Picky eaters?

What can I do? I HATE fish (anything that is an aquatic organism, actually. I would rather look at them.), and I hate the veggies that are supposed to be the best for you (broccoli, asparagus, brussel sprouts, etc...). I only eat 4 oz or less of red meat a week-as I dislike red meat unless it is WELL done, practically burnt, or in hamburger form... Chicken and turkey are my only meats, but I know fish is SOOO much better for you! YES-I have tried many fish, I grew up around the water, and my entire family, even my married into family loves fish. I am the only one that does not.

So those of you who are 1200-calorie "limit" people--what do you eat on your "off" workout days...

What do you eat that is healthy?


  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    I think you eat the food that you know is good for you. I don't like a lot of things but I call them my have tos. I never understood how people can go through life eating such limited diets. You'll be setting a good example for the cute baby of yours. :flowerforyou:
  • DietingMommy08
    DietingMommy08 Posts: 1,366 Member
    I eat a lot of chicken and turkey.

    A lot of salads.

    Yogurts, cheese, crackers.

    Trying adding vetables to other things so that your still eating them.
  • miadvh
    miadvh Posts: 290 Member
    I eat loads of chicken! tuna is yummy with lemon pepper. :) Fried veggies is the way to do it! find a low sodium seasoning that you really like and through them on the grill..I do bell peppers, squash, zuccinis and potatoes the most. I eat a lot of almonds. (dark chocolate covered). yogurt with flaxseed and sometimes granola. triscuit crackers with cheese. I tend to do a lot of whole grain pastas..but I do get veggies in with the sauce atleast!
  • mermx
    mermx Posts: 976
    typical day

    hard boiled egg with some lean ham
    baked beans in low sugar salt with mushrooms and low fat grated cheese
    chicken breast with steam veg
    a teaspoon of nutella
    low fat yoghurt
    a piece of fruit
    multi vitamin tablet
    iron tablet
    calcium tablet
    2 glasses of lite wine
    total in 1400 cals
    exercise cals 235 over my 1200 cals...so usually have around 50-100 cals left
  • patilee
    patilee Posts: 125
    I usually start with either nonfat greek yoghurt and fruit for my first meal or cottage cheese and fruit.
    Second is usually meat (leftover from dinner- chicken etc) and a veggie (left over from dinner)
    Dinner is meat of some sort and veggies, I don't like rice, but I do like yams.
    I usually avoid pasta, and put my sauce over spinach instead.
    Hope that helps a little.
  • snorktharpe
    snorktharpe Posts: 41 Member
    i tend to be a meat and potatoes kind of person and lots of starch. i do love lobster, shrimp and cod fish- but i live in ohio where seafood is a little pricey so its a rare treat for me. and i get bored eating the same stuff all of the time too. but i've found it helpful to check my friend's food diaries for ideas and though its mainly diabetes i'm concerned about, i have really have enjoyed a lot of the foods i've been eating and i'm never hungry. there are excellent whole grain breads on the market which helps to cut calories and adds lots of fiber for those of us who aren't nuts to eat our veggies (and i only love the starchy ones- corn, potatoes, beans) but in the right portions, these too are healthy and won't blow your diet. small tomatoes make a nice snack- cherry tomatoes and such. but i'm not likely to be chomping on celery and carrot sticks or raw cauliflower and broccoli either :) - just try to think of veggies you do like and eat those as well as nuts and whole grains and don't sweat your dislike of fish and other vegetables... it is doable :) best of luck to you