I'm embarassed to even ask....



  • OntheSand
    Too bad he doesn't have a "Sweatin' to the Speed Metal" I might actually try it....

    LOL. Can you picture Richard Simmons jammin' to Metallica, with several tattoos, a nose piercing and a mohawk? All the while, still wearing his silky short shorts!

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Yea... that would be good, but we can't forget the nipple ring!!! :)
  • OntheSand
    hey... i like richard simmons... he makes me laugh.

    I heard somewhere that your metabolism goes up while on your period... It doesn't seem like it because of water retention... but that's what i read somewhere

    I sure as heck doesn't seem like it to me either! :o) Ah well, there's so much going on in women's bodies that it even confuses us!!! :)
  • OntheSand
    Yea!! I'm glad someone else likes Richard Simmons too. I use him for my cardio, that is when I got to do cardio. Will pick up with him in a couple of months!

    Thank goodness!!! Richard Simmons is pretty compassionate and when I try things like Tae Bo, I don't like getting yelled at. LOL It's like Billy Blanks (sp) is mad at fat people and takes it out during the video!! LMAO j/k

    But I'm so glad someone else admitted to it... it was so hard to do, but now that I have, I've taken the first step. :o)

    Take care!!!
  • OntheSand
    Have you tried an elliptical machine??? Much easier on the knees and burns a heck of alot of calories!

    No I haven't actually... maybe I'll give that one a shot too... people keep saying it's easy on the knees and gives you a kick butt workout!

    Hey, it's worth a try, right? Thanks for commenting!!!

    Happy Friday!!!
  • conkli39
    To help the shin splints and other pains, make sure you take in enough potassium everyday. Eat a banana or an orange everyday and this will help a lot of physical pain. I run 3 to4 miles daily and if I do not get my orange or banana everyday I know the next day my legs will hurt....
  • twink3110
    How can you not love Richard Simmons..................all that positive energy, helping and pushing people to improve there lives. And what woman doesn't like to dance. What was the name of that movie with Julia Roberts where at the end they said, "Thier might not be sex but there will always be dancing." ?
    Dance with Richard and you'll burn off calories and have a great start to your day!! Good Luck and try putting some epsom salt in your bath water to soak your shins, it does help.
  • OntheSand
    To help the shin splints and other pains, make sure you take in enough potassium everyday. Eat a banana or an orange everyday and this will help a lot of physical pain. I run 3 to4 miles daily and if I do not get my orange or banana everyday I know the next day my legs will hurt....

    How interesting!!! :) Well thanks so much for letting me know! I'm off to the market after work to pick up some bananas! :)

    Thanks so much and Happy Friday!

  • OntheSand
    How can you not love Richard Simmons..................all that positive energy, helping and pushing people to improve there lives. And what woman doesn't like to dance. What was the name of that movie with Julia Roberts where at the end they said, "Thier might not be sex but there will always be dancing." ?
    Dance with Richard and you'll burn off calories and have a great start to your day!! Good Luck and try putting some epsom salt in your bath water to soak your shins, it does help.

    Thanks so much for this post! I love the suggestion of epsom salt in my bath... It'll give me an excuse to soak, light some candles, and relax! :)

    And you're so right.... Richard is so positive and caring... it almost makes me tear up! :oP Such a great guy and what he does for the overweight community is just overwhelming! :) I don't feel as bad for liking him!!!

    Thanks again!!! Happy Friday!