200+ Hot For Halloween!



  • Pam - Thanks! :) I, too, have not heard of boot stretchers prior to this conversation....

    I am bored. out. of. my. mind. at work. Just found out that Nerd is working tomorrow (he didn't know until about an hour ago), which kind of sucks because I was hoping for him to get to meet my brother while I'm doing his senior pics tomorrow, but money sure it nice.
  • crystalAN85
    crystalAN85 Posts: 90 Member
    So... Far... Behind... Lol.

    *****Weigh in for this week at 214*****

    Happy dance! Life and work are crazy this week, I'll be catching up as soon as I can! :happy:
  • treehugginpam
    treehugginpam Posts: 1,129 Member
    Jessi, my bf does multimedia work -- videography, photography, graphic design, etc. -- so I showed him your pictures. He thinks they're great too, and he asked what kind of camera you use. :smile:

    Crystal, yay for the great weigh-in!

    I just got done working out for the night and part of my workout included a 20 minute treadmill run. I know, I know, it's just so hard to stop though! I've been wondering if my new running shoes are causing my hip pain, so I ran barefoot. I didn't hurt while running at all like the last time I tried...we'll see if there are any after effects. Interesting...
  • pancakesmajor
    pancakesmajor Posts: 208 Member
    OH my gosh the thread has already flipped again and I've only posted on the last one like... once? I want to catch up with what I missed but wow it's overwhelming. So I'll just mini-catch up.

    Kendall - Woohoo I'm so excited for you Warrior Woman! Congrats!

    Pam - So bummed to hear about your hip - hope you figure out the source of the pain asap!

    Jessi - I love those pictures, super darling :) Hope your tummy problems are better!

    Sarah (WnT) - Glad you're getting some help to help YOU with your friend. I really admire your giving generosity. You are inspiring, lady!

    We had an exciting long weekend in Kauai... took a catamaran from the south shore around and up to the Na Pali Coast and we were getting into some big ocean. We hit a swell so big I accidentally bent my knees to brace myself and got launched off the bow at least three feet in the air. Thank God I didn't go overboard. Completely freaked the crew out. I landed on the hard deck with such an impact that I completely bruised my heel and couldn't walk on it for the next few days. It was swollen, bruised and awful, but not broken. I could put on fins without a problem though, so had a great time snorkeling off the coast of Ni'ihau. We saw dolphins, turtles, and a monk seal while in the water - it was great. That heel ruined all our hiking plans for the rest of the weekend, but we still had a good time at the beach house with our friends. A bunch of us went surfing (well, I sat on the beach.. meh) and my hubby ended up wiping out and snapping his board in half. Super bummed. The surf wasn't even that big, and he was fine, but we had to pay for a replacement board. Completely reversed the benefits of using our friend's hookup for cheap rentals. Ouch.

    The calorie counting pretty much went out the window last weekend. Mealwise we mostly ate salads and grilled fish on the bbq, but we drank A LOT of beers and ate a lot of accompanying chips and salsa and homemade guac. And there were cookies. One night we went to this amazing little place called Infigo's, where you can do the Chef's Challenge by just telling him a protein and he'll whip up an amazing dish. Five of us all did the challenge, and each one of us got a completely unique dish. I scored the prosciutto wrapped filet over wilted spinach and it was oh so ono. Also, the place was BYOB, so we polished off 6 bottles of wine and 6 bottles of beer between 9 drinking adults.

    Since I got back I've been trying to catch up on schoolwork and have been working a billion hours - Christmas is definitely coming (October is the start of the holidays for us haha). My heel is still a little sore but that's probably because I've been on my feet for my 8 hour shifts. There aren't that many kids in the homeless shelter right now so I've been able to take a break from that this week since there are a lot of volunteers there who NEED hours.

    I gained four pounds over the weekend (I know, I know) but have cleaned up my diet again and am getting back to my last week's weight. MUST get back to logging regularly! I think I'm going to take it easy on exercise this weekend since the foot is still pretty sore and I haven't had a chance to rest it properly since I've been back.

    Anyway I'm still here, just busy. Talk to you all soon!

  • WoWmamaErin
    WoWmamaErin Posts: 148 Member

    > 212.7 lbs <

    Morning ladies :) Wow, this thread moves so fast that I can't keep up!

    Wanted to share a NSV with you!

    Yesterday I bought a dress for a wedding I'm in next friday. I know I left it really late... but... if I had bought it in July I would've needed a 20 or 22... The dress currently hanging on the back of my door is a size 16!!! And I can get into it without my corset... but I will be wearing the corset for the wedding to smooth things out! lol

    Hope you all have an excellent weekend!
  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556
    13.1 MILES DONE!!!! It took me 2 hours and 18 minutes. I'm so freakin stoked right now!!!

