not losing weight

So I hopped on the scale...weight gain. After a few weeks on a 1200 cal diet and running more than I ever have in my adult life, I am starving and my ankles hurt from running. So thinking that 2 lbs a week to lose is too much (I actually forgot I chose that option), I switched it to .5 lbs to lose per week (more disappointing, but idealistic for my weight & how much I want to lose). After making this switch from 2lbs to .5lbs and upping my activity level one notch, I get a whopping 50 more calories per day...sigh...big sigh.

Has anyone on MFP actually raised their calorie intake AND lost weight?


  • spammyanna
    spammyanna Posts: 871 Member
    Are you eating your exercise calories? Maybe you just aren't eating enough period.
  • AlexandraR2011
    AlexandraR2011 Posts: 114 Member
    I was at 165 and stopped losing, i ran every day and stuck between 1100-1200 calories. i upped it to 1350 and dropped to 160 in the next couple of weeks. I'm still at 1350 and am now at 155lbs. Give it time, your body needs more fuel for working out so much :)
  • It is such a slow process and to lose weight correctly it should and will take time. I wish there was a magic button but no such luck. Keep plugging away and you will eventually start to drop off. Remember that muscle weighs more than fat. At first you are building muscle which then helps speed up your metabolism. Hang in there!! We will get there together! I am back on the weight loss journey :( so I feel your frustration. I am not seeing results as quickly as I'd like, but I know the reward will come.
  • Mybabie
    Mybabie Posts: 239
    My husband raised his as requested by his dietician, and has been losing but then again he is on Dialysis so he needs more cals. His cals are set at 1900, although the dietician says that is also to mantain his weight once he has reached his goal, he only needs to lose 5lbs more. He was also told not to eat back excerise cals.
  • Beth720
    Beth720 Posts: 661 Member
    Are you eating your exercise calories? Maybe you just aren't eating enough period.

    This. If you were only eating 1200 calories and not eating those that you burned with all the running back, your body is likely in starvation mode and may take a little while to balance itself out/figure out that it doesn't have to hoard whatever you put in.
  • McSnoozle
    McSnoozle Posts: 24 Member
    If you are truly hungry all the time, two things come to mind: either you're not eating back your exercise calories and/or maybe not enough water? Thirst is sometimes confused as hunger. I know if I drink 9-11 glasses faithfully (more than the recommended 8) it seems to help. Also, try mixing up your calorie counts; one day go much lower, another day much higher, one day spot on, etc. --- confuse your metabolism. :) I am losing VERY slowly, and sometimes I'll go a couple weeks with nothing moving. I'll decide just not to record one day -- say on a Sunday --- and I'll allow myself whatever I feel like. Interestingly, while I do indulge somewhat, I don't have the desire to go crazy with it --- maybe an extra 400 calories or so. And guess what?! After those (very occasional) days, when I get on the scale ---- the weight has dropped! Hope this helps.
  • Beth720
    Beth720 Posts: 661 Member
    My husband raised his as requested by his dietician, and has been losing but then again he is on Dialysis so he needs more cals. His cals are set at 1900, although the dietician says that is also to mantain his weight once he has reached his goal, he only needs to lose 5lbs more. He was also told not to eat back excerise cals.

    So essentially he's at 1900 minus whatever he burns - meaning he could in theory be going below 1200 depending on what he's burning.
  • 47nfab
    47nfab Posts: 2
    I had gotten so frustrated that I stopped all together. This is my first day back after 3 weeks. I'm on a 1200 diet and I am starving! LOL!!! I have to have knee surgery so running and jumping is out of the question. I try to walk 5 miles a day and I do not add those calories back into my overall calorie count and I can't loose weight to save my life. After 4 weeks, I lost 1.5 pounds. UGH! Well, I'm back to see if I can figure this out. I must lose 25 pounds. Any suggestions would be appreciated. :smile:
  • yes hun u need about 1500 calories a day if ur exercising that much u may need even more than that urbodies going into starvation mode
  • spammyanna
    spammyanna Posts: 871 Member
  • calderst
    calderst Posts: 222 Member
    When I first joined and tried to follow the recommended calorie intake for .5lb --somewhere around 1500 before exercise calories-- I found that I was always hungry and really struggling to not go over. After a few frustrating days (I get cranky when I'm hungry), I manually upped mine to 1800 before exercise. With that, I was able to be successful most days. I got down to my first goal weight and set a new one just to stay motivated. I surprised myself and reached the new goal weight soon after.

    I think part of it may also depend on how much you used to eat. I was probably eating between 2500-3000 calories before, so dropping to 1500 was unreasonable for my body.
  • It's tough for me to wrap my mind around needing to eat more calories to lose weight. So, from what all of you have said, more calories is not a bad thing. Thanks! It has taken me over 3 yrs to lose 31 lbs and I'm excited to get these last few off.
  • aiyana1228
    aiyana1228 Posts: 100 Member
    The other thing I would add to the hungry thing is that where you get those 1200 calories matters too. Think about your choices. Try to eat as many of your calories from filling natural whole foods. Frozen meals are convienient but never really fill me. I can take that same 3-500 calories and get alot more food when I choose more wisely. You can eat lots and lots of fresh fruit and veggies then you can some other choices. Try to avoid white flour abd sugar too if you can. I know for me they make me feel hungrier (crave). When I avoid them the monster only jumps out at me when I really am hungry (have not had adequate calorie intake, I did not see if I could see your food journal so you may already be eating like this. Just food for thought .
  • wifeyy
    wifeyy Posts: 481 Member
    looks to me like u don't have much to lose any longer. stop forcing your body.. too much is never good!!
  • You should work out by games, that can help to you burn calories, eating fiber reach food, drink water and some exercise.
  • 47nfab
    47nfab Posts: 2
    Thanks for the suggestions. I'm a convenient eater. I eat Lean Cruisines and Smart Ones because I can through them in the microwave at work and I dont have to do any up-front work (prepare and cook the night before). I think I'll try to buy more fresh fruit and vegetables. I can put them in a baggie the night before and just grab them on the way out. I also have to remember that the weight didn't go on over night so I guess it won't come off overnight either! :wink: