

  • legacysh
    legacysh Posts: 464
    QOTD Thursday - Just posting a fun question for the day. If you woke up with a million dollars in your bank account tomorrow. What would be the first thing you do with the money?
    Pay off my house and car and book my trip away for a couple of weeks with my dear husband. Then I would help my son get a new car. lastly, I would sit down with the songwriting team at my recording studio and bust through the production of the songs we have been toying with, but do not enough capital to get them recorded yet.... (yes I would still work at my job)

    Friday, Oct 14 QOTD: Is there a motivational type of phrase that really seems to "hit home" with you - and helps keep you on a successful weight loss path?

    If you don't try, it will always be a failure! A friend on here told me that and it stuck. So each day might be a new attempt at doing things right, and I might not make it, but if I don't even attempt, I know I wont make it.
  • ChatSournois
    QOTD Thursday - Just posting a fun question for the day. If you woke up with a million dollars in your bank account tomorrow. What would be the first thing you do with the money?

    - Take half and divide it up between my family & extended family.

    - Pay off the rest of my mortgage.

    - Bank the rest and live a happy life for a while, with no scrimping!

    Friday, Oct 14 QOTD: Is there a motivational type of phrase that really seems to "hit home" with you - and helps keep you on a successful weight loss path?

    'Mind over matter'. You can do anything if you can just get your head around it!
  • shydaisi
    shydaisi Posts: 833 Member
    I posted this on my wall, but wasn't sure if I am missing anyone as a friend:

    Good morning everyone! Micah and I left on vacation yesterday and discovered that my internet access is going to be much more limited than I thought. I am going to do my best to get on as much as possible, but my activity will be limited. I unfortunately do not have access to a scale either, which will be hard for me. I like having that feedback each morning on how well I am doing.

    I am going to weigh in this morning, but as I don't have a scale, it will be Thursday's weight. I hoping everyone (including me) does well over the next week!
  • KatrinaG2012
    KatrinaG2012 Posts: 359 Member
    Friday, Oct 14 QOTD: Is there a motivational type of phrase that really seems to "hit home" with you - and helps keep you on a successful weight loss path?

    It doesn't matter how slow you run your still lapping the guy on the couch.
  • KatrinaG2012
    KatrinaG2012 Posts: 359 Member
    QOTD Thursday - Just posting a fun question for the day. If you woke up with a million dollars in your bank account tomorrow. What would be the first thing you do with the money?

    1. Give 10% to my church and charities.
    2. Take the best husband ever on the trip of his dreams.
    3. Buy a piece of bay front property on Cape San Blas.
    4. Buy a piece of mountain property in western NC or eastern TN.
    5. Take my sister to Anguilla for a week.
  • nenabug
    nenabug Posts: 156
    QOTD Thursday - Just posting a fun question for the day. If you woke up with a million dollars in your bank account tomorrow. What would be the first thing you do with the money?

    Buy a house, pay off our debt and my mother's, give 10% to church, and buy mom a new vehicle.

    Friday, Oct 14 QOTD: Is there a motivational type of phrase that really seems to "hit home" with you - and helps keep you on a successful weight loss path?

    "It doesn't necessarily matter where you are, but the path you're headed on."
    "I can do ALL things through Christ which strengtheneth me."
  • luvmybee
    luvmybee Posts: 58 Member
    QOTD Thursday - Just posting a fun question for the day. If you woke up with a million dollars in your bank account tomorrow. What would be the first thing you do with the money?

    I would hire a personal chef. I am terrible at cooking, and even though we are not going out very much anymore, my version of cooking includes microwaving things. I'm finding there is a lot of sodium in those foods.

    Plus, I just hate cooking. I don't have a lot of energy for it with everything else going on.
  • luvmybee
    luvmybee Posts: 58 Member
    Friday, Oct 14 QOTD: Is there a motivational type of phrase that really seems to "hit home" with you - and helps keep you on a successful weight loss path?

    As of right now, I don't have a motivational phrase. I clearly need one though LOL! When I lost all of that weight before I did have a motivational phrase, but I don't remember what it was :( Hopefully it will come to me sometime soon!
  • RhondaLeeRoss
    Looking forward to todays QOTD!!! :)
  • shydaisi
    shydaisi Posts: 833 Member
    Missed this yesterday, sorry!

    Friday, Oct 14 QOTD: Is there a motivational type of phrase that really seems to "hit home" with you - and helps keep you on a successful weight loss path?

