I'm an apple shape and I hate myself what should I do?

I'm the dreaded apple shape.

I have no booty
no hips
big tummy and boobs

You can't change your shape even if you lose weight body shape is body shape. I hate this so much, everytime I hear "Your hip size is predetermined by bone structure and cannot be changed." I want to scream and cry and punch things.

I long for a curvy shape, an hour glass or pear. And no matter what I do or how much weight I lose I will still be an apple shape. I don't mind being fat, I like it I prefer fat/chubby/thick bodies to thins ones. I'm only losing weight so I my apple shape is not so exaggerated. But since I'll never not be an apple I have no motivation to go on.

I'm a puerto rican girl with no hips or booty, a 42 inch waist and no more motivation.


  • CurlyClare78
    Hi, I'm sending you an add. I'm similar to you - my worst bits are my pot belly and bingo wings. I have firm legs and not much of a bum but DD cup boobs so it's all at the front. I did used to be quite hourglass shaped though - just slightly top heavy. It takes work!! I'm doing the 30 day shred at the moment and even though it's going from other places my belly is flattening out. I do know your pain.

    Please don't hate yourself
  • chubbychandesu
    I'm glad someone does, I'll look up 30 day shred maybe I can try it.
  • claire_xox
    claire_xox Posts: 282 Member
    Lol I'm a pear shape and would love to be apple!

    ...My body has very slowly started to change , it didn't change during the 30DS but it was the top of me that thinned out the most so maybe it will help with you.

    You'll always be a version of your "shape" but as you get smaller it wont be as obvious.

    *edit 30DS is on youtube, also cheap copies on ebay!
  • Neliel
    Neliel Posts: 507 Member
    Please don't hate your body shape. EVERYONE has things about themselves that they'd give anything to change. We need to learn to accept what we have and love ourselves for it. There was a great saying I heard not that long ago that really put a smile on my face:

    'I love everything that you hate about yourself'
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I'm the dreaded apple shape.

    I have no booty
    no hips
    big tummy and boobs

    You can't change your shape even if you lose weight body shape is body shape. I hate this so much, everytime I hear "Your hip size is predetermined by bone structure and cannot be changed." I want to scream and cry and punch things.

    I long for a curvy shape, an hour glass or pear. And no matter what I do or how much weight I lose I will still be an apple shape. I don't mind being fat, I like it I prefer fat/chubby/thick bodies to thins ones. I'm only losing weight so I my apple shape is not so exaggerated. But since I'll never not be an apple I have no motivation to go on.

    I'm a puerto rican girl with no hips or booty, a 42 inch waist and no more motivation.

    The thing is, you're right, you will always be that shape... yes you can slim down and get healthier. but you are how you are, and the first thing you need to do is accept that!! i really dont mean to sound harsh, its just that everyone wants what they dont have - i would love bigger boobs and curly hair!! I am sure there are plenty of women who look at you and think 'i wish i had thin legs and small hips like her'

    Then you need to find the motivation... we cant do it for you, you need to find it yourself! i am not the biggest exercise fan, but i love the feeling of finishing a good workout when your hearts pounding and ur a bit sweaty!! you need to try and find an exercise that you enjoy so that you stick to it!

    Good luck!
  • CurlyClare78
    :smile: I'm in the UK and got it off Amazon. I'm near the end now and I have Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism on the way to follow. Both Jillian Michaels. If you look in the success stories people have posted photos of their results. I can't bear to post a picture of my belly and I don't think mine will be as dramatic as most anyway but my waist seems to be going in - which is good for the hourglass look and I've definitely firmed up around my back and have had to tighten my bras because they're getting too loose. My belly will be the last to go but I'm sticking to it and you can too :smile:

    My abs are getting really strong too - I also have a hula hoop. Good abs don't directly get rid of a belly but a strong core is good for overall fitness and for your posture and everything.

    This site is great for motivation - I'm really enjoying it I hope you do too and please love yourself!! :heart:
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    Stop hating your body.
  • MrsBlobs
    MrsBlobs Posts: 310 Member
    Hi, although I'm not sure I'm an apple - I'm certain I'm fairly similar. All the weight I carry tends to be on the tummy all out front. Although I have to say, my thighs and arms weren't too hot either. My waste is finally smaller than my bust but only by two inches and that's with 21lbs loss and working out more than I've even done.

    I'm another advocate of the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred. You say you can't change your shape? I say you can!
    What the thirty day shred has done for me is trim in my waste and build up my shoulders so I actually am starting to get a 'bit' of an hour glass shape (waste smaller than hips and shoulders).

