good DVDs for after pregnancy workouts?

hello all.

i am due in December and would like to start a collection of workout DVDs that are good for postnatal fitness. i know for the first month or so i won't be doing a whole lot of anything but it would be nice to build up a library of DVDs i could use once i get some time and energy.

any suggestions, please? :)


  • MrsSpinks
    MrsSpinks Posts: 274 Member
    30 day Shred and Zumba dvds have helped me lose over 20lbs preggo weight so far! Started Zumba in September and 30 day shred last Sunday - both really fun and can see the differences really soon - good luck xx
  • fitmommy2012
    fitmommy2012 Posts: 451 Member
    Lindsey Briin has some EXCELLENT DVD's to do after pregnancy. Her programs are designed for women who have had children, and you are able to do them as soon as you get approval from your doctor. I would highly recommend them! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • Littlered9
    You might start with some Leslie Sansone DVD's. I love her 3 Mile Express and 5 Mile workouts. They are great and easy on the joints. Zumba Power DVD is awesome too...but it is MUCH more high evergy. HUGE calorie burns with this one! I have gotten great results using both.
  • faithfulrose
    faithfulrose Posts: 18 Member
    I'm trying to lose the weight I gained while being pregnant with quads. I'm using 30 Day Shred and having pretty good luck! The hardest part about it, is finding the time to pop it in... :-)

    Congrats on your new baby!
  • catintheshell
    you all rock! thank you for the suggestions so far! i really appreciate it. :D
  • grassette
    grassette Posts: 976 Member
    Make sure you don't start too early. Give your body time to heal. There is so much information out about gestation and childbirth, and almost nothing about how long the body takes to heal. No one had told me that I would bleed for 6 weeks, and that my body would take 3 months to close. It was such a surprise. And because I wanted to get back on my feet, I started exercising too early ended up stretching my stitches, and having to wait another 3 weeks until they stopped hurting.

    Plus, you'll be so totally busy for the first 3 months. Go for walks. That is the safest thing.

    And make sure you don't eat too rich. The temptation when the baby is on a 3 hour feeding schedule is just to walk into the kitchen and eat the easiest thing so you can catch up on that missing sleep. For me, those were frozen zuchinni cakes. So focusing your attention on what is in the kitchen and making sure it is easy to prepare, nutritious, especially if you are breastfeeding, instead of exercise will probably serve you best.

    Research that post-partum period. So much focuses on depression, or the needs of the new baby, and misses everything else.

    And congradulations on your pregnancy! Have a great delivery!
  • Collinsky
    Collinsky Posts: 593 Member
    Lindsey Briin has some EXCELLENT DVD's to do after pregnancy. Her programs are designed for women who have had children, and you are able to do them as soon as you get approval from your doctor. I would highly recommend them! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I really liked Lindsey Brin's DVDs -- I love love love that she addresses diastasis rectii (where the ab muscles separate, and for some of us, don't go back -- meaning most regular core work is absolutely out of the question... after five babies, she got my rectus abs back together!) and that she shows modifications for if you have a little stress urinary incontinence (which many moms do) and you can start doing her workouts using the modifications as soon as you get the go ahead from your dr or midwife! And honestly, there are a couple things that she does that if you start slowly and listen to your body, you can begin doing safely before the magical 6-week mark, if you want to - your caregiver should be able to tell you what is okay and what is not. (If you do, it is VITAL that you listen to your body. The first 2 months is a time to heal and bond with your baby, not try to get back into skinny jeans.)

    Also check out -- really great for postpartum moms!

    Walking while babywearing (carrying your baby in a soft carrier like a wrap or ring sling) is good for you and baby both.
  • catintheshell
    thank you again! i am so appreciative of all the suggestions, you all. :D