Losing weight is harder in the south! Can anyone relate?

Hey guys,

Just wondering if there are any southern people out there struggling with the same issues as me. I live in Alabama and I while I love living down here, it does make it so much harder to lead a healthy lifestyle. For instance, let's say I've run out of groceries, got out of class late, and need to pick up some dinner on my way home. What will I find? McDonald's, Wendy's, KFC, Zaxby's, etc. There are no healthy options!! Unless I want a wilted salad that's covered in fried chicken and ranch dressing...

My friends down here all like to get together and cook delicious, unhealthy food because that's the southern way! At work, it's someone's birthday and we celebrate with soda, chips, cookies, cupcakes. The Starbucks at my university doesn't have anything to eat except fatty pastries, doughnuts, and cookies. Everywhere I turn, I encounter temptation and bad choices. I have a lot of determination and self-control but short of cooking every meal for myself, what should I eat?

Any suggestions, advice, or general comments would be appreciated! And feel free to add me :)


  • NKF92879
    NKF92879 Posts: 601 Member
    Sounds VERY familiar to me... I live in northeastern Wisconsin.
  • deathstarclock
    deathstarclock Posts: 512 Member
    Suck it up and give in to your southern culture. You were doomed from the start.

    I'm kidding of course...
  • CharlieOverby
    CharlieOverby Posts: 82 Member
    I grew up in South Louisiana. The land of great food, cold beer and good times. I can definitely relate.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    You need to remember that you don't have to eat salads all day to lose weight. Portion control is the biggest part of this. Enjoy the foods you like, just eat a lot less of it.

    I'm from Tennessee, and my family is from Kentucky and Virginia, so I understand having food cooked in lard, ham hocks, and fried chicken around all the time. My family still cooks that way every time I go home. Just eat half what your normally would.
  • savismommy
    Sounds like South Carolina!
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    I live in Western New York and it sounds familiar to me except add pizza and our famous or rather infamous chicken wings!
  • beachgrl2004
    Personally if I were you I would choose to cook every meal for myself. If that is not an option, try getting pre-portioned meals so you know exactly how many calories you are eating at a time. Or you could do research and look online at your local fast food restaurants websites and choose the 'healthier' options based on calories before you go to the restaurant. (however, I would try to avoid these places whenever possible) I know it can be hard to refrain from eating foods at work parties and dinner parties, however you do not have to eat a lot of it. If you maintain normal portion sizes you should still be able to eat all of those foods without going over your calories. I don't know if this helps you or not, but this is what I would do.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    Hey guys,

    Just wondering if there are any southern people out there struggling with the same issues as me. I live in Alabama and I while I love living down here, it does make it so much harder to lead a healthy lifestyle. For instance, let's say I've run out of groceries, got out of class late, and need to pick up some dinner on my way home. What will I find? McDonald's, Wendy's, KFC, Zaxby's, etc. There are no healthy options!! Unless I want a wilted salad that's covered in fried chicken and ranch dressing...

    My friends down here all like to get together and cook delicious, unhealthy food because that's the southern way! At work, it's someone's birthday and we celebrate with soda, chips, cookies, cupcakes. The Starbucks at my university doesn't have anything to eat except fatty pastries, doughnuts, and cookies. Everywhere I turn, I encounter temptation and bad choices. I have a lot of determination and self-control but short of cooking every meal for myself, what should I eat?

    Any suggestions, advice, or general comments would be appreciated! And feel free to add me :)
    I think it's an excuse. The same restaurants are available everywhere in the US, yet somehow in other states they don't have the same obesity levels. It's the lifestyle more than anything else and you can change yours.
  • carrieliz81
    carrieliz81 Posts: 489 Member
    Yeah. Trust me, we have the same problems up north. I'm in Chicago... we love to show our love to others through food, and the fast food is just as plentiful! Let me add on Italian beef, Polish sausages, deep dish pizza, Chicago-style hot dogs...... oy!
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    Hate to tell you, but it's like that everywhere.
  • Biggipooh
    Biggipooh Posts: 350
    We have most of these restaurants here in Maryland too, but I never go there. Coming from germany I was surprised, how many of those restaurants are here in the US. It is like a desease. You won't get around, to start cooking at home, I guess, to eat healthy.
  • vzucco
    vzucco Posts: 229
    Yeah, maybe it's not just the south. I am comparing to when I lived in New York and making a good choice was as simple as walking next door to the fast food place. It just seems like people pinpoint the "fat" areas of the country and think that we're all lazy or something, but in reality it's the lack of healthy choices available and the lack of public transportation and places to walk.
  • SmugCanucksGal
    SmugCanucksGal Posts: 79 Member
    What about having some Frozen Meals put away. Like:
    Kashi All-Natural Entrees
    Organic Bistro Whole Life Meals
    Amy's Kitchen Light in Sodium
    Lean Cuisine Dinnertime Selects
    Healthy Choice Steamers.

    This way its ready quickly when you get home in a late night or in a pinch IF you don't have anything else to cook.
    I also keep eggs on hand, a quick scrambled egg or 2 for dinner is great and filling too!
    Avoid temptation of going to the drive though.
  • jgic2009
    jgic2009 Posts: 531 Member
    I'm in northern IL and you described my environment perfectly.

    I do cook for myself much more than I used to. And while there may not be any outstandingly healthy choices at many of these places, they do have options that aren't so bad. Take some time to review the nutritional info on the chain websites and pick a few items that can be your go-to choices when you're in a rush.
  • killerqueen17
    killerqueen17 Posts: 536 Member
    Ohhh, the South... gotta love it. ;)
  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    Mississippi here. I managed to do it. Just takes willpower and determination. Ignore all the temptations.
  • shaj316
    shaj316 Posts: 161
    I travel a fair amount and have noticed that this true not just in the south but any area 40-50 miles outside of a major city. When I'm stuck, I go to McDonalds or Wendy's and get a grilled chicken sandwich. They load it with Mayo so I'll scrape off 90% of it before consuming.

    IMO, it seems to all lead back to money. Healthy food isn't cheap and suppliers and distributors aren't going to supply it where its not economically viable regardless if they customers willing to buy or not.
  • thebeadinggoddess
    I live in florida and I definatly love me some soul food (fried chicken, mashed potatoes with gravy and lot of other goodies) I live in a small town and there are nothing but fast food resteraunts here. We only have 1 subway!!!! how sad is that? any way, I think what is hard trying to lose weight here is the heat. Its hard to go outside when it is so hot you could cook an egg!!!

    Most people think... hey you should be thin you live near the beach!! I live like 2 hours from the nearest beach! and I havent been swimming in years, which is my favorite sport!!!

    I sure am gonna miss the fried foods, they were my weakness!!!!
  • chicagocubsfan23
    I live in Iowa and you should see all the cupcakes and fatty foods people bring into work here. We have 3 Burger Kings in a 15 mile radius. I know it gets tough but you just have to decide what's really worth it. If I'm running late I usually just grab a granola bar or something fast like that, you don't have to eat at the fast food places. You can always cook extra healthy foods and freeze them. Then all you have to do is throw them in the oven or microwave. Keep veggies and fruits on hand too, and grab a baggie full. Just try and remember you do have lots of options :smile:
  • rbryntes
    rbryntes Posts: 710 Member
    It isn't just the South.

    What is the South is the idea that macaroni and cheese is a "veggie."