Sugar Woes

Okay I have been going good for almost three months now. I measure, count, eat healthy and try to avoid fatty foods. BUT I have always had an uber sweet tooth and I ALWAYS seem to go over on my sugar count.

I am beginning to hate those red freaking numbers!!!

Do I really need to worry about this or should I just try to let it go as long as everything else is in line and My sugar isn't WAY off the charts?

Help! I can't live without chocolate!!!
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  • twerps4jesusjo
    twerps4jesusjo Posts: 34 Member
    It really depends on whether the sugars are from dairy, fruit, or pure junk. I try to keep my sugars almost to the levels MFP recommends but I know that there will be days I go over. I try to keep my junk food portions small so that I don't stress my body out with having to process too much refined sugar.
  • hotforcollege
    hotforcollege Posts: 34 Member
    I found the sugar cure, extra dessert delights gum I swear I'm addicted to it, its 5 calories and SOOO GOOD!
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    Oh god not another sugar thread!

    Unless you have a medical condition, don't bother tracking it! Especially if you eat a lot of fruit. I have never once glanced at my sugar count, as i know it'll be more than double what MFP says i should be on, and it's never done me any harm.
  • CarlydogsMom
    CarlydogsMom Posts: 645 Member
    If you track your fiber, too, you can basically subtract the grams of fiber from your total carb grams, since fiber generally goes through your system. That's not the most ideal way to maintain a nutritious diet, but it may help.
  • bluebird321
    bluebird321 Posts: 733 Member
    Some people choose to track it, other people don't. Go to amazon and do a search in the book section for "sugar" and do your own research and decide what is best for you.
  • losgan
    losgan Posts: 26 Member
    I like the idea of not messing with it! I let myself have a regular coke each day and it always bumps me over! So I'm going to give a great big TTTTHHHHHHHPPPPPPTTTT! :p to the sugar count!

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