Stay at home moms!



  • countrydarling1
    countrydarling1 Posts: 386 Member
    Im a sahm of a 11yr old boy, 7yr old girl & 19month old & i also watch other children after school 2 seven yr olds & a 6 yr old. Im a very crappy house wife, butA PRETTY GOOD MOM!
  • Hi am a stay at home mom of 3. They are 8, 6 and 18 months. I am hoping that I can gain some motivation all of you other SAHM's. I have been on another thread and which was great but it seemed that most of the people on there were single or they were married with no kids and I have been having a hard time trying to keep up with them. As moms we all know that life gets in the way of so many things that we want to do for ourselves, but being the unselfish people that we are, we put our kids and husbands before ourselves. I am hoping that being apart of this group i won't feel so bad if I only get to workout 3 times a week or I only burn 300 calories in a workout instead of like 800 or some crazy number.

    I hope that I can be supportive of all of you and bring you the motivation that you are looking for. :smile:
  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    How are our SAHM's doing this week? Does anyone need motivation? I started a no sugar/wheat diet on Monday and trying to last until Thanksgiving. I am trying to clean up my eating and see if it makes a difference in my belly. The first 3 days were ok but I am starting to have cravings now, probably due to the fact that AF will be here any minute. I knew it would be hard but I am resolved to not give in and make healthy choices instead.

    Also, I am about to start Stage 2 of The New Rules of Lifting for Women. I hear it's pretty tough but I am looking forward to getting stronger and leaner.

    So, how's it going?
  • MrsSpratt
    MrsSpratt Posts: 200 Member
    I'm a SAHM of a 19 month old boy and a three and a half year old girl. I would love some more mom friends.
  • Megan5683
    Megan5683 Posts: 47 Member
    I'm a SAHM of a almost 2 year old. Feel free to add me. Everyone else feel free to add me as well. (:
  • I am exhausted this week and not sure why! Ive done my 30ds video everyday and walked a mile or moremost days. I am craving halloween candy like crazy though- its everywhere!!!
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    I'm a SAHM too. I have 2 boys, 11 and 6 and a girl, 2.

    I'm currently doing a hybrid of Chalean Extreme/Turbo Fire and I just started the Couch to 5K because SOME DAY I will be a runner!

    Amkelley-I :heart: halloween candy!
  • I , too, am a sahm. Please feel free to add me (anyone that would like too).
  • MrsSpratt
    MrsSpratt Posts: 200 Member
    I did a mommy and me gymnastics class with my 19-month old this morning. Wow, that was a real workout. He, very literally, had me running in circles. I am wiped out!

    One of my challenges has been trying to work in exercises during the day. Many days I am too spent in the evenings to do a long workout. If I can get in walks and other exercise during the day, things go much smoother for me. Also, I've found some cute yoga videos on youtube that are geared towards kids. My two love them and we do them together.
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    MrsSpratt-I get up an hour earlier than my kids and workout. I am NOT a morning person either. It's the only way I can guarantee I will do it. If I tell myself I will do it later, I find a 1001 reasons to do something else. My daughter likes to watch me work out but she bugs me the entire time. (I need this! I need that!) It's just easier to do it when she's sleeping.

    At night I'm dead to the world or I'm running the kids to one sport or another.
  • I am having a hard time getting back into the exercise thing since I got over my cold last week. Like Mrs. Spratt posted I have good intentions to workout once I get my older kids on the bus for school, but I too can find other things that need to be done or my 18 month old needs attention. I may have to try getting up before the rest of the family to get in at least half of my work out.

    I have been doing Turbo Fire up to now and it is great!! I hope I can find the way back to TF on Monday!
  • rainavsfood
    rainavsfood Posts: 79 Member
    I love how this message board topic has grown!! :) Yay for all of the hardworking mommy's! Does anyone have any home videos you follow for exercise at home!?
  • I am at stay at home mom too....Cashton is 14 months. My health journey began when he was born. The best decision ever!! Down 70+ pounds and lots of inches...but still a ways to go. I'm always looking for motivation, health tips, recipes...
    I am also a Beachbody coach :) and loving it. Let me know if you have questions.
  • As a super busy mom I always struggled with getting workouts in at home. Now I am doing 10 minute trainer from Beachbody and LOVE them. Quick, intense, effective. I'm a coach too if you have other questions or wanna order.
  • thedestar
    thedestar Posts: 1,275 Member
    I am! Anyone can feel free to add me :)
  • My favorite dvds to do at home is Turbo Fire and Slim in Six. I love the intensity of Turbo Fire and I love the resistance training of Slim in 6. Eventually, I would like to get Chalene Extreme. That one looks like it could take the training to the next level. I love working out with Chalene because she is a good motivator, she pushes you. I have the 10 minute Trainer dvds, but I didn't like them as much. Beachbody is the way to go, I think.

    I would also like to try Jillian Micheals 30 Day Shred. Has anyone else tried this one? How do you like it?
  • CarmenG26
    CarmenG26 Posts: 6 Member
    Im a stay at home mom of 3...anyone feel free to add :)
  • sarahbetherck
    sarahbetherck Posts: 270 Member
    2 girls, 5 & 8. My little one is in first grade now so I have SIX hours all to myself during the day for the first time ever and its amazing!!
  • Im a stay at home mom! with a 3 month old! =) feel free to friend me any home moms! :flowerforyou:
  • Maurey
    Maurey Posts: 44
    I am a SAHM to 3 children (5, 3 1/2, 19 months). I finished c25k a few weeks ago and started B210k (which is the continuation of c25k) this week.