

  • RubiePie
    Hi! My name is Ruby. I had a son on January 13, 2011. He's going to be 9 months old tomorrow. I'm currently breastfeeding so dropping pounds is actually very hard to do. My doctor told me to make sure I keep my calories up and drink tons of water. I've noticed that working out makes me so much hungrier and I've also noticed that dieting and working out means a drop in milk supply so I'm trying to balance them out. I want to breastfeed my son until he's a year old but in the meantime I want to be able to lose some of the baby weight I put on. I've never been 200 lbs until I had the baby. My first goal is just to be able to fit into my pre-pregnancy pants. If I achieve that goal then I'll only have 20 lbs to lose until I'm in my normal bmi range. So far I've lost a total of 8 lbs in the last 10 days. I'm really hoping I can stay motivated to achieve my goals. This is the first time I've ever thought about diet and exercising.
  • coamanda
    HELLO!! My name is Amanda. I had a baby girl, Reina, on 8/2/2011. She is my second child. I also have a boy, Daniel, who is 2. I am a stay at home mom. I exclusively nurse Reina. So I am not allowed to have less than 1800 calories a day. Like Ruby, I am trying to figure out how to balance everything out so I won't have a drop in milk supply. I have just started going to the apartment complex's workout room with my sister in law a week ago. For the last 3 days we have been doing a 30 minute cardio dance dvd in the morning and a 30-40 minute workout at the the workout room at 7 pm. I am already feeling a lot more active than I was before. I also increased my water from 2-3 glasses a day to 10 glasses a day.
  • carolina_r
    carolina_r Posts: 359 Member
    Welcome Amanda and Ruby!

    Did you ladies know that you can account for breastfeeding? When logging in your food, look up "breastfeeding". You will find various options that will minus a certain amount of calories from what you have eaten. I myself am nursing a 7 month old. Since he is starting on solids, I make sure to "minus" 300 cals a day. This means that if I meet my calorie goal (or just under) I am getting the necessary calories to maintain my milk supply. If you are exclusive, you'll need to add more - just make sure that it works out to a minimum of 1800 cals a day (or better yet, talk to your doctor...I am no expert!!!). I would say that even if you don't lose a ton of weight, just getting into the habit of tracking your food / exercise, being aware of what you are doing, is a great investment of time. When you do stop nursing, then you will have the habits needed to put the weight loss into a faster mode.

    I have been aiming for 1 lb per week - I don't want to lose too quickly so as to jeopardize my health / milk supply. It has ended up going a little faster (around 2 lbs per week) - so I make sure to eat my exercise calories, and I am cautious to make sure I get enough calories. If I am hungry...I eat! Just trying to make healthier, smaller portioned choices (though I indulge in chocolate every day....can't help it!).

    Hope this is helpful!
  • coamanda
    THANK YOU!! I have been trying to figure out how to factor in breastfeeding. I kept looking in exercises, not food. Thank you very much for that. Do you have your calorie level set for 1800 or 1200? I have had mine set for 1200, but make sure i'm getting 1800 anyway. But' I also exercise 2 times a day.
  • carolina_r
    carolina_r Posts: 359 Member
    I originally had it at around 1200, but to reach a minimum of 1800 needed for nursing, I was always over my calorie limit. I wanted to get the "under her calorie goal" message on my wall, so I changed my target to around 1400. I also try to "burn" at least 100 cals with exercise, and then eat it back - meaning that I am at the 1800 minimum per day :)
  • RubiePie
    Thanks!!! I was wondering if there was a something to account for breastfeeding. I set my goal at 1/2 a pound a week so that it bumped my calories up to 1600. Zeke isn't completely on solids. Some days he'll eat 2 - 4 oz jars and some days he doesn't want anything but milk. So it's important for me to make sure my supply isn't getting low.
  • livehappe
    livehappe Posts: 57 Member
    Thank you for starting this group. I am not as "post-partum" as most members. My twins turned one today, but I still have post-partum weight to lose thanks to a multiple pregnancy and two other pregnancies, so I think this is an ideal group for me.

    My biggest challenges are:
    1) I've learned this year that I am a "celebration" binge eater. When I have company visiting, or I am out with friends, I am an eat, drink, and be merry kind of gal. As such, I make all sorts of progress in the weekdays, and then destroy it in a weekend binge.
    2)) I'm a perfectionist so I want to have "perfect" days with big burns, and clean eating, and when I do less than that, I feel like I am failing.

