How do you stay motivated?



  • d2rala
    d2rala Posts: 54
    I had to decide that I didn't want to be 170 pounds anymore.
    I had to accept that I was the only one that got me to 170 pounds and I was the only one that could make that change.
    My husband is still my biggest obstacle - ice cream, oreos, bars, candy, beer, wine, dinners out........
    Finally getting under 160, getting into pants I haven't been in for years, I'm getting motivated and can see myself at my goal weight of 145 (maybe 135 - we'll see) :-)
    My advice:
    Choose to make a LIFESTYLE change - It's tough to without family support (my experience) but it CAN be done.
    Husband isn't always happy that I won't indulge in the foods that have been kicked off my list - but he is an adult and can make his own food choices, and I will make mine.
  • stroken96
    stroken96 Posts: 436 Member
    I had to decide that I didn't want to be 170 pounds anymore.
    I had to accept that I was the only one that got me to 170 pounds and I was the only one that could make that change.
    My husband is still my biggest obstacle - ice cream, oreos, bars, candy, beer, wine, dinners out........
    Finally getting under 160, getting into pants I haven't been in for years, I'm getting motivated and can see myself at my goal weight of 145 (maybe 135 - we'll see) :-)
    My advice:
    Choose to make a LIFESTYLE change - It's tough to without family support (my experience) but it CAN be done.
    Husband isn't always happy that I won't indulge in the foods that have been kicked off my list - but he is an adult and can make his own food choices, and I will make mine.

    Beside the weight difference: mine was 212 when I started MFP now 189-191. So yes it can be done LIFESTYLE change. To help me out I'm planning to join Weight Watchers for some support
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I remember how good I looked at the end of high school when I was running all the time. I was incredibly fit (6 minute mile), weighed 135lbs and had about 22% body fat. I looked and felt amazing and unstoppable. I'm working on trying to get back to that as much as possible.
  • lizluna
    lizluna Posts: 7 Member
    Omg I do the same thing and then get so angry at myself. It was like reading a post written by me, even the feelings. :/
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,021 Member
    If you don't buy it, you won't eat it, so first things first: stop buying Oreos and pudding.

    I also do the sugar-free gum trick if I'm craving something sweet after dinner.

    Ultimately though, you just have to be a grown-up and make grown-up decisions. Motivation only lasts so long. At some point, motivation runs out and habits kick in. Whether they are good habits or bad habits is up to you.
  • jemachharo
    jemachharo Posts: 144 Member
    You've got to WANT it! Do you want it enough? The food you're indulging in isn't food or at all nourishing for your body. Stop treating food as a treat and think of it more as fuel. Your body deserves better and think how amazing you'll feel for sticking to the plan all week. And plan for a cheat 1x per week for ONE MEAL, enjoy and then just jump right back on. Motivation is what gets you started, HABIT is what keeps you going!!!!!!

    I agree you've got to want it. If you just have to have a sweet in the evening, find something a little better for you like a dark chocolate hershey's kiss. Have ONE after dinner every night as your signal to yourself that you are done for the day. Throw all that other crap out - you don't ever need an Oreo - even when you are not trying to lose weight.

    I have cut most sugar out of my diet and now only eat whole grains. My body feels so much better that I don't want sugar and refined carbs anymore. It really surprised me how bad all the refined stuff was making me feel until I stopped eating it.

    You can do this - you just have to CHOOSE to do it.
  • SexSeaCow
    SexSeaCow Posts: 21 Member
    1. Any day is as good as Monday. Say to yourself "Today" instead of Monday. It's all about making the next "right" decision. Each moment is a new choice.
    2. Idk if this is "healthy" or not, but it really helps keep me motivated to look at magazines like Maxim, or Fitness, or even to watch a few minutes of those stupid VH-1 bikini body countdowns.
    3. Don't buy oreos. Don't stock your pantry with stuff that's going to sabotage your efforts. Find substitutes for your favorites and put those in the cupboard instead. I sub low fat popcorn, apple chips, fig newtons, yogurt, rice cakes, or even a little bit of dark chocolate. Find a treat that works for you.

    Good luck!