Just Joined ;]

Hey, Im Alissa, My mom told me about this site months ago so im finally going to try it out! It seems pretty neat and easy to use so im super excited! If anyone has any tips please let me know!


  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
    Just set goals, eat right, log your food intake and exercise. You'll do great!!
  • luci2403
    luci2403 Posts: 28 Member
    Hi Alissa,

    Welcome to MFP and good lick on your journey.

    Feel free to add me for encouragement. :-D
  • BrandyRelaxing
    BrandyRelaxing Posts: 68 Member
    It's all about monitoring what you're eating and exercising. I found by setting reasonable goals that some might consider slow (2 pounds a week), and exercising like 4 times a week. Feel free to add me as a buddy!
  • UpgradingMyLife
    UpgradingMyLife Posts: 1 Member
    hi ya'll.... I'm fairly new. : )

    Just wanted to say Hi..... and now i've said that twice. ; )

    not sure how to totally work this website, but it seems pretty cool.