    My husband is military, and I'm 3000km away from family and most friends. He's gone a lot. I hate the weather here to boot. 4 kids make life challenging, but none of these things are barriers to my progress. I think they, in fact, help me because there is less time to celebrate, and exercise feels like fun me-time in comparison to my daily routines with the kids. If I didn't have 4 kids, and I was back at work teaching, and living near my family, I would probably be heavier than ever. Can anyone relate to this, or am I crazy?
  • NiennaMarie

    NiennaMarie – I don’t like walking around just for the sake of it myself…I’ve been trying to give myself tasks to do each day (even as small as “getting more ketchup”). I don’t have to do any big grocery shops anymore because of it! I do it little by little each day instead…

    I shoudl really start doing that. I think about a lot actually, but then I talk myself out of it when I think about when I think about the absolutley huuuge hill I have to walk up to get to the shop. It's all my own fault but jeez, that hill kills me! I think I should make a myself a goal to walk up there a couple of times, just to get me used to it for now. Maybe once I'm used to it then it won't kill me so much. x
  • Pancakelovessyrup
    How do I join this group?
    I had my second son Sept 23. I gained a TON of weight this pregnancy. I started the pregnancy with the greatest intentions but after having two bleeding episodes due to my exercise, I was instructed not to work out and that really was a horrible thing. I gained 60lbs...ahhhhhhh. I lost 30lbs of that by 2weeks post partum and then it stopped. I am 7 or 8 weeks post partum (so little sleep I cant even remember) and I have lost 7lbs from diet/exercise. The killer part is before getting pregnant I gained 15lbs coming off of birth control to get pregnant. so I have 43 more lbs to lose to get to my goal weight. And I want to do it before my husband comes back from deployment in May or June. My biggest daily hurdle is exhaustion; it's hard working out and raising two kids by yourself.
  • carolina_r
    carolina_r Posts: 359 Member
    Pancakelovessyrup - you are almost there! Just add

    "The POST-PARTUM PACK – It took us 9 months to pack on the pounds.. Watch us take them off!"

    to your signature, and you are in! It is a very informal group, and we are just starting off. I plan to post a new task/question at the start of each week. To find next week's thread, just go to the end of the most recent thread and I will have a link posted :)

    No points, no commitment...just a way to connect with other moms without adding a bizzilion friends :)

    NiennaMarie - I wonder if there is an exercise entry that accounts for walking on hilly ground? The calorie count would be higher, and could be a motivator? Let us know how it goes!!!!

    robincsmall - Welcome! I know what you mean...I am worried that once I'm back teaching, I won't have the time to stay the course, and that all the work I'm putting in will disappear. This group is an attempt to keep me connected so that this doesn't happen...I figure if I can keep logging in, even if I mess up here and there, I'll have an easier road back :)

    RubiePie - Good idea! I never thought of that - reducing the weight loss goal to make the calorie target more appropriate for a nursing mother :)

    BTW - We just hit 33 members...and counting!!!!
  • rodriguezs
    I am very excited to be a part of this group. I just read through everyone's posts, and I kept nodding my head and saying, "yep, yep, that is me". It sounds like we all have many things in common. My sweet baby boy is 18 months, and I am still working on the "baby weight". I gained 45 pounds during pregnancy and still have 20 more to lose to get back to PPW. Then I would love to lose 10 more, so I guess that makes my goal 30 pounds. Yikes! That sounds daunting to me. I spent my whole pre-baby life always trying to lose 5 or 10 pounds, and I was never successful. So I am a little overwhelmed with trying to lose 30 pounds.

    My barriers....same as everyone else. Work, time, child, husband, chores, errands, friends, TV, naps! :) But truly I can make it work both with the food and the exercise if I will just suck it up and do it! So that is where you guys come in...I need someone to tell me to stop whining and complaining and JUST DO IT!!!! :)
  • feydruss
    feydruss Posts: 349 Member
    Welcome newcomers! And happy birthday Robin's twins! My twins turn 1 in a month (but will still be 10m adjusted). Where does the time go? Oh right, I spent the first six months eating a pound of M&Ms a day. No wonder the weight wasn't coming off!

    I have to retrain my brain a little. I used to love working out, but then I wasn't allowed to for a year. And I indulged when pg, because I figured if there was EVER a time in life when I could eat what I wanted it was when pg with twins! I only gained 50, and 30 came off in the first week postpartum. But I needed to lose 40-50lbs BEFORE I got pg, so getting back to ppw is just the beginning!

    My biggest challenge coming up is that I'm losing my nanny (yes, I know how lucky I am!) for 5wks when she's on vacation, so I'll be on my own with the boys. I will also be done my mat leave but i work from home, which can be tough to juggle. DH works and travels a lot, so I'm trying to make up a kind of schedule to keep us relatively focused during the day and reminding me of times every day when I can exercise and eat healthy. Otherwise it will be too easy to use their nap time to rest myself and stress eat.

    MFP has been such a great support in working on getting healthier. I know I would have given up by now if it weren't for people cheering me on every day and watching other people succeed.
  • pmur
    pmur Posts: 223 Member
    Wow, so many of us are facing the same issues. It helps knowing I'm not the only one trying to reduce "baby" weight. I had my second child in Dec last yr at 29 weeks. Him being a preemie and all the stress associated with having a baby in the NICU and then worrying about his calorie intake etc made my weight loss a lesser priority task. Right now, he is a thrivng 10 month old, hitting his milestones somewhere between actual and adjusted ages and keeping his weight steady in the lower percentiles for adjusted age. Finally, I can focus on myself.
    I had a very easy time losing pregnancy weight from my first child. I gained 50 lbs and lost 65lbs by the time she was 15 months old by eating whatever I chose. The pounds justed melted off, by breastfeeding. This time around, my body is hanging onto the fat and I've not lost a single gram from 6 weeks PP until last week. I guess I have to work on it this time around.
    My biggest challenge is the Carbs/Sugar cravings I have thanks to breastfeeding. No matter how hard I try, I need a chocolate/ice cream or some other snack by the late evenings. I'm trying hard to curb my craving but am running short of ideas. If any of you have any tips, please do let me know.
    My second biggest challenge is that I'm a vegetarian and I hate eggs. So my diet seems to be lacking in proteins(which I found out from MFP). I'm trying to add lentils/sprouts/cottage cheese/yogurt etc into my diet to get some proteins in but I still never make it to my goal intake.
    Btw, I do an additional 300 cals since I'm nursing my 10 month old. He still nurses quite a bit but since he is on solids, I figured 300 cals should suffice. I add it to my food diary daily :)

    I'm going to measure myself now and update the site. Thanks for the reminder!
  • bluestarlight19
    bluestarlight19 Posts: 419 Member
    Gah!! I just did my measurements yesterday and omg! I didn't realize pregnancy had added 5 inches to my hips and waist! No wonder my clothes aren't fitting right even thought i was the same weight. I was the same weight when i got married a year ago, and i didn't realize i was that much tighter than now.

    franciscoj1- I get the working mom guilt too, this is my first baby, it didn't know it would hit me this hard. Luckily she falls alseep by 7:30 and i can start to get stuff done. I actually squeezed in 10 minutes of simple upper body exerciese.

    Oh I found time to walk to, after I get out of work, I walk to a further train station then meet up with my carpool :) Its about a mile or so.
  • carolina_r
    carolina_r Posts: 359 Member
    pmur - Glad to hear your little one is doing so well! I can't even imagine how emotionally trying that must have been for you and your family...

    I get the whole carb/sugar craving thing...and I can't blame it on breastfeeding :) Here is what I've been doing...I bought a few different small-portioned choices of sweets (mini chocolate bars, some dark chocolate, skinny cow ice cream bars, jelly belly jelly beans). I try to make really healthy choices throughout the day, and if I'm doing well then I get to treat myself. It helps me not to make stupid choices (i.e. I don't waste my sugar intake on apple juice or pop, since I want to have my chocolate!!!). I indulge in a treat EVERY DAY - I just make sure it stays within my calorie allowances. Sure, I'm over for sugar everytime, but I figure that I am trying to change my lifestyle slowly, not everything in one day. So far so good - I'm losing weight, milk production is still good, and I'm sticking to it!

