What was your breaking point?



  • Aesop101
    Aesop101 Posts: 758 Member
    No one thing really. After passing a very important exam I went on an eating binge that lasted 2 days. Then for 2 days I was in absolute misery.

    I was also unemployed and I knew I had better present myself in a better light. I haven't gotten a job yet but my confidence improved drastically.
  • tinamina78
    tinamina78 Posts: 241 Member
    I saw my wedding photos and realized I hadn't even been motivated to rock the gown the way I should have. That, and jeans. When you would rather put on stretchy pants and sit on the couch all night, there's something wrong. I really wish I would have had my wake up call before the wedding though... back fat is NOT attractive!!! :grumble:
  • ChitownFoodie
    ChitownFoodie Posts: 1,562 Member
    When my size 2 jeans were getting tight....size 0 is my happy size.
  • SannaBourne
    mines is kinda stupid compared to everyone elses.. but my breaking point was in high school in PE class..
    when we were running the mile, i passed by the boy i had been crushing on , and he said
    "uh oh can't let the whale beat me" .
  • Lisa_222
    Lisa_222 Posts: 301 Member
    I should have had a million of them. Growing out of size after size of clothes, seeing myself in pictures, not being able to reach my feet to put on my sandals, noticing my body takes a lot more effort to keep smelling good, getting winded walking up a flight of stairs, I could go on and on.....I can't believe all that happened and I still kept eating. Then suddenly, I decided to stop without anything new happening in my life. I guess it's just way past due.

    Although there is something to having your doctor suggest you get your stomach stapled. I don't know, I guess you just have to be mentally ready. I am just so done being fat. I wish it were next year already.
  • JohnFurie
    When I had some health issues and my doctor thought I could have congestive heart failure. It turns out I am fine, but it is sure motivating me to get healthy!!
  • tseecka
    tseecka Posts: 90 Member
    When my pants stopped fitting comfortably and I decided to bite the bullet and step on the scale to find out just how much weight I'd put on...and I was 175lbs, 25 heavier than I have ever been in my life, and that's WITHOUT BC pills and the stresses of university to blame.
  • StaceyL76
    StaceyL76 Posts: 711 Member
    Mine was misery. I woke up in pain all through the night... and every morning also not recognizing the gal in the picture all at once it hit me I had about 100lbs to lose. OUCH!!

    So I guess when reality was painful all the way around.
  • BeautifulScarsWECHANGED
    When my size 2 jeans were getting tight....size 0 is my happy size.

  • himiller3
    When my 43" waist loose fit jeans were getting tight and I was out of breath walking across the street to the local bank.
  • beautybiz
    beautybiz Posts: 50 Member
    When the cashier at Walgreens asked me when I was due. :grumble:
  • Kritie12
    Kritie12 Posts: 9 Member
    Mine was after gaining 70lbs in three years I had so many clothes I didn't fit into. I knew I had gained a ton of weight but it wasn't until one day a friend from school asked me if i wanted to go on a trail hike with him. (He is in crazy great shape) I didn't think much of it, I thought I can do this, I've hiked before.

    I was so tired going up the hill. He kept getting ahead of me and then would have to wait for me to catch up. I kept telling him to leave me and to just wait for me at the top. I started crying at a couple points because I was so embarassed that I couldn't do it. But thankfully he kept encouraging me, telling me I could do it and kept waiting for me. We finally did make it to the top and took a photo of us. I hate the way I look in that photo, hands on my hips because I was out of breathe and looking heavy.

    I never want to feel that way again. I have lost 30lbs since that day but I just can't seem to motivate myself to drop 40 more pounds. That is why I am on this site, to find people that will encourage me to lose weight, be happy again, and I am hoping I can meet some people that live around me so I have an actually workout buddy.
  • scotto105
    scotto105 Posts: 2 Member
    I swore I would never hit 300 and 280 was just to close for comfort, plus my clothes wouldn't fit. I am sick and tired of letting food run my life!

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  • sarahliftsUP
    sarahliftsUP Posts: 752 Member
    mines is kinda stupid compared to everyone elses.. but my breaking point was in high school in PE class..
    when we were running the mile, i passed by the boy i had been crushing on , and he said
    "uh oh can't let the whale beat me" .

    That isn't stupid at all but seriously sad and upsetting... what a jerk!

    Mine is similar.. having to buy pants in a bigger size because my currents ones were so tight and I couldn't fix the muffin top from protruding. Oh, and having a bunch of cute tops that I can't wear because of said muffin top!
  • irishdancer23
    irishdancer23 Posts: 172 Member
    i've had a few, but the most painful one was when i was at my friend's house last summer. we were up in her room watching a movie, and her mom yelled up at us that we should go take a walk. my friend said no, we wanted to finish the movie. a few minutes later, her brother came running upstairs yelling "guess what mom said?!?!?!?! he went on to say that after she told us to go take a walk, she commented that I "could use it." now granted, she is a very healthy person, always exercising, vegan, etc. but still, it was embarrassing and humiliating. from then on, i decided that i was going to change my lifestyle, not her her, but for me!
  • virginiejaubin
    virginiejaubin Posts: 497 Member
    When I couldn't like myself in a picture and couldn't look at myself anymore in the mirror, this was March 2011.
  • Megthatgirl
    Megthatgirl Posts: 68 Member
    Mine was a culmination of things- When I go out with the girls, I used to always get approached... at my highest it was just creepy older men... now I get a few cuties who dont mind some curves lol...I moved back home from California and I decided that I HAD to do something with my life...I was 267 and hating myself.. I had no goals, no dream job- ( Im not interested in going to school because I havent found something that has me fired up to do-) So, I had a serious heart to heart with myself- I knew how insanely proud my mother would be of me if I were able to battle my demons and actually join the military. My mom was in the service and other than having my sister and me, that was the highlight of her life. She passed away 4 years ago, But I know she can see me, and Im certain she would be proud of me. Ive always wanted a way to give back- I know America has its problems, but I feel so blessed to live here! Im tired of being good enough, or a last resort... Its time for me to pick and choose how I want my life, and who I want in it!!
  • lkmisztela
    I stood on the scale @ my mom and dad's house on New Year's eve, last year. I saw the number 292 staring back at me, and I knew I had to do *anything* to not get to 300. So far, I've lost 70lbs, about 39 more to go! :)
  • CindiBryce
    I didn't have a huge epiphany like many of you did. However, I did weigh myself periodically, and noticed my weight increasing, until I gained a total of 17 pounds. I have no breaking point (as of yet). It is more like a realization I should eat healthily.
  • ChitownFoodie
    ChitownFoodie Posts: 1,562 Member
    When my size 2 jeans were getting tight....size 0 is my happy size.


    I've never been bigger than a 25" waist. Everyone has their breaking point....it doesn't mean it has to be dramatic.