Finally doing it


There is nothing special or noteworthy going on in my health. I am not pregnant, obese, diabetic, asthmatic or suffer from other weight-related ailments. I've simply been struggling with weight my entire life.

I was an overweight child mostly because of my family's eating habits. My mother learned to cook old southern: everything's breaded, buttered and deep-fried (points to whomever gets the reference). I didn't realize how unhealthy my eating habits where until I saw my school picture in fourth grade: double chin, premature acne from all the grease I was eating, and my chest visibly protruding not from pubertal development, but from how large my stomach was. I got teased a lot for my weight in school and my depression made my eating habits worse. I ate when I was bored and sad, but more importantly I ate when I was lonely. By the time I was 20 I had reached 202lbs.

I had always promised myself that no matter how bad it got, I would never break 200lbs, yet there I was one summer staring at a scale realizing I had broken that promise. I decided to do something about it and did the most drastic thing I could think of: vegetarianism. Without exercise, I lost 40lbs in one year. I cried the first time I went shopping after I lost all the weight because for the first time I could go into a store, see something I liked and not have to worry about whether that store carried it in my size. I had always been in an awkward in-between state: I was too fat for regular department stores, but not big enough for plus-size stores. It was the first time I didn't have that problem.

I lost about 4 more lbs slowly during the next few months, held steady for about a year and.......started gaining it back a few months ago. I gained back about 2lbs last summer, and then another 12 this summer. I went through a great deal of transition in my life and was working so much (70+ hours a week) that I took no time whatsoever to take care of myself. Now I work almost as much between 3 jobs and still have no time to think about my health. I can't even make love to my boyfriend without my enormous thighs getting in the way or getting too tired (yes, I did actually just say that). It's even worse because my whole family is on a health kick and my mom has lost over 60 lbs, my dad nearly 40 and my brother just over 20.

I've hated myself and felt I was inadequate for years. I'm tired of it.

Starting at 172. We'll see were that goes.


  • vking713
    vking713 Posts: 15 Member
    Good luck in your journey. I am sure it won't always be easy but it won't always be hard either. I have only been here a week but the support is great!
  • kiwianjel
    kiwianjel Posts: 80 Member
    Welcome and most of all good luck! Add lots of friends for the support everyone is great here for boosting esteem and support when things get tough :)
    Feel free to add me :)
  • riccoismydog
    riccoismydog Posts: 319 Member
    Good for you for wanting to take care of yourself. And good luck in your journey. You can add me if you like!:happy:
    This is a great forum and concept. I've been using the phone app, which really helps with keeping me honest with my goals. And people on here are really great at cheering you on. :happy: