“Leaning out” in preparation for 1st Ms. Fitness Bikini

I am still working on tweaking my macros to decrease the carbs and fat and increase the protein. Before, during weight gain, my carbs and protein were equal, then during maintenance, my carbs were at a little higher percentage than protein. Now that I am 3 weeks out from my show, I am almost positive that my protein needs to be the most, then carbs, then fat. Since I am a work in progress, I would HAPPILY take any advice anyone may have for the "leaning out" process... if willing to share. Thanks! My current stats are 1280 calories, with 35% carbs – 112g, 45%pro – 144g and 20%fat – 28g. My question is, do these numbers look good, or is there anything I should change? I am currently grounded from the forums, but would welcome serious PM’s and/or FR’s. Thanks!! bry_all01