    Hugs to all of you!
  • Pam - Thank you! I use a Canon Eos Digital Rebel (the original, it's like 10 years old) and I usually shoot with a 50mm f/1.8 prime lens. I'm hoping to upgrade to a new body sometime next year. I'm glad that running barefoot didn't hurt you, but it sucks if it's your new running shoes causing the pain.

    Tasha - Thank you. :) Sounds like you had an interesting weekend; I hope your heel is feeling better soon.

    Kerry - AWESOME! :D Nice job!!!

    It's gloomy out, and it looks like it might be raining or getting close. I'm taking my little brother's senior pictures (wave 1, because his hair is black and white today, and he wants some other colors in his pics later), but him being my emo little munchkin, I think this is the perfect weather for that.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Kerry wooooohooooooo girl! Proud of you!

    I'm up a few lbs this morning but considering I ate out every single day this week I'm not surprised. I should be able to come back down by Monday morning for weigh in. I finally put on my bmf again last night too. Work will be insane next week so not sure how much I'll be on here. Lots of meetings and trainings as we are finally I implementing a new computer system. I also have s customer coming Tuesday.

    On the docket today is carpet cleaning and house cleaning. Jeff is going to the UO game tonight so Gracie and I will go shopping and make cookies or something.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member

    got my boots. was really super excited about it and sent the pic to Mr. Reunion, BFF and Work Friend.

    Work Friend was the first to respond and she said "Those are cute but they make your legs look bigger than they really are" :frown:
  • Kendal - OMFG You look amazing!
  • silver02bullet
    silver02bullet Posts: 261 Member
    Kendall- you look so cute! I like it all.

    Kerry- you are amazing on your runs!!!
  • Weigh in: 190.5. So something like 3 weeks or 4 weeks to go down 1.5 lb. Moved my exercise to Advanced and hit all 5 days this week.

    I feel like I;m doing things right, yet just stuck.

    However, it is enough loss to make pants I couldn't wear fit and a few things feel "big". Sometimes that is worse for me because I start to think it is enough....

    When I read how hard and how long you all have worked, I log my food and start again. Although tonight is my octoberfest dinner and there is good german cooking smells at my house. But enough ok things to eat.
  • wigglentwink
    wigglentwink Posts: 336 Member
    Kerry: You amaze me. Seriously. 138 minutes!? really!! Holey Smokin' Heels, Batman!

    I have my race tomorrow...but you have totally smoked my time. I can't wait to see you in a real race, you run even faster!!

  • GonnaDoItJenn
    GonnaDoItJenn Posts: 131 Member
    Kerry- That is an awesome run! It would take me a day to walk that far!

    Kendal- I wouldn't be worried about what they said, I think it is the angle that it's coming from in the pic. I think you look awesome!

    My weigh in for this week is 304.8 which means I am down another 1.2 lbs! I call this a HUGE victory considering that I had Ramen last night for dinner and TOM started. WOO HOO! Happy Dance for me! Hoping to get under 300 here in the next two weeks! :)
  • Jenn - Nice job!

    I didn't do any "official" exercise, but I did spend hours exploring some really old cemeteries with my baby brother after taking his pictures. (My pro baby brother wanted his senior pics in the cemetery. SO my little brother.)

    My favs from today:


  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Good morning, everyone! I'm finally getting a chance to play catch up, so here it goes:

    Hosanna: I hope you are enjoying your trip, hen outings, and the countdown to the big day!

    Sarah (WnT): I'm so sorry to hear that so many bad things are happening around you...it's very difficult to keep your bbearings and stay positive when it seems that everything going on is negative. Just remember that you are an amazing woman, and in time all bad things with pass away. Also, your son is super cute! Also also, your FREE day sounds awesome! Ugh on the 12-week wait though!

    Jessi: First, let me say that the pics you are posting are amazing! Now about the whole stomach thing, I had that same problem on Friday, and the worst part FOR ME was that it was the last day of a challenge and I was up 2lbs almost overnight...how's that happen??? I used to have stomach issues a lot, but my go-to fix was NOT healthy. KFC will help get anything out you have stuck in there...lol Anyway, I hope by the time I'm sending this message, you are feeling much better!

    Amy: Pregnancy can definitely occur while on birth control, especially the pill because there's such a huge margin for error...my twins are living proof of that. I hope the vet figured out what is wrong with your puppy.

    Kiki: Make sure you are taking some brain rests from all that studying...it would suck for your brain to shut down the day of exams.

    Victoria: Hi...and thanks for the reminder that I'm not a horrible friend for not being able to keep up.

