Greetings! Looking for Support and Friends :D

I have been on here for three days and I figured I would introduce myself!

Back in 2008 I was a nice 150lbs. I was still considered over weight by society and I would pick apart my flaws. Sadly, I was only 15lbs away from the average weight for my height and age.

I still considered myself over weight and my self confidence level was low and I felt that I could not be attractive no matter how much I tried.

In 2008/2009 I went through some trauma that affected me greatly. One of the number one side effects that had been seen from this type of issue I went through is losing self confidence, wanting to make yourself un-attractive because you are scared it might happen again, wanting to make yourself as un-appealing as you can. When I ran away from the darkness that I was put in I found a new light. I moved from Arizona to Oklahoma for two years. My confidence did boost while I was out there, the help and support was amazing! My only problem was I had issues with my uriter and I stopped working out and I would eat whatever my body would allow me to eat. Then it got out of hand!

Now here I sit 27 years old, in Arizona, and 200lbs. The moment I stepped on the scale I cried and I cried a lot!

With the help of my doctor, mother, friends and cat I have taken a new look on life. These past three days I have felt amazing about myself and I wanted to blow myself away! I have started a great diet that has given me so much energy, and I look forward to working out. I am trying to get to 148lbs and what not to see what I can do! I want to feel attractive to myself once more and realize that I was attractive and I am attractive. BUILDING MY SELF CONFIDENCE!

OKAY! Enough about my weight sob story and a little bit about myself! I am a gamer; I will admit it and that has probably added to my weight issue! But I love playing my computer games. I have worked with computers for many years and I love them. I also am in the process of writing a few books which I find quite enjoyable. I do artwork when I have inspiration. is where you can find some of my artwork. When I feel the bug bite me I enjoy working on crocheting. One of my biggest passions is baking! I cannot cook to save my life, but I can bake anything with a bit of inspiration and the right supplies. One of the good things about baking the food, I rarely eat it. I just love baking and it makes me feel like I accomplished something! The number one thing I enjoy doing in my life though is sitting in a nice bubble bath and reading a good book!

If you want to add me as a friend I will gladly accept you! We all need a good support to get through things together and I love LOVE to support people!


  • Welcome to MFP!
  • toniRAD
    toniRAD Posts: 196 Member
    I'm glad your new diet is making you feel better! Stick to it and you'll lose that weight in no time. =)
  • jenalderman
    jenalderman Posts: 411 Member
    Welcome to MFP. In my opinion you have come to the right place. I ended 2010 at an all time high of 234.5 lbs. I am now down to 147 and feeling amazing! If I can do it at 45 you can definitely make this happen. Add friends....and plenty of them....then make your jounal public. You will be surprised at how much it will increase your will power when others are watching. I also highly recommend the Couch25k program. I have gone from running 30 seconds at a time to running 4 miles. It took awhile to get there but the health rewards are off the chart. Good luck on your new jouney! Feel free to add me if you like.
  • Srbrosseau
    Srbrosseau Posts: 58 Member
    That's great; you've got a goal and you're working toward it. Keep going and if you need advice, please don't hesitate to ask.
  • court182
    court182 Posts: 307
    Hi! Friend request to be sent momentarily :)
  • tegla
    tegla Posts: 132

    Yay Gamer Gal!! I love playing games! There I said it out loud, which proves I come here to cleanse my mind and body.
    I'm glad you found MFP, it's taken me a little while to get going socially here, there's just so much reading to do! But it made me cry and smile to read your introduction. I have felt like this too often. I wish you complete success finding happiness and better health. We all need support, education and hugs.
  • Hi! Welcome! I'm kind of new to this site. Friend request to follow. :)
  • welcome. I am new also, and I am trying to get this weight off, I lost my mom a year ago and the depression has really got to me and I put on alot of weight, on top of already being overweight, so I have finally decided that I need to get it together and get control of my weight I wish you all the best and give you lots of support. :happy:
  • LadyGhostDuchess
    LadyGhostDuchess Posts: 894 Member
    Thank you all so much! You are all so sweet and I am shocked to get so much feed back! I was not expecting it!

    I have suffered, and still suffer from depression, insomnia and anxiety, so I know how hard it is to fight through those, so I am here for support on that.

    I am so happy to have made some friends on here! :D It will be fun!
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    Welcome to MFP - glad you're enjoying it so far! I hope it helps you like it's helped me and all the other folks here with the same goals. If you got questions, you know where to find me :wink:
  • LadyGhostDuchess
    LadyGhostDuchess Posts: 894 Member