Why did you gain the weight?



  • 2stepz
    2stepz Posts: 814 Member
    I come from a family where generations tend to run close together... by that I mean teenage pregnancy is prevalent. My parents took an approach that left me emotionally and socially crippled. From a very young age, I was told time after time after time that I wasn't allowed to date until I was thirty, and that school and college comes before love. All that taught me was that I wasn't good enough, pretty enough... I wasn't loveable. I was also taught not to defend myself or my opinions; that was considered back-talk and was a punishable offense. Now - I recognize that these weren't the lessons my parents intended me to learn, but that is the message that was deeply ingrained by these oft repeated scoldings.

    Where this transitions to weight gain is... complicated. I don't take care of myself. I often eat only one meal a day, which kills my metabolism. When I do eat, it has often been fast food. Not that I can't cook, but cooking for one tends to be wasteful, and waste is another lesson that reinforces the "Bad Lori" reaction. It goes farther than food, though. My hygiene is questionable, because I don't care about myself. I live a high-stress life. My degrees are in Engineering, and the doctors tell me the job is killing me. I did walk away from the high-stress job - but I jumped straight into the high-stress environment of graduate school. Life is BETTER, but it's still not good.

    I don't know how to begin making me a priority in my life. I'm working on that here... trying to make myself eat healthier food more often. Going on long walks several times a week that help me reflect on what's broken and why it's broken... trying to figure out where _I_ want to go next, instead of where I'm expected to go next. It's not pretty... I turn thirty in six months... I have nothing to show for my life but some impressive frameable pieces of paper, a run down body, and a struggling soul. I'm a work in progress.
  • LoveMyFour
    Pregnancy x4 lol.
  • Scorpioangel
    Scorpioangel Posts: 951 Member
    I gained it I think because I lost confidence in myself and the workouts that I was doing were not producing the results that I wanted. I got lazy.. I didn't want to watch what I ate because no one else did. I started to hate getting up to work out and would make excuses not to work out after work. For me I put on the weight because I simply lost faith in myself.
  • carolineb81
    carolineb81 Posts: 459 Member
    2 pregnancies pretty much one after another so not losing baby weight before getting pregnant again. Eating far too much each time I was pregnant - too big portion sizes and basically using pregnancy as an excuse to eat everything and anything!
  • adalton6
    adalton6 Posts: 204 Member
    Laziness and love of cake and cheetoes....

    I literally would buy a box of my favorite cake (rainbow chip!) and the frosting to go with, come home, bake it, cool it, frost it and eat the WHOLE THING BY MYSELF in 4 days or less. Also I'd eat a whole bag of cheetoes in a day. Not good. I've not bought cake since I started using MFP and the gym. I just had cheetoes for the first time in months this week, and they were not as good as I remember so it's as though I'm not missing anything.

    I tend to sit on my *kitten* in front of the tv and/or computer for HOURS. I'm still not that big on getting off my butt, but I do go to the gym 3 days a week and I've lost 21lbs so I'm doing something right!

    I'm still missing the cake though...
    Heres a way to get to eat some cake and not feel that guilty. Get your favorite cak and a diet soda to go with it. I like using diet coke with chocolate cake. Instead of using the oil and eggs or water just substitute the amount of liquid with the diet soda. So if it calls for 1 & 1/2 cups of water and a 1/2 cup of oil then use 2 cups of diet soda. I also like to use fat free cool whip and fresh fruit on top.
  • Elixandra
    Elixandra Posts: 299 Member
    Pregnancy was my biggest one. When I had my last baby is when I gained the most. I was unable to take care of him or myself for around 2 weeks. <due to a nasty injury during child birth> I was not aloud to do much of anything for a month and had to rely on my hubby for everything. Then the stress of no money coming in because of him having to stay home to take care of me and the boys. Not being able to walk unassisted and unable to get up to get my new little guy was making me crazy. The 3 days at the hospital alone didnt help eather because they wouldn't let the baby to come see me eather. But im basically recovered and things are better :D
  • elizarae11
    my dad was abusive and it caused me to become very depressed and i turned to food for comfort.
  • shoelady9
    Laziness and depression. It's a bad cycle, one creates the other. Quitting smoking 16 months ago helped add on about 30 lbs but I already had about 50 to lose at that point.
    I'm tired of being too tired to take part in my own life........