Does anyone else feel the same way?

argh feeling so bad for eating that donut.. still, my total only came to about 560 calories today.. but every time I go over 600 calories I feel hideous about myself :/ starting to think I'm taking this all too seriously, this site says I should eat at least 1200 calories a day but I know I wouldn't be able to do that.. help!


  • albinogorilla
    albinogorilla Posts: 1,056 Member
    you are either really bad at math, or you are starving yourself
  • peanut613
    peanut613 Posts: 438 Member
    It's important to eat 1200 calories a day. Any less and your body clings to every bite and stores it. You gain weight. Add fruits and veggies, yogurt, nuts to your diet. Skip the donut and shoot for healthier calories. If you feel disgusting eating so little, it should be a huge red flag for a possibility of an eating disorder.

    You're simply not eating enough.
  • Evy79
    Evy79 Posts: 30
    The idea that you are only eating 600 calories a day is insane! Ideally eat no less than 1200 if not more!
  • oswaldbowser
    oswaldbowser Posts: 164 Member
    600 calories is not a diet its suicidal starvation.....your body could start shutting down

  • bigdawg025
    bigdawg025 Posts: 774 Member
    You my dear have an eating disorder... I would suggest getting some help. It's only for your benefit.
  • mermx
    mermx Posts: 976
    So let me get this right, you are only eating 600 cals a day????

    Where in MFP has it given you that guideline?
  • Leanne1795
    Are those figures for real??? Nobody should eat that little. Is this a joke?
  • Mommyof3loves
    You're going to have to find away to eat over 600 calories no doubt about it because you can't live on 600 calories a be healthy. Not to overstep but are you working on getting over an eating disorder?
  • realme56
    realme56 Posts: 1,093 Member
    You need to see someone for eating disorders before you really hurt your body.
  • GouchisGirl
    GouchisGirl Posts: 321 Member
    Well, sweetie, you need to eat a little more then that. I know 18 is the age of wanting thin and quick, but it is harmful. I'm sure you've heard it all before. Girl I am 34 and I STILL feel guilty if I eat something that isn't healthy, but then again I had an eating disorder for 7 years when I was younger. I have found that if you stick to healthier options it is easier not to feel guilty. :) Instead of a donut, go for a Greek yogurt with some granola if you want a sweet or some cheese and crackers if you are in a salty mood. :) You can do it!
  • shaj316
    shaj316 Posts: 161
    I see you are trying to gain weight instead of losing like most folks on MFP. Have you consulted with a doctor? If so, what did they say?

    I think the other folks who use MFP to gain weight need to chime in here. I have to believe 600 cals a day is not something a doctor or dietitian would have suggested.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    It doesn't really help to call the girl stupid.

    But to the OP ... those are some pretty serious eating issues you've got going on there, lovely. You need to take this seriously, and get some proper support. Panicking about eating more than 600 cals a day is not a good sign. That donut is the least of your worries.

    Do you have access to a counsellor you could talk this over with?
  • SannaBourne
    hey.. i know how you feel but don't give up, you can beat this =)
  • GouchisGirl
    GouchisGirl Posts: 321 Member
    600 calories is not a diet its suicidal starvation.....your body could start shutting down


    Not nice.... if she does have a problem that most certainly isn't going to help. Has everyone forgotten that this site is to HELP people by positive motivation?! :mad:
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    I notice you're in sixth form. There'll be a counsellor at school you could talk to in the first instance, who could help you find the support you need.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
  • lucylue21
    lucylue21 Posts: 214
    *i will just answer your question and not judge* ahem. yes i feel quilty sometimes after eating a doughnut or a bowl of icecream. i feel like i could have eaten something better for my body. it is normal to some degreeto think that way. if you feel it is being obsessive maybe dont count calories and just start making healthyer options for food.
  • beckybernardo
    beckybernardo Posts: 93 Member
    I am going to go against everyone else and tell you that I know what you mean. If I eat too many calories, I don't lose weight either. I have to almost starve myself, or I just dont lose. I think that everyones body is different and I am glad to see others eating 1200 calories and lose weight, but I just can't seem to. Since I have been eating more calories, I have not dropped a pound, and I am working out at least 30 to 60 minutes a day
  • dlcam61
    dlcam61 Posts: 228 Member
    Ok. you are starving yourself. This is called anorexia and it can become fatal. Please know that 1200 calories is not overindulging. It is the bare minimum to survive. I see from your profile you want to weigh about 6 1/2 stones, which equates to 91 pounds to us Americans. This sounds way too low, and again brings me back to the anorexia problem. Become friends with healthy choices in your diet that are a good mix of lean protein, green leafy vegetables, fruits that pack a healthy dose of fiber and complex carbohydrates like brown rice. But most of all, in order to combat your anxiety over food and body image seek help from a certified nutritionist. Ask your doctor for a referral. They can help you overcome your fears of food and also help you design a menu that you can eat with confidence and not fear. Remember above all else to love the body you have without abusing it to make it too skinny. Is it really worth being skinny if it kills you? :flowerforyou:
  • Jessicaruby
    Jessicaruby Posts: 881 Member
    NO need to be mean to her............i understand what you mean but you have to relize that this is unhealthy and very harmful. i have had problems with eating disorders and went through a time when i would only eat about 300calories a day and exercise 3 times a day. it go to the point were i would get dizzy and light headed all of the time and black out sometimes. when i started to eat again i gained the weight back and my metabilism was shot. if you need someone to talk to or have any questions just send me a message. you are not alone, but in order to help yourself and not harm your body you need to eat at least 1200 calories.
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