    Regarding the protein...have you ever tried quinoa? It is a grain (I eat it instead of rice) but it has complete protein (i.e. all 8 essential amino acids, unlike legumes!!!). In a one cup serving, it has 8 g of protein...not as high as meat, but I find it helps (and it is tasty too!).

    feydruss - I struggle to use my son's nap times effectively too! My guy often naps for only short periods, so I convince myself that there is no point starting anything...Not a good habit!

    rodriguezs - I definitely need a kick in the butt sometimes too! WE CAN DO THIS!
  • lovecola06
    lovecola06 Posts: 180 Member
    Hi Everyone! I'm so happy to have found this group. It's always great to see other mommies going through the same challenges in losing weight. I hope it's not too late to join?:flowerforyou:

    I am a working mommy of two boys, 18 months apart. The youngest is almost 11 months old. I am also a breastfeeding mommy; the first one weaned himself at 14 months. I guess I'll let this one tell me when he's ready too. I definitely enjoy eating the extra calories for nursing, so I'm not complaining:wink:

    My biggest challenge is feeling guilty about taking time to workout when the baby/eldest is cranky or wants to be held. It is pretty much a guarantee that they will start crying or wake up from a nap right when I jump on the elliptical for a quick workout:tongue: I also struggle with eating too much on the weekends when I don't have my weekday work routine. I guess it's not so much that I'm eating too much as WHAT I'm eating(death by chocolate cake, beer/wine, etc):blushing:

    I'm gonna have to update my measurements when I do my weekly weigh-in tomorrow! Thanks for the reminder.
  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    i am probably too late to join, my baby is almost 17 months old. i wanted to tell you all something to keep you from falling in the same track. i was doing great at weight loss while breastfeeding. i could eat tons and never gained any weight. i actually lost it, getting to my pre-pregnancy weight when my daughter was about 7 months old. but then she wanted less milk as she ate more foods. i kept my eating the same and couldnt' stop it or slow down the weight gain. i wasn't really trying very hard, but i wish i had. i always had an excuse not to exercise. i kept saying i was worried i woudl haven't any milk if i lost weight. this wasn't true, of course. so then around 1 year old she stopped bf'ing and i kept my eating and not exercising the same. b/c of that i gained 10 lb from may to august 2011. i got on here with a goal of losing 20lb. i am halfway there. i stopped exercising when i was pregnant back in Dec 09 and didn't start again until august of 11. which i think was why i have a lot of body fat now. i am not overweight but not happy with how i look due to high body fat. so that is what i'm working on. the last 10lb and toning. just wanted to say please be aware of what will happen when you stop breastfeeding if you are. those pounds go on quick. i think if you stay on here you are on the right track.
  • carolina_r
    carolina_r Posts: 359 Member
    MaureenJ79 and lovecola06 - It is definitely not too late to join! This is an open, informal group - we are always accepting new members :)

    MaureenJ79 - Thanks for the advice! I am currently breastfeeding a 7 month old. I was hoping that bfeeding would help me lose a lot of weight, but it wasn't really working out that way for me. I stalled out at around 20 lbs over my pre-preg weight - which is why I am on this site. It is a good thing to be aware of what can happen when the bfeeding stops - I hope that by being on this site, I will be able to stay on track.

    lovecola06 - Wow! You have done amazingly well already!! Sounds like you have the same challenges as many of us. Welcome to the group!
  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    it is so tough (at least it was for me) to keep the unwanted weight from happening when you stop bf. i could have done a much better job of watching it. but i didn't. but at least i found this site. one thing is good though, when you are done bf i think your body recognizes that you shouldn't have such a high fat amount and even though it's hard to start the weight loss, it's not too bad once you get rolling with it. you get kind of back to where you are supposed to be.. at least i did with a little effort. now i am back at pre-pregnancy weight again but want to be less than that. i was a little bit bigger than i wanted to be when i got pregnant so now i have to work on that.
  • kewwy1
    kewwy1 Posts: 41 Member
    Hi all :)

    I currently have my reason for doing the weight loss sitting near me. I have always been overweight but I dont want to be anymore! I want to set a good example to my daughter so she grows up healthy too :)

    I have just always been full of excuses, or give up too easy.

    But this time I have stuck with it so far and not given up :)

    My measurements currently are:

    Waist: 112cm
    Hips: 120cm
    Thighs: 60.5cm

    I only lost 0.2 kilos this week. But I am aiming to lose another kilo before going on holiday to vietnam next Friday! :)