

  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I believe that only other women with PCOS have an idea about the uphill battle you're fighting. The chemistry of PCOS is NOT a typical model, and typical approaches don't work as well as those that are customized to what you're dealing with. I say this from the perspective of having lived with a PCOS diagnosis for over a decade, and having gone undiagnosed for many years with that insidious symptom of "unexplained weight gain" dogging me.

    What you have accomplished so far is fantastic. Can you make changes to optimize your loss? Absolutely. I'm sure you know that low-carb diets are the best approach for PCOS. If you haven't already been tested for Insulin Resistance, you should have a fasting Insulin Level test done. If you are Insulin Resistant, (or diabetic) there are dietary changes you can make to lower the levels, as well as supplements that can improve it. Many women with PCOS find that a prescription for Metformin makes a huge difference in their ability to lose weight as well. If you aren't taking Metformin, it might be something to discuss with your doctor. PCOS is one of the medical conditions outside of diabetes that Metformin is indicated for.

    I think what you need to know today is that there is hope. This syndrome is difficult, but not impossible to deal with. The more weight you lose, it is likely that your symptoms will improve, so keep working at it.

    Discouragement is something we all go through - don't let it defeat you. Keep at it. You CAN do it.
    I was going to mention the low carb approach, too. I have never been diagnosed with PCOS, and doubt I have it, but over the past 8.5 months and lots of playing with my macronutrients, I've discovered that I have to keep my carbs low to lose weight. Between April and August I gained and lost the same 5 pounds over and over again on a low fat, high carb, high fiber diet. Since mid-August, after cutting my carbs to 90 grams per day or less, I've lost almost 10 pounds and I'm still losing.

    You might try giving this same approach a chance. Cut out white, processed carbs (white bread, white rice and sugar) and focus on whole grains, lean meats, lots of veggies and low sugar fruits like berries. I'm betting you'll see a difference in your weight loss.
  • deanadimples
    deanadimples Posts: 419 Member
    You may be frustrated and feel like you need a reason to keep going. I'll give you 29 of them. And they show on your scale.

    I've been here 7 months, and I am down 30 lbs. Now, I could say "Seriously?"...instead, I'm saying "I'M DOWN 30 LBS WOOHOO!" How many I have left is 40 or so. Not as much as you, but it's still about one's perspective. If someone would have asked me back on March 17, 2011 when I started here "If you could be 30 lbs lighter on October 14, would you?". I'd say "hells yeah!".

    Have I lost weight faster in other tries? Sure. And I've done it the same way, diet and exercise. But this time, I'm working with weights and building muscle. I have biceps now! And another difference...after 7 months, I'm not burned out on "dieting". Before, by 6 months I was sick of not having things. This time, I still eat my favorites. Sure I only lose 1lb a week, but by not being burned out, I'm able to keep going and live a life where I enjoy things and lose weight. That is how I will make this journey. Course my MFP peeps help me too :)

    At this rate, I won't be done until 14 months, over a year. But I'd rather get there in longer time, than not get there at all.

    Keep going girl! What you got to lose besides more weight and gain more health??
  • MsFitnFabulous
    MsFitnFabulous Posts: 432 Member

    9 MOS 28.5 LBS!

    I get very frustrated. However on the other hand, it's 28.5 less than I had. In total I'm down 76 lbs.

    You've got to look at the nsvs and embrace them. I smile when I put my clothes on now. I take the stairs up multiple floors. I have energy. My insomnia is a thing of the past. I'm content and relaxed. I've learned so much about food and my body. OK so I've still got 70+ lbs to go, but I wouldn't trade these last 9 months for nothing in the world!

    Count the cost. Would you rather lose 60 lbs this year and gain it all back next? Or lose 30 and keep it off a lifetime???
  • ziday
    ziday Posts: 1
    hey dont get discourage that is a huge deal how much u have lost and should be very proud. I have lost 21lbs in 6 months and feel awesome and so many people have notice a big difference. But i believe twice i had a stand still for about 2 or 3 weeks i was not losing anything then i began to lose again it was weird. i as well have pcos and never thought that was a reason that mine is also taking a while. I dont eat the healthiest but i eat way better and a lot less than i did before. I recently posted something on birth control pills to see if that would be a reason why i havent lost weight recently its been almost 3 weeks again since i lost anthing actually i think i gained like 3 lbs but i really am hoping its not the pills cuz my hard work is gonna go to waste :( but keep up the good work and dont forget it wasnt from one day to another that you gained weight be poud of how far u come. Look at the + not the negative!!
  • krisrpaz
    krisrpaz Posts: 263 Member
    I can totally relate. I started gaining 10 pounds a year when I was 13 (hello hormones!) and I never knew why. I did every diet under the sun, joined a gym, played soccer, did weightlifting. Always 10 pounds. Every year. I finally learned when I was 21 that anti-depressants kill your metabolism so I went off of them and stopped gaining weight. Then when I was 23 I learned I have PCOS, high blood pressure, a fatty liver and diabetes. Who gets diabetes at 23?? So I cut down on calories and exercised 5 days a week. I managed to lose 20 pounds over 3 months and get back to pre-diabetic but no more weight loss. It was so frustrating. I gave up a little after a while and gained 7 pounds back. I just started a new program that has me on no carb/high protein and I have lost 23 pounds in 3 weeks. While some will say this is unhealthy, when you were 116 pounds overweight it isn't. And I feel SO much better. My daily headaches are gone, I have more energy, I sleep better and my workouts are easier. Just had blood work done - Cholesterol was 120 and Blood Pressure was 130/82, Fast Glucose was 92. :)

    Our bodies cannot process carbs because PCOS causes insulin resistance. Cut them out to less than 30 grams a day (and this should only be from veggies or low-glycemic fruits) and you will see a big difference. By the way, the first week is the hardest. Expect withdrawal symptoms. Look up "Induction Flu".
  • DynamicDiva
    DynamicDiva Posts: 138 Member
    I think that 29 lbs is great. They say that it's not healthy to lose more than 2 lbs per week. Also, watching what you eat and the time that you eat can also be a fator. I try, and I did say try, not to start eating dinner after 6:30 pm. I also like to try to eat fat burning foods like broccoli, citirus fruits, apples etc. In addition, maybe its time to switch your exercising program to one that is more challenging. Even if you switch out your dvd's sometimes, your body may still be conditioned to that workout and it might help you maintain, but not lose the extra pounds.

    Hopefully this helps you break the plateau.
  • KatyG0409
    KatyG0409 Posts: 74 Member
    Are you on any type of medication for your PCOS? I am insulin resistant and I take Metformin for that. Maybe you should see an endo and go from there. Also, it is recommended for ladies with PCOS to keep their carbs at 40% or below --- have you tried this? I'd see a nutritionist while you are scheduling that endo appt.
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    I started MFP 2/15/11 and have lost 28 pounds to date. Annoying yes, but guess what? I HAVE LOST ALMOST 30 POUNDS! :bigsmile:

    I have made peace with the fact that weight doesn't fly off of me quickly. Back in May I had to drop my weight loss to 0.5 lb/week because that is the only thing that kick started my weight loss again. I am the poster child for "slow and steady!"
  • mrsjohnson75
    mrsjohnson75 Posts: 182 Member
    I'm losing slowly too. Since March of this year Ive lost 29.8 pounds but I'm sooo happy!! Its not a race its a journey. Enjoy it and Congrats on your success so far:flowerforyou:

    Oh yeah I gained 1 pound this week BUT I'm still happy and I will "keep on keeping on":laugh: because I know that as long as I don't give up I will reach my goal.:wink: