Dukan Diet, any good?

Dukan Diet, any good?


  • My husband and I tried this. I lost 4 lbs the first week, he lost 8 lbs. It's so hard to maintain for even the first few days, all protein is boring. Honestly, we gave up quickly. I can see how it would work for someone who makes food for themselves vs. food for a family.
  • AeolianHarp
    AeolianHarp Posts: 463 Member
    No because it has restrictions on specific foods. Here is the best diet: calories in vs calories out (with adequate protein and fat intake). Practice moderation, benefit, and lead a happy and fulfilling life. It's that easy. Don't go into unnecessary and complex ideas.

    As for the quick weight loss for the above poster: This is almost all glycogen an water weight. This is commonly seen in keto dieters because they're consuming very low carbs and the resulting glycogen stores and water weight drops. I've tested this myself and I lost 5lbs in one week and then went back to my original weight after a refeed.
  • MindyBlack
    MindyBlack Posts: 954 Member
    No because it has restrictions on specific foods. Here is the best diet: calories in vs calories out (with adequate protein and fat intake). Practice moderation, benefit, and lead a happy and fulfilling life. It's that easy. Don't go into unnecessary and complex ideas.

  • asc81
    asc81 Posts: 8
    I'm on my 4th day of fase 1 today and loving it. I find it easy to maintain and my need for sugar and carbohydrates are completely gone.
  • jenniferlecaptain
    jenniferlecaptain Posts: 10 Member
    "No because it has restrictions on specific foods. Here is the best diet: calories in vs calories out (with adequate protein and fat intake). Practice moderation, benefit, and lead a happy and fulfilling life. It's that easy. Don't go into unnecessary and complex ideas."

  • umachanxo
    umachanxo Posts: 926 Member
    I have 2 friends that are doing the Dukan Diet. It seems to be working well for them and I haven't heard them complain of any adverse effects. :)
  • michedarnd
    michedarnd Posts: 207 Member
    I thought that the general advice that it gave about how much you SHOULD lose, how long it should take to lose it, and the information on why you should have a long phase that gets your body USED to the new weight to be useful and plausible. I know that "all-protein" diets make me feel AWFUL, though, so I've not really USED the diet.
  • I have tried to Dukan diet and even subscribed online. Having to enter my weight and measurements everyday was very disconcerting as my weight would fluctuate due to fluid retention. After completing 3 days of the Attack phase (Phase 1) and then starting on the second phase which was one day pure protein then day protein and vegetables it was doing my head in. After approx being on it for a week I collapsed at work due to lack of energy and decided that I wasted $200.Au dollars. It would work for some but as for me I am not going to do it anymore. I value my life more than a quick fix weight loss system which was harming my body . I am now following a balanced meal programmed based on 1200 cal and am feeling a lot more energy and have a lot more variety in for foods than just chicken, lean fish, cottage cheese,yoghurt etc. I say good luck to those on the diet and wish them well.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    No because it has restrictions on specific foods. Here is the best diet: calories in vs calories out (with adequate protein and fat intake). Practice moderation, benefit, and lead a happy and fulfilling life. It's that easy. Don't go into unnecessary and complex ideas.

    This should be stickied.
  • sparklesammy
    sparklesammy Posts: 465 Member
    my friend did it, lost some weight quite quickly but did not stay on it very long, andshe was not able to eat the same as anyone else so it was a bit awkward and expensive for her. She put the wiehgt back on quickly too.

    With all diets like this, its really important to get medical advice from a doctor or dietician. : )
  • Ruby11222
    Ruby11222 Posts: 114
    A friend of mine suddenly got quite sick and had to have her gallbladder removed, the Dr put her on this diet right away and she has been on it for a few months now. She seems to be doing okay on it, she did say it is actually quite hard to cheat because you can't eat so many things. I wouldn't say she looks any different though she said she's lost 10kg or so.

    How many times can I write "she" in one post lol
  • steffiejoe
    steffiejoe Posts: 313 Member
    I did this diet for 30 days . It worked for me and the only effects I felt are the normal sugar/carb withdrawals anyone would feel if they stop eating these foods. I switched to my own LC plan cause I felt better being able to have fats and I do not like lean beef. I perfer rib eyes , and other marbled beef.
  • Thanks All for your advise.
  • Kyla_163
    Kyla_163 Posts: 4 Member
    I completely agree with you! I just finished 3 days of the attack phase and said enough of this.. I feel like crap! I don't know how regular people have the energy for the Dukan diet... I could barely make it around my house nevermind get to work. I'm going to eat sensibly and eat good carbs..