Hello from a Newbie, Any Advice Appreciated!

Hello Everyone :happy: ,
I am new to MyFitnessPal. I had a friend tell me about the website and app earlier this week. I gained about 70 lbs within the first 2 and a half years of meeting my boyfriend (also putting myself through nursing school at the same time), and have stayed the same weight for a little over a year since gaining it all. I've tried Atkins, Sacret Heart Diet, Vegitarian, etc., and I always seem to break and give up anywhere from a few days into it to a couple weeks into it. :grumble: My problem is that I lack motivation. I get very hyped up about starting diets, loosing weight, working out, etc., and then after a couple days I just am no longer hyped and motivated, and go back to my old eating and lazy habits. :mad:

I've started P90X yesterday, and let me tell you... IT'S INTENSE!!! :noway: I am hoping to keep motivated and continue the program for the full 90 days.

My goal is to loose 60-100 lbs. I think 60 lbs in a year is a reasonably goal. :smile: I can't wait to get down in size, as EVERYTHING is more challenging when you're bigger. :angry:

If anyone has any advice about this program, about motivation, about P90X, any recipes, anything, I would greatly appreciate it! :happy:

Thanks & Happy Loosing! :wink:


    FAVOLOSOMII Posts: 188 Member
    You're in the right place! Welcome to the family. :flowerforyou:

    Feel free to add me!

  • stephanie8625
    stephanie8625 Posts: 119 Member
    Welcome -- all I can say for motivation, is log onto MFP EVERYDAY - be honest with your food diary, even if you go over, it keeps you in check. Read articles and get friends to support you and give you motivation.
    I was in your same shoes, tried alot of different diets, then found MFP -- it really helps, but only if you want the help, sometimes you might get feedback that you might not like, but remember it is only to help you ---
    Stay focused, work hard, do not stop -- feel free to add me. :flowerforyou:

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • geogal95
    geogal95 Posts: 47 Member
    This is how to start... good for you! I think the key is SMALL goals. They are much more obtainable than the big ones. For example my goal is to go down a pant size (about 10 lbs). Once I reach that goal, then I set another. If I just said my goal is to lose 40 lbs then it would discourage me as it just seems so far out. I also vowed to avoid fast food restaurants and the vending machine at work. Buy some 100 cal snacks to keep at your desk. Do NOT miss a meal. That's important. And don't forget to move. Any exercise is good exercise. Good luck!
  • vzucco
    vzucco Posts: 229
    Totally know what you mean about gaining weight when you're in a relationship! Being in love makes sugar taste that much sweeter lol

    Keep your focus, logging in to mfp has been helping me stay motivated.
  • msmellebelle
    I agree with Stephanie,the best motivator is to stick to visiting MFP every day. It has really kept me on track (especially the threads in the success stories tab...those are the BEST!) Post your hardships and successes so other people can support you - or if you are more private, use the blog feature! its all about taking responsibility and the initiative to get out there and this site can really aid you in that venture.

    Here's to your success! :) Add me if you'd like
  • nursechelsii
    nursechelsii Posts: 9 Member
    Thank you all sooo much for your advice! :) I will definitely be posting alot, talking to people, as that is one way I continue to stay motivated, with people along the way! I will continue to log on every day, and be truthful with my diary entries!

    Thanks again! :)
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    Welcome and good luck.

    My advice: Don't do any pre-posted "diets". Ever. None.
    Do not get your nutritional advice from Dr. Oz.
    Do not reduce calories too low or try to take dietary shortcuts.

    There are no gimmicks or tricks to dieting. I will give you a big fat-loss secret, but lets just keep this between us, ok Nursechelsii?
    1) Eat at a reasonable calorie deficit. (20% below maintenance)
    2) Exercise regularly.
    3) Don't eliminate foods that you like. Instead, enjoy them in moderation while fitting them into your daily intake.
    4) Be patient and be consistent.

    Just keep doing the above and it will work. If you look for gimmicks or shortcuts you will fail.
  • beckylou66
    beckylou66 Posts: 103 Member
    All of these posts are such great advice....... best advice of all is joining MFP and posting "truthfully" to your diary every day. Somedays it's tough to come to "confession" as I call it but it's needed. Good luck.... Add me if you'd like, I don't post a lot but try to be encouraging :flowerforyou:
  • PamelaLavender
    PamelaLavender Posts: 63 Member
    Hello & Welcome -

    Congrat's on making the choice to take control of your life back. You've come to the right place - you'll love the site and meet several encouraging people along your weight loss journey.

