
Hello everyone,

I've been using MFP for about three weeks now and I've lost about 11 pounds so far. My first two weeks saw my most significant weight loss (3 the first week, 4 the second). I'm think it this because I was working out almost every single day for those two weeks in some fashion.

Now, four weeks in, I'm at about 1lb a week (not bad I know) but I can't seem to find my motivation to work out anymore. I make excuses for myself to get out of it. It's strange because early in the day, I want to do it, but by the time I get home, the desire has waned. I know I should see 7lbs in 2 weeks as great motivation, but as someone who has never been a fan of working out, it's a constant struggle to stay motivated. As I progress, I notice I'm losing less weight over time and eventually I will start to gain, and I don't want that.

I'm not looking for people to tell me "just do it all ready, Chubbs". I want to know this:

- Did you lose motivation for exercise at some point?
- What did you do to get it back?
- If you're not a fan of exercise to begin with, what did you do to pump yourself up?
- If you've found an exercise you enjoy, but still lack that motivation, what did you do?

SW: 274
CW: 263
GW: around 200 - or simply, a healthier me


  • Scorpioangel
    Scorpioangel Posts: 951 Member
    - Did you lose motivation for exercise at some point?
    - What did you do to get it back?
    - If you're not a fan of exercise to begin with, what did you do to pump yourself up?
    - If you've found an exercise you enjoy, but still lack that motivation, what did you do?

    Yes I did lose motivation to exercise at some point. I got tired of it and I wasn't getting results fast enough so I got frustrated. It happened about a month after I started working out.

    To get it back I decided that doing nothing and eating like a pig wasn't going to help me so I just forced myself to get back on the wagon!

    This did not apply to me because I love to work out but just wasn't getting results so I got demotivated :(

    When this happens I just force myself to think of my day 0 picture and about push myself out of bed!
  • xlovemehalwaiyzx
    - Did you lose motivation for exercise at some point?
    i lost it for everything last week. i didnt feel like i could eat right or exercise anymore because of what i saw on the scale only a 1/2lb loss.
    - What did you do to get it back?
    i got on this site, and it really got me thinking if all these people could do it so can i, and i really want to look good on my wedding day.
    - If you're not a fan of exercise to begin with, what did you do to pump yourself up?
    i just kept thinking to myself if i dont do it i'll never do it and i'll never get where i want to just sitting on my butt (that's what got me here)
    - If you've found an exercise you enjoy, but still lack that motivation, what did you do?
    i love the cybex machine and running helps eliminate stress and lets me think. i lost motivation last week because of what i saw on the scale. but what i really need to put in perspective is how i feel. i feel so much better than i did 10lbs ago. and i'm sure inches are flying off of me even though i don't see a difference in the scale.

    i hope you find your motivation again. it's hard at times. but i just keep in mind i can do it! and usually i reply the reason i'm doing this in my head while i exersize!!

    good luck!
  • oreolover
    oreolover Posts: 29 Member
    I have never been a big fan of exercising but I am a very goal oriented person. I would continually increase my time/pace/distance goal and set it reasonable to make sure I could achieve and feel the pride of getting into better shape.

    I also bargain with myself, I put something I like to watch on my phone/ipod (episodes of House right now or audio books) but I can only watch/listen to it while I am exercising (and I set a different 'treat' for each type of exercise)

    Lastly if you can find something you like to do or can do in a group it can be motivating. I have found I like Zumba pretty well and I found a good group with a good teacher who constantly changes things up. It is more fun for than working out on the elliptical trainer and people notice if I don't show up...

    Hope it helps, good luck! It is also easier as it becomes more of a habit :)