Advice please-anemia and weight loss

I have been battling anemia most of my life even when I was skinny and it has gotten worse over the past 2 years. Complicating matters even more I was diagnosed as prediabetic last month. I have been on iron supplements for a year now and I am supposed to take the supplements twice a day. Currently trying to find some low calorie alternatives to orange juice or other citrus juice, that don't include eating the actual fruit (something that was suggested in place of the juice). Any advice especially from those going through the same issues.


  • staciekins
    staciekins Posts: 453 Member
    Maybe just a simple vitamin c pill or something like emergen-c?
  • Vitamin C/Ascorbic acid aids in the absorption of iron. YOu can take it in any form, an actual Vit C pill will work fine. Have you been evaluated for any malabsorption problems?
  • aolani
    aolani Posts: 80 Member
    Vitamin C/Ascorbic acid aids in the absorption of iron. YOu can take it in any form, an actual Vit C pill will work fine. Have you been evaluated for any malabsorption problems?

    Don't know I have been evaluated for malabsorption problems. Doctor thinks the anemia is related to a minor genetic condition I have, since it is common for people with this condition.

    Do you take the Vitamin C pills before or at the same time you take the iron supplements?
  • Don't know if you consider this as eating the actual fruit, but you could buy a juicer and juice the actual fruit. It'll be healthier for you and still be juice
  • aolani
    aolani Posts: 80 Member
    Don't know if you consider this as eating the actual fruit, but you could buy a juicer and juice the actual fruit. It'll be healthier for you and still be juice

    I was considering getting one for the holidays.
  • snorktharpe
    snorktharpe Posts: 41 Member
    hi, i've had anemic tendencies since i was a kid and my stomach does not tolerate iron supplements well. however, eating the way God intended (lol) really is the best way to go for getting all the vitamins you need on a daily basis. i was diagnosed with diabetes recently in addition to other chronic illnesses and have been eating much healthier and this website really helps me to do that with the food diary and its massive food data base. may i ask why the orange juice is a problem? sometimes, i know my body needs it and i'll swill down a giant glass of it and feel fine. so i found the question interesting as this may have also been a pre-cursor to the diabetes i now have, etc., hope you'll let me know what's up and maybe we can compare notes. i have been enjoying some super tasty oranges in the last week hehe and i also keep a small bottle of lemon juice concentrate in the fridge to make a glass of lemonade with truvia which has no calories. feel free to friend me if you'd like and check out my food diary to see if anything on there might strike your fancy :) best of luck to you :)
  • aolani
    aolani Posts: 80 Member
    hi, i've had anemic tendencies since i was a kid and my stomach does not tolerate iron supplements well. however, eating the way God intended (lol) really is the best way to go for getting all the vitamins you need on a daily basis. i was diagnosed with diabetes recently in addition to other chronic illnesses and have been eating much healthier and this website really helps me to do that with the food diary and its massive food data base. may i ask why the orange juice is a problem? sometimes, i know my body needs it and i'll swill down a giant glass of it and feel fine. so i found the question interesting as this may have also been a pre-cursor to the diabetes i now have, etc., hope you'll let me know what's up and maybe we can compare notes. i have been enjoying some super tasty oranges in the last week hehe and i also keep a small bottle of lemon juice concentrate in the fridge to make a glass of lemonade with truvia which has no calories. feel free to friend me if you'd like and check out my food diary to see if anything on there might strike your fancy :) best of luck to you :)

    I would really prefer to just drink water. Water is strongly recommended for my minor genetic condition. I have to take my supplements twice a day. But I do have a bottle of lemonade concentrate in my fridge. Just got to make sure to use a straw.
  • snorktharpe
    snorktharpe Posts: 41 Member
    yes, i have to drink water for the most part for another health problem i have so that or lemonade are all i'm supposed to drink :)