4'11" BMR 1047...I am NOT starving myself

Why do people assume that I am trying to lose more weight than needed? I am short....nothing more than that. I like the way my body looks..I'm hovering in maintenance. No, I will not up my calories anymore than 1200 because maintenance is only about 1300. I post this because I know that there's got to be others out there that are just short....and that their food in take and calories burned will never match someone who is 5'11". It's a little frustrating when people get huffy puffy and tell me that I should be eating more. I never go below 1100....so its not like am starving because thats only 200 below maintenance.

Now that its off my chest. Have a lovely day!


  • DietingMommy08
    DietingMommy08 Posts: 1,366 Member
    Do whatever makes you comfortable.

    The ppl around you should be HAPPY for you as long as your happy.

    Jelousy I tell ya, thats all it is!!
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    It's nice to see someone else in a similar situation as me! I'm just under 5' and if I eat over 1100 calories then I gain weight. I usually net between 900-1100 depending on the day...
  • driaxx
    driaxx Posts: 314 Member
    I'm 5"2 and feel your pain!!!
  • mynameiscarrie
    mynameiscarrie Posts: 963 Member
    it happens to me too... i'm a little taller than you, but people at work are always like "youre getting too skinny." I'm like, no. I'm still not at my goal. I look a lot better with clothes on lol. Just do your thing. I think a lot of it is that they're not used to it yet so it looks weird...like when someone gets a new haircut and it take you some getting used to...same idea.
  • coltonsmumma
    coltonsmumma Posts: 80 Member
    the only reason someone would push you to eat more is that they are jealous of your will power and probably your petite size. Ignore them, because really it's none of their business.

    OR just tell them they need to eat less.
  • sexforjaffacakes
    sexforjaffacakes Posts: 1,001 Member
    Yeah I'm 5 5, and I have a lousy metabolism, to lose weight I need to eat around 1000 cals, and people are like omg you're starving yourself, and it's like nah I'm a midget, I need to eat less than the reccomended 1200! Besides, I get pretty full on 1000 cals and I often exercise and eat back the cals so I don't usually physically eat only 1000
  • localatte
    localatte Posts: 78 Member
    I'm a shorty too. My mom is 4'11 and when young she weighed 96 lbs. This sounds pretty drastic, but in pictures she looks just fine. But the number sounds drastic to others. But if you're short, well that's in the normal weight range. Hell, there's less room to distribute weight on a smaller body.

    I'm only 5ft, and seriously overweight. I know I would have to be at a very low weight to even look "average" at my height.

    You do what's best for your body.
  • ShapeUpSidney
    ShapeUpSidney Posts: 1,092 Member
    I'm not even that short and people comment on how skinny I am or am getting. The worst is the back handed compliments - "Oh you're so thin, you're gonna disappear on us. Eat something girl!"

    Um, ok...

    I don't get many comments about it because I never talk about it. I don't post on fb about it. I don't make my diet and exercise anyone's business...
  • FightforChange
    *Nodding along to this thread so much my head may fall off* !! =P

    And the comments like, "You're so little, have a slice of cake or two! Nothing's going to happen!" Uh, no thanks, I'll have what I want, when I want it. And when I do, I'm going to have a food choice worth eating and worth fueling my body with, kthx.

    Speaking of tiny mothers, mine is 5' 0" and weighed 88 lbs at marriage (age 27). She certainly didn't diet or exercise at all, but ate whatever she wanted, but never overstuffed herself, either. That's how I'll eat at maintenance when I get to my goal.

    But, really, we have small frames. Every pound seems to show. I look drastically different with even only a 10-lb difference in my weight haha..
  • Ivanna80
    I understand where you are coming from I am also 4'11 I am 119 and I feel huge, trying to get back to my 110~109
  • mittencat77
    mittencat77 Posts: 137 Member
    this is true. I wonder how much to eat. I am 4'11 and 96 lbs.I find I look better more along the lines of 92. When you are this short a couple of lbs makes a big difference. Is 1200 too much for someone my height?
  • TheAnonGit
    I know EXACTLY how you feel! I'm only 4'9", so I really don't need to eat a lot for maintenance, and I have to eat even less to lose weight. My family and friends all think I have an eating disorder or something. It's so hard to get people to understand that my body doesn't require as much fuel because I'm shorter.