    It is hard work and, like yesterday where I would rather have eaten my dogs dinner than do it, I still did it, and the reason why...? It works.

    Don't give up. You can change your shape, it's just a bit harder than those that have universal layering of fat, that's all.
  • ashtenr
    ashtenr Posts: 19 Member
    I hear you! I too am an apple and hate it. But don't give up. As another poster said if you lose weight your tummy and boobs will reduce making you more in proportion. Plus if you want to add booty, the gym can help. If you start lifting weights you can increase certain areas. My bum is definitely bigger since i have been doing weights!
  • cookc04
    cookc04 Posts: 71
    Hi Sweetie,
    Well there is hope - apple shape can be changed - really it can, really there is another shape underneath there waiting to shine.
    How do I know this, because I once had a waist and I don't have one now.
    I have no back side, it's all on front as well. But as I exercise I see my waist coming back - and I've not lost much weight just increased cardio exercise and some stretching classes also.

    Cardio - is what you need - and maybe some pilates. And LOW GI foods.
    Talk to your doctor - get a blood test for Glucose tolerance and thyroid function - if you have issues there talk about your options with doctor - they might be able to refer you to dietician or help you with a medical plan.

    If you want hour glass shape - and you don't have genes for bigger top - then swimming is the way to go - will build your shoulders and give you a defined waist but building the shoulders.

    You are capable, and you are stronger than you realise.

    Hang in there - it can be and will be better.

  • CurlyClare78

    It is hard work and, like yesterday where I would rather have eaten my dogs dinner than do it, I still did it, and the reason why...? It works.

    I can't stop laughing at this - it's true though isn't it?!?! For the first few days I had to pause between circuits for a lie on the floor and cry but I'd recommend it to anyone and I keep doing it..... I think there might be subliminal messages in the music....
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    You need to lose the weight for your health first. Appearance second. Especially being an apple. I am an apple and I know from past experience that when the weight goes from my stomach I look more hourglass, then you can use clothes to give the illusion of an hour glass, check out some websites like Gok Wan, (link below) he gives advice on how to dress for your shape. Hating yourself is not going to help and will only make you miserable. Embrace your shape.

  • chubbychandesu
    Thanks for that!
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    I'm an apple too. I have no butt, and my legs are thin, but my stomach is big. I realized that it is one of the better shapes to be, because if you can lose that abdominal fat, you're good to go, plus you still have the boobs!!
  • Teddyaderwich
    Teddyaderwich Posts: 69 Member
    I'm an apple too - and despair at the shape I'm in - huge belly from just under my boobs downwards :-(
    Am finally doing something about it though - as at least by losing the extra pounds that need to come off I won't look many months pregnant...
    And with peeps like gok wan about hopefully I will be much better at dressing for the shape I am both now and in the future instead of trying to dress how I think I should look
  • chantels1
    chantels1 Posts: 391 Member
    Look at the positive... Breasts are the symbolism of femininity. You definitely have that going for you! When I am not breastfeeding or overweight, I look more like a tom boy. Wish I had more boobs and a shapelier butt!!! So I hear ya on the butt thing, but you've got the boobs girl! Work it where you can, and just buy clothes that make your butt look bigger! They sell butt pads ya know?!!! ;-)
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    Clearly you should stop eating apples.

    not srs.

    But I agree with vv her.
    Stop hating your body.
  • MikeSEA
    MikeSEA Posts: 1,074 Member
    I get that disliking, or hating, something about yourself isn't a switch we can just turn off and on, but If there's something you can do step out of the frame of mind, please do so. Putting that much mental energy into trying to "fix" yourself when you're already controlling the things you actually have power over is exhausting.

    Celebrate your apple shape. Bake an apple pie, fit it into your daily goals, and give the crappy thoughts a middle finger. Then take a bubble bath; bubble baths are an end in themselves, they need no justification.
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    If you are an apple shape....should you be doing core exercises :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    If you lose the weight, you won't have the extra fat. That WILL change your shape. You WILL lose weight from your tummy, hips and thighs. It might be the last place you lose from, but you will lose. Just because your are an apple shape doesn't mean you will always have chubby thighs or stomach. No, you won't be able to change your bones, you may always be smaller framed on top then on the bottom, but with the extra weight gone, you probably wont notice as much and you may not mind it at all. Apparently Angelina Jolie, Catherine Zeta Jones, Liz Hurley and Drew Barrymore are all supposed to be naturally apple shaped....does they look bad to you?