've been slowly cutting out processed food from my diet over the past decade (from an all-time high my senior year of college). While I am lucky in that I didn't have to overcome any major illnesses I do feel better as I eat more real, nutrient-dense, traditional foods. I get fewer headaches, I sleep more soundly, my skin is clearer, etc.
  • altlane21 please respond.

    I fear you lack severe understanding on nutrition and nutrition related science along with basic biochemical metabolic pathways and laws of science.

    Please refer to the above post (by unts) and my post on how energy balance works, and then try to refute science with your anecdotal claims that hold no actual contextual value.
  • I ate 8 hot dogs and a pint of Ben & Jerry's the other night. I felt great afterwards!

    Does that count as Paleo?
  • You tough guys are so cute.

    The benefits of a "revised" (like I said) Paleo lifestyle are the following:

    1.) Instead of your body fueling itself off of processed carbs, it in return fuels itself off of fat that you consume...which in return burns fat!

    What is dietary fat stored as? So a high fat diet has you eating and GAINING more fat, but burning more fat. But...GAINING more fat, too. Don't forget that.

    A higher carb diet has you burning less fat but also gaining LESS fat. Remember that.

    Now, you were saying?
    2.) The energy that is then generated is much more beneficial in everyday life. Meaning, if you are living off of energy from "unnatural" sources your energy is going to have major highs and major lows. What "I have found" is that with Paleo your energy is more consistent through out the day and easier to "peak" when needed. Let's say if you are competing in a competition.

    Zero empirical foundation for this claim. Just because YOU feel better doesn't mean EVERYONE will.
    3.) Your body starts to have a "natural fuel" instead of tanking (your energy) after a massive plate of chicken alfredo pasta.

    What? Massive plate of pasta = filled glycogen = TONS of fuel.
    Would you like me to go into more detail...or am I just a silly girl with silly thoughts?
    Not silly - but you have made zero legitimate claims that make paleo better than a non-paleo diet. All you've said is a misconception regarding CHO/lipid metabolization, and that you personally prefer paleo.

    I think you may be one of those little guys that just likes to freaking argue for arguing sake. I like to applaud myself for telling you to go somewhere else. If you don't like the ideas of the people on this board, or in life in general...go away. Obviously, you find flaws in us all. Do I care, no. Because I don't go home to you at night. Go eat your pasta and fill up that glycogen, while I go eat a steak and salad.
  • Birder150
    Birder150 Posts: 677 Member
    I ate 8 hot dogs and a pint of Ben & Jerry's the other night. I felt great afterwards!

    Does that count as Paleo?

  • hulk6
    hulk6 Posts: 13
    I ate 8 hot dogs and a pint of Ben & Jerry's the other night. I felt great afterwards!

    Does that count as Paleo?


    Even if it's paleo ben & jerry's and paleo hot dogs?
  • You tough guys are so cute.

    The benefits of a "revised" (like I said) Paleo lifestyle are the following:

    1.) Instead of your body fueling itself off of processed carbs, it in return fuels itself off of fat that you consume...which in return burns fat!

    What is dietary fat stored as? So a high fat diet has you eating and GAINING more fat, but burning more fat. But...GAINING more fat, too. Don't forget that.

    A higher carb diet has you burning less fat but also gaining LESS fat. Remember that.

    Now, you were saying?
    2.) The energy that is then generated is much more beneficial in everyday life. Meaning, if you are living off of energy from "unnatural" sources your energy is going to have major highs and major lows. What "I have found" is that with Paleo your energy is more consistent through out the day and easier to "peak" when needed. Let's say if you are competing in a competition.

    Zero empirical foundation for this claim. Just because YOU feel better doesn't mean EVERYONE will.
    3.) Your body starts to have a "natural fuel" instead of tanking (your energy) after a massive plate of chicken alfredo pasta.

    What? Massive plate of pasta = filled glycogen = TONS of fuel.
    Would you like me to go into more detail...or am I just a silly girl with silly thoughts?
    Not silly - but you have made zero legitimate claims that make paleo better than a non-paleo diet. All you've said is a misconception regarding CHO/lipid metabolization, and that you personally prefer paleo.

    I think you may be one of those little guys that just likes to freaking argue for arguing sake. I like to applaud myself for telling you to go somewhere else. If you don't like the ideas of the people on this board, or in life in general...go away. Obviously, you find flaws in us all. Do I care, no. Because I don't go home to you at night. Go eat your pasta and fill up that glycogen, while I go eat a steak and salad.

    He just asked you to provide empirical evidence as to why Paleo is better than a common calorie restricted diet. No need to get all huffy puffy and tell him to go away.
  • Birder150
    Birder150 Posts: 677 Member
    I ate 8 hot dogs and a pint of Ben & Jerry's the other night. I felt great afterwards!

    Does that count as Paleo?


    Even if it's paleo ben & jerry's and paleo hot dogs?

    har har but no, not even then.
  • I think you may be one of those little guys that just likes to freaking argue for arguing sake. I like to applaud myself for telling you to go somewhere else. If you don't like the ideas of the people on this board, or in life in general...go away. Obviously, you find flaws in us all. Do I care, no. Because I don't go home to you at night. Go eat your pasta and fill up that glycogen, while I go eat a steak and salad.

    I'm not sure that taking some defensive stance with no actual evidence found to back up your claim is helping the validity of your former posts.

    "I don't know what to say because I am wrong, so now I will be rude for no reason."

    Is that what you're about?

    We just try to educate people who need it. Not excessively argue for our own egotistical pleasure.
  • mynameisuntz
    mynameisuntz Posts: 582 Member
    I think you may be one of those little guys that just likes to freaking argue for arguing sake. I like to applaud myself for telling you to go somewhere else. If you don't like the ideas of the people on this board, or in life in general...go away. Obviously, you find flaws in us all. Do I care, no. Because I don't go home to you at night. Go eat your pasta and fill up that glycogen, while I go eat a steak and salad.
    Why are you trying to criticize me for simply telling you that you have misconceptions regarding nutrition and the body's metabolic response to macronutrients?

    You are spouting ideas that are false. While they may work for YOU, you act as though paleo is somehow superior to a non-paleo diet. If you said, "I like paleo, but it isn't the universally best diet" then that's fine. But you didn't - you actually tried to make the claim that paleo has a metabolic edge.

    I highly, highly suggest you read that. You'll probably ignore it, but you should. It will explain lots.
  • Birder150
    Birder150 Posts: 677 Member
    Not excessively argue for our own egotistical pleasure.

    LOL. You LIVE for it.
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member

    Are there weight loss advantages to a calorie restricted paleo diet versus a calorie restricted Twinkie diet in metabolically healthy individuals? No.

    But the OP did not even ASK ABOUT WEIGHT LOSS.

  • But the OP did not even ASK ABOUT WEIGHT LOSS.

    thank youuuuuu
  • mynameisuntz
    mynameisuntz Posts: 582 Member

    Are there weight loss advantages to a calorie restricted paleo diet versus a calorie restricted Twinkie diet in metabolically healthy individuals? No.

    But the OP did not even ASK ABOUT WEIGHT LOSS.
    Fair enough.

    OP - there is no health advantage to a paleolithic diet than a non-paleolithic diet assuming your calories are moderated, macronutrients balanced, and minimal micronutrients met.

  • Not excessively argue for our own egotistical pleasure.

    LOL. You LIVE for it.

    Maybe arguing makes his deadlift numbers go up! PR in arguing!
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