Muscle vs. fat

So I have not lost any weight in the last two weeks, my weigh in day is tomorrow. I am nervous because I am afraid of the scale saying I haven't lost anything yet again. HOWEVER, my dad came by yesterday to help me with me car and he seemed to notice a difference. I know I have been working out a lot, and muscle weighs more than fat, yada yada yada lol but I just want to see the difference on the scale so I can actually say I have lost 10 lbs! ( I am only 4 lbs away) Have any of you gone through this? How did you stay encouraged??


  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    First, it is really hard to build muscle at a calories deficite.

    That being said, in the last 7 weeks, I lost 6 inches total (2 inches at my belly button for exemple) and my scale didin't move one bit. The scale is only one tool to know how you are doing. I say start taking mesurements, if you see no progress on the scale and tape mesurements, start to re think what you are doing.
  • CurlyClare78
    Do you measure? The only thing that keeps me going is my spreadsheet with the numbers on it and the fact that my jeans are starting to hang off me because I go literally weeks without losing on the scales. I lost nothing for a couple of months then 9lbs really fast. That was quite a while ago and the scales haven't budged since.

    It's annoying for me too that I have a good two stone to lose and it's so slow - so I'd definitely say measure and keep a note of the numbers to help keep your spirits up.
  • DinaLKeil
    DinaLKeil Posts: 95 Member
    First, it is really hard to build muscle at a calories deficite.

    That being said, in the last 7 weeks, I lost 6 inches total (2 inches at my belly button for exemple) and my scale didin't move one bit. The scale is only one tool to know how you are doing. I say start taking mesurements, if you see no progress on the scale and tape mesurements, start to re think what you are doing.

    I agree completely with taking measurements.
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    First, it is really hard to build muscle at a calories deficite.

    It is really hard to build muscle peroid. Especially in two weeks.

    The scale is a small part of being healthy, and our society puts too much stock in it.