    Everyone has posted some awsome tips.

    Feel Free to add me as a friend.
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member

    You are in the right place.

    I have gone from almost 270 lbs to 209 lbs in a little over 6 months.

    As far as advice:

    1. Get and stay active. Find something that includes a cardio workout and stay with it! Schedule your workouts and follow through like you would for a job.
    2. Watch what you eat. Start reducing calories slowly if it is easier but log everything you eat and strive to hit the MFP suggested daily targets. Note: When I started really following the MFP plan. I immediately started loosing the suggested 2 lbs per week.
    3. Drink lots of water. Not sure why? But this seems to be an integral part of the process.
    4. Forget about fast food / Junk food. I fall off this wagon every now and then, but I contribute much of my initial success to turning my back on all types of POP (Coke, 7-up, etc), Fast Food (Mcd's, Wendy's, Kentucky Fried, etc). Once you start logging your food you will see how horrible this stuff is!

    Welcome to the site and best of luck on your journey
  • deex18
    deex18 Posts: 113 Member
    hi!!!!! welcome!! and this is def the right place for motivation im usually al for doing it then go down slowly..... but i am stiking to it al cos of here... it keeps u in check and everyone is lovely here....!!!
    il send u a request and gud luk!!!
  • omgzstef
    omgzstef Posts: 157
    Welcome to MFP! I've always wanted to do P90X but I'm so nervous! Let me know how it goes! Good luck on your journey and feel free to add me as a friend :)
  • carolina_r
    carolina_r Posts: 359 Member
    Welcome! I too have tried a number of things, but usually give up / lose my way after a short while...I've been on MFP for a month now, and I've already had success (and its the longest I've stuck with something!!!)

    The keys for me? Logging in EVERY DAY, tracking honestly (even if / when I mess up), and trying not to change my whole life in one week! I've been taking it slow, tackling one aspect of my lifestyle at a time. For the first few days, I didn't change any habits - just tracked honestly. Then I started trying to drink more water, then...and so it goes. I have found small, slow changes have been working so far.

    Good luck and stick with it!
  • hpygirl64ColleenLinder
    I sent you a message and you are in good hands with this group. It also helps to have a support or accountability partner or group to insure that you don't quit and are inspired. I am grateful to have one of these and it makes all the difference and anyone is welcome to be a part of it on here. Friend me for some calorie free food for thought posted daily. Hugs and Health, Colleen
  • sherryadams72
    Welcome :-)

    Most important stay faithful to logging your food and making healthy food choices. It sure does feel good when you log into MFP and it says you have logged in for 30, 60, 90, 120 days...log truthfully and log every bite.

    Watch your condiments, dressings, butters & oils. Stay away from salt and sugar as much as possible, drink lots of water.

    Choose healthy foods, not necessarily diet foods, but healthy foods. If you are not vegetarian lean cuts of meats (chicken, fish are best), lots of fruits, vegetables and low fat dairy products. Stay away from processed foods and avoid fast food restaurants if at all possible....most of them have healthier food choices so if you do go try to order those and ask them to leave of f the sauces & dressings, then if you need mayo etc. you can add what you want and know how to log in MFP. I have ordered a grilled chicken sandwich at a fast food place and it was dripping in mayo,that sort of defeats the purpose in eating healthy when they put 3 tablespoons of mayo on it.

    Do not skip meals.

    You have made a big step by coming here, it is a great place to start and I don't think I would have been able to get where I am today without MFP.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    all I can say for motivation, is log onto MFP EVERYDAY - be honest with your food diary, even if you go over, it keeps you in check.

    That's great advice. It keeps you on the wagon, even when you're kinda hanging off the side. The nice thing about logging every bite is that when you slip up, you know exacly how to make up for it. Nothing is forbidden, you just learn by trial and error that certain (healthier) options make it easier to hit your number.
  • Bourassa5372
    I came upon this book from the library "Eat right for your blood type" and was surprised to see foods on the Avoid list that only store as food to this body type. So naturally I have copied the blood type I am and trying my best to follow it. I do have to walk the dog daily, but I need more kickass cardio to keep going.
  • nursechelsii
    nursechelsii Posts: 9 Member
    Again, Thank you everyone for all the great advice! Much appreciated! :happy:

    <3 Chelsea