I'm new.

I joined yesterday because my brother told me about it, but I started counting what I was eating and how I was exercising today. I thought it would be good to join to help me loose some weight, and understand why I have been gaining so much weight lately. Well now I know after seeing todays numbers. So it is already helping.


  • Tigerlily0605
    I just joined today as well. My husband joined and sent me the link. It was a hint that I really do need to lose weight.
    Hoping to keep trying every day. Just focusing on one day at a time. Hope it works for you:)
  • hollyprovince
    hollyprovince Posts: 26 Member
    thats a great start! welcome :]
  • teagirlmedium
    teagirlmedium Posts: 679 Member
    Thanks, I'm going to do this one day at a time thing too. I hope it works for you too.
  • 1960lisa
    1960lisa Posts: 193
    I just joined today as well. My husband joined and sent me the link. It was a hint that I really do need to lose weight.
    Hoping to keep trying every day. Just focusing on one day at a time. Hope it works for you:)

    Welcome tigerlily - lovely name..... I joined 3 weeks ago having never done anything like this before.... I've been on diets but never actually counted calories as always thought it was way too difficult for me.... but the phone app makes it sooo easy and then I found the website and have found having the support of all these "friends" is just great.... gives you a real sense of support as well as accountability (my weakness - too easy to just give up on myself).... its taking a while for me to start losing weight but I feel good and am watching,y calories and have even started on the C25K running program with the support of a forum group here.... fantastic.

    Good luck with your journey.

    Feel free to send a friend request.

    Lisa :)