Are there any Jillian Michaels workouts that are easy on the

I am currently on day 10 lvl 1 of 30the day shred but my knees are killing me. I am 23 and haven't had knee problems before. I reeally love the results 30ds has been giiving me in just 10 days but my knees! I am going to buy a knee braces and crosstrainers to see if that helps and take a 1 day break. I really like JM's style so I was hoping to stick to her dvds if she has any that are easy on the knees, but also has great results. Anyways, thanks for any suggestions!


  • angiesteele
    angiesteele Posts: 366 Member
    I have never had knee problems either until i started doing the shred. It has made me stop several times and i have nevr finished. Guess it is time to get back on track and just work through the pain.
  • lizzie2190
    lizzie2190 Posts: 236 Member
    i was told by a member to miss the need twist bit on warm up as people had had problems x
  • MrsBlobs
    MrsBlobs Posts: 310 Member
    Hang in there, level 2 is much kinder. I found that my left knee started playing up (same as you, never had before) on level one. In all honesty I think it was my technique combined with a lack of fitness. I was letting my knees go too far forward in the lunges/squats over my toes. I'm very conscious of my form now and after about 2 weeks it's cleared up.
    I'm restarting level one as of yesterday and had no knee problems at all. I think my positioning was just way off and that I wasn't used to high impact anything - at all. High impact sofa sitting maybe. :happy:
    Move on to level two and I think you'll find it a bit less harsh on the knees.
    Good luck.

    ETA: also, as above poster, go easy on those knee roll things in warm-up and also when you are warming down at the end and doing the thigh stretch. Do as you are told! I wasn't and was using the same side hand to hold my foot. I think that does make you hold it funny - so use the opposite hadn as she says.
    Oh...and don't phone it in haha :laugh:
  • melissabee31
    I am also doing the 30DS and feel that the the DVD is hard on the knees. I am also young and have not had knee problems before, but I find my knees are hurting after these short workouts.

    I really like JM's Yoga Meltdown DVD. This isn't nearly as hard on the knees with the exception of one move she does on level two (goddess pose, kind of like a deep squat). I can recommend this DVD, but it's not going to give you the same results as the shred because it doesn't use weights and there is no cardio. Still, a good workout if you're looking for something a little easier.

    I've gotten Ripped in 30 and her newest Killer Buns & Thighs, but since I've been doing the shred, I haven't tried them yet. I think Ripped in 30 is probably a lot harder than the 30DS from the preview I saw.

    My best advice with the shred is to really make sure your knee is not coming over your foot when doing lunges and side lunges, etc. If I pay really good attention to that, I think things go better for me. However, I think butt kicks and jump roping are really what make my knees hurt. :-/

    Best of luck though
  • thirtyandthriving
    thirtyandthriving Posts: 613 Member
    Level 2 and level 3 are much better on the knees. I felt really discouraged during level 1, but because of the different exercises that were not high impact on the knees levels 2 and 3 were much easier. After that try Ripped in 30I am on level one of that and it has not been hard on my knees so far.
  • hello77kitty
    hello77kitty Posts: 260 Member
    Oh I totally agree with you, the cardio portion really gets my knees. The butt kicks not so much, but the jumping jacks and jump rope :(
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    I have knee problems (I broke my knee cap a few years ago and have had two surgeries on it since then) and I've been doing the shred. I've had to modify the jumping so I'm probably not getting as intense of a workout, but I do cardio in addition to the shred.
  • catbrand
    catbrand Posts: 227 Member
    I've been doing the shred recently and had to have a break because of an unrelated injury, but I had exactly the same problem in the first few days. After a bit of research I found that lots of people have knee problems with the shred and found the warm up wasn't enough for them. I added in an extra warm up and the problem was gone! The best thing for me was either 20 minutes on my cross trainer or a warm up from another workout DVD. It does ruin the element of a '20 minute workout' (although if you time it it's actually 27 minutes anyway!!) but no more knee problems :bigsmile:

    Hope that helps!

    (Edit: Just remembered, with the jumprope section, I can't do that at all, so I skip from one foot to the other which is kinder on the knees and just as tiring if you bring your knees up as you do it)
  • melissabee31
    Oh I totally agree with you, the cardio portion really gets my knees. The butt kicks not so much, but the jumping jacks and jump rope :(

    Yeah, jumping jacks were not only making my knees hurt my my calves/backs/sides of legs. Like, they hurt so much that I had trouble walking!
  • missdaisy79
    missdaisy79 Posts: 566 Member
    I have also started experiencing knee problems doing 30 DS. I might see what level 2 is like.
  • butterfly25
    butterfly25 Posts: 186 Member
    i have her ripped in 30 and i love your knees when you do the bending and squats make sure your not going over your ankle when doing them.. if you are then your doing them all has to be in line so your knees dont hurt..
  • missdaisy79
    missdaisy79 Posts: 566 Member
    The hardest thing I find about the 30DS is sticking my butt out. I've been dancing for 4 years now, and everything we're taught is about keeping the butt and pelvis tucked in a neutral position. Sticking my butt out seems really weird now. But, sticking your butt out allows to to ensure that your knees don't go over your feet when you're bending.
  • gailduncan
    gailduncan Posts: 35 Member
    My left knee stated hurting on day 8 of level one. I continued for a few mores days and on to level 2 but I think I'm just making it worse so have stopped Shredding (for now).

    It only really hurts on the squats, I can run ok but have been laying off cycling (which is annoying as I've been enjoying cycling to work twice a week.

    It's been over a week now, does anyone have any suggestions on how to make my knee better again?