Just found the Website after using the app for 10 weeks ...D


My name is Ade and live in Portishead (Near Bristol) in the UK.
A long while ago I lost over 140lbs but unfortunately over a 10 year period put it all back on plus interest. Next year I hit the big 40 and after health scares this year I have at last woken up and got motivated again.
(D)o (I) (E)at (T)his? :frown: Hmm don't like that word.
Rather than spending £££'s joining the local weight watchers or Slimming World I decided that a complete revamp of my eating habits had to happen.
My Fitness Pal has been a god send. I know what I'm like and what I will try to get away with, this app on my phone has kept me on the straight and narrow for 10 weeks now. Ok I don't use it every day but when I feel that I'm wanting to stray it gets fired up and pulls me back in line.
My goal is to lose 168lbs by next August:noway: .....so far 38 have tumbled :happy: so I only have another 130 to go......(say it fast and it doesn't seem so much) and the reality is that that I'm going to be around 30lbs short of the target but be damned I'm going all out to do it. Now after the initial loss I've just joined a fitness centre (gym and pool) and am going to supplement the food reduction with midless exercise:sad: I know the long journey will benefit me and although I may falter at times I have a good support behind me and this site will definately play a part in helping me on my long journey.