    Rikki: I'm glad your job is considerate of what you're going through. Also, congrats on noticing a difference in your pics! I'm all about measuring myself, so that I can feel good about the process. So long as one number is down in measurements, I know I've accomplished something.

    Megan: You are going through so much stress and emotion right now, that even if your eating were perfect, you would probably still show a gain...that's just how our bodies work. Keep at it and it will turn around.

    Kendal: I'm so excited for and proud of you for this Warrior Dash thing. I put the date and place in my phone's calendar, so I don't forget ;-) OMG...those a fantastic boots! Forget what your friend said, you have on over-the-knee boots!!! I have never in my life even been able to wear calf-high boots!!!

    qofsheba: Don't feel discouraged by the scale. Measure yourself and let your clothes be the judge that you are doing the right thing.

    Pam: Dang, sorry about the hip pain out of nowhere and about missing the run! I know you are still getting some burns in because I see you on my feed, so I hope it is slowly getting better and that you're giving it a little bit of a rest!

    Tasha: Your vacation sounds amazing! I'm so jealous!! Even with the blips and unexpected expenses and illness, it still sounds like a great experience!!

    WoWmama: Congrats on the size change...that's fantastic!

    Kerry: You are constantly amazing! You just ran over double what I walk (in speed and length)!

    Ok, I know I missed some stuff from the previous flip, but I at least feel somewhat caught up!

    *********************************Weigh-in: 303.2***************************************
    Not what I was hoping for, but after having been up over 305 on Friday, I'll gladly take it! Speaking of Friday, there is a trail around the lake by my house that I have never been on because 1) I didn't know where it went to, 2) I didn't know how long it was, and 3) I was just too lazy to find out. Anyway, Friday was such a gorgeous day that I didn't want to go to the gym, and I didn't want to walk the local track around in circles, so I decided to try this trail. Let me just tell you that I thought I was going to die and had to tell myself that I either keep going and complete it or I have to call the cops to come get me...THAT was not an option. It appears that I decided to go in the direction that is primarily uphill, which I figured out after about mile 2 when I kept wondering why 98% of the people I passed were going in the opposite direction. So, long story short, the trail is a little over 5 miles, and it took me 104 minutes to walk it. By the time I was done, my whole body ached, and my lower legs are still sore today. I also found out that there is a fork off of the trail that is another 5 miles and connects to the trail I see people walking on outside of my gym. To complete it all going from the car, around the lake, down the straight trail and back, and back to the car would be 15 miles. Either I need to really start jogging properly or I will sometime by next spring be spending ALL day on that damn trail!

    The girls are home until Tuesday, spending my money, and making the house bearable again...it gets awfully lonely when it's quiet. We went to a haunted house last night and didn't get home until 2am. I was a little disappointed in it this year, and it's one of my favs. I think they were just missing some actors last night, at least I hope. Not sure what today's plans are, but tomorrow is dinner with the boyfriend and the girls...should be fun.

    Happy Sunday all!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Mr. Reunion, his girls and I went to the Wake Forest football game yesterday. I ate whatever I wanted and drank sodas all day and it shows on the scale today. Boo. But today ends my no exercise funk. Even though I'm not really stoked about it at the moment. I think it's cause I slept in so late today and my body is a little sore from it. Oh well. These are the consequences of my actions (or rather, my non-actions) all week.

    Isn't this the last week of our challenge?
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    here's the badge for the end of this challenge. you should be able to use that whole link except change the upper case "IMG" at the beginning and end of the code to lower case "img"

    ugh, it didn't show for me....this is why I hate using photobucket for posting pictures here but I don't want to put all these badges on my mfp profile cause if I delete them, it won't show on everyone's profiles.


    http://i1194.photobucket.com/albums/aa368/KendalBeee/MFP Badges/challengecomplete-hotforhalloween2.jpg

    http://i1194.photobucket.com/albums/aa368/KendalBeee/MFP Badges/challengecomplete-hotforhalloween2.jpg


    WOOOHOOO!!! I finally got it to work!!! I have a blog that I basically never used so I posted the pic there and it's finally showing up here. So the link that works is:


    BUT CHANGE THE UPPER CASE "IMG" at the beginning and end to lower case "img"

    and I'm going to leave all those failed attempts up in case anyone can explain to me what I was doing wrong with photobucket.
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Kendal, I think I read on another thread one time that if there is a % sign in your url it's because there was a random space. Try taking the % out and closing the space. I haven't tried posting any pics on here yet because of just such issues...ugh!

    You did have a great question, though...is this our last week or are we just going to finish out the month, since Halloween is on a Monday?
  • Bobbie - I live in the middle of nowhere, so we have no KFC :P It closed almost a decade ago. Yay for exploring new trails - that sounds like fun! :)

    Kendal -That's adorable! :D I like it!