30 Day Shred people please help!!

Right people i need your help!!

I am on D4 Level 1 of 30 DS.

My left knee is hurting and when I tried to do some jumping jacks to see how it would feel under that kind of pressure it was unbearable :(:(:(
I don't want to quit this as I am into it and want to get the results SO...what cardio type exercises can I replace the jumping jacks with so I still end up 'shredded' without shredding my knee!!


  • jenrc123
    I would try walking before moving on to something like jumping jacks...that's kind of hard on your joints. Walking is great cardio, and the more you do it, the easier it gets.
  • mcjabber
    mcjabber Posts: 374 Member
    You can do one of the non-impact cardio options Jillian gives (not sure if she gives them in level 1) like punching. Good luck!
  • mistylee0104
    mistylee0104 Posts: 95 Member
    I would do the squat with punches & give it all you got :) If your watching Biggest Loser this season, there is a lady on there who hurt her leg/knee & cannot do any lower body exercises & she just lost 16 lbs I believe last week! Craziness! Bob has her doing alot of punching. Good Luck to you!
  • TrishJimenez
    TrishJimenez Posts: 561 Member
    yes the punching one. And the planks where you touch your toe and put it back kind of like low impact mountain climbers, it is in level 2 the modified version of one of the cardio's that should be easy on your knee
  • raelynne214
    raelynne214 Posts: 2 Member
    well, I am on day 10 of the 30 day shred, and I experienced a limitation in the ab portion- the bicycles. I did crunches instead. I feel just as long as you are moving to keep the "burn" going lol... I suggest the butt kicks Anita's kind. Hope this helps. Jumping Jacks are brutal after so many 30 seconds worth and it kills my ankles. I have to stop sometimes. There is nothing wrong with that. Just keep going and it will get easier.
  • ShannanLaNae
    ShannanLaNae Posts: 434 Member
    everyone is giving awesome adivce. when i cant do the jumping jacks any longer i do butt kicks or a slight jump rope or punching as long as u are moving u will shred the weight!
  • Skyrocket123
    Skyrocket123 Posts: 149 Member
    Thank you for your advice everyone! It is the landing on the foot thats jarring my knee so I think butt kicks and jump rope are also going to be a problem. :(
    I so want to do this and also tone my legs and thighs and butt!