    Take it one day at a time. If you screw up, pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start again today - not tomorrow, not Monday, not next week - TODAY! Don't stress over the guilt of the choices you made yesterday, and don't worry if you will stick with your goal tomorrow. Worry about this day, this meal, this bite - make the best choices you can for right now!!!
  • mariahhatfield
    QOTD Thursday - Just posting a fun question for the day. If you woke up with a million dollars in your bank account tomorrow. What would be the first thing you do with the money?

    - Go and pay off my rent all the way until my lease is up.

    - Buy a halloween costume!

    Friday, Oct 14 QOTD: Is there a motivational type of phrase that really seems to "hit home" with you - and helps keep you on a successful weight loss path?

    - I wish I could find one. I have those mornings that are extra motivation for me when I feel extra chubby, but other than that, I just keep pushing.
  • jnell82
    jnell82 Posts: 136
    :( Sorry everyone...

    QOTD Wednesday 10.12.2011 - What have you accomplished since your journey began that you could not do before? List as many accomplishments as you can think of!

    I can do push ups for a minute straight twice :(
    10 min. walking at a very brisk pace on the tredmill
    Tell people how I am losing weight the right (slow lol) way
    Drink 12 glasses of water in less than 24 hours
    Feel good about myself (it has been a very long time!)
  • jnell82
    jnell82 Posts: 136
    QOTD Thursday - Just posting a fun question for the day. If you woke up with a million dollars in your bank account tomorrow. What would be the first thing you do with the money?

    Take it out before they find their mistake! LOL but seriously there is the obvious buy the perfect house, put a lump sum back for kids, pay off all debt (student loans, credit cards) and invest.

    The old me really really wants to say surgery... lipo, breast reduction, shoot maybe even a nose job. The new me says a nutritionist and a personal trainer and a new wardrobe when the old one doesn't fit.

    Of course all this comes AFTER I get back from Italy :)
  • jnell82
    jnell82 Posts: 136
    Friday, Oct 14 QOTD: Is there a motivational type of phrase that really seems to "hit home" with you - and helps keep you on a successful weight loss path?

    "There is no modification to the jumping jack. I have 300 pound people that can do jumping jacks, so can you." Since the first time I heard Jillian say this doing 30 DS, it just gets me pumped. I have never watched Biggest Loser, but it reminds me that there are people bigger than me and more out of shape than me that can work out to Jillian and they have seen fantastic results. If they can do this, so can I!
  • SarahMorganP
    SarahMorganP Posts: 921 Member
    OMG!!! I was supposed to do Sat QOTD!!! I was sitting here all day waiting for it to be posted and it never crossed my mind until today that I was the one who was supposed to post it! I am SO SORRY!!!

    Saturday (a day late) October 15 QOTD: When you get to your goal weight (and money was no problem) would you consider having any plastic surgery?

    I want a tummy tuck when I am done really bad. I doubt I will ever have the money, but if I did I would have it in a second.
  • starsnyc21
    starsnyc21 Posts: 436 Member
    Saturday (a day late) October 15 QOTD: When you get to your goal weight (and money was no problem) would you consider having any plastic surgery?

    Thanks Sarah for post the QOTD.

    I would only consider plastic surgery if I found that my arms were still really big and flabby.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    October 15 QOTD: When you get to your goal weight (and money was no problem) would you consider having any plastic surgery?

    I am hoping there won't be loose hanging skin but if there is (and I wait out the full year or 18months to see if it shrinks on its own) then yes I'd want to get rid of that. The rest of me is fine
  • RhondaLeeRoss
    Saturday (a day late) October 15 QOTD: When you get to your goal weight (and money was no problem) would you consider having any plastic surgery?

    NO! The good Lord made me this body, I'm not gonna screw around with it. That's like saying He didn't do a very good job. HOWEVER.....if I had lost a large amound of pounds and needed skin taken care of I would do that!
  • legacysh
    legacysh Posts: 464
    Saturday (a day late) October 15 QOTD: When you get to your goal weight (and money was no problem) would you consider having any plastic surgery?

    Yes and I did. For me it was time to put my very deflated boobs back into a place where they should be. After losing over 100pounds two times, gravity has not been kind. I am only in my mid forties, I shouldnt have to dread looking at myself in the mirror each morning for the next 40 or so years. I definately made the right decision for ME!

    Each person is different, and I would not reccommend it with out some stability in your goal weight.
  • 6eighteen11
    Saturday (a day late) October 15 QOTD: When you get to your goal weight (and money was no problem) would you consider having any plastic surgery?

    I would probably consider it. I'm very very VERY small on top. I mean, could go without a bra small. I have full hips, so to me my body has always felt disproportionate. I'd love to have some real feminine curves and love my WHOLE body. If I do all the work to get a rocking body, I'd consider treating myself to the one thing diet and exercise can't help me with.