I have a confession... And I am now ready to talk about it.



  • jbeauchamp1
    jbeauchamp1 Posts: 195 Member
    Wow good for you in making a decision to become healthy regardless of how you got there. I used to be a one of those snobs about weight loss surgery until I met several people on here and learned more about it. My only reasons against it was because I had two friends that had it done and it did not work like they wanted and one whose husband passed away from complications so I guess I was more afraid of it for people than anything. Now I see how hard you guys have to work and I have a whole new view of it. If we were all honest we have all chosen different paths to weight loss that in one way or another not everyone will agree with but you have to do what works for you. As long as you are happy and eating in a healthy way go for it girl. So happy for you and your new life and health.
  • onceabyrne
    onceabyrne Posts: 64 Member
    Congrats for 1) taking the steps to become a healthier you. This isn't a one-size-fits all journey. We each take a different path, although we all hope to reach the same goal - health and wellness; and 2) for having the courage to "confess". It seems like something that was weighing on your mind and hopefully now you will feel lighter.

    Also, there are many many people that have had WLS only to gain all of their weight back. So while it's a tool, it still isn't a cure. You still have to watch what you eat and exercise, which you are doing. I have no doubt you will be successful in reaching all of your goals! :smile:
  • debs6
    debs6 Posts: 232 Member
    Decisions made by you for you - have absolutely nothing to do with other people, you control you and what you choose to best look after you. Hold your head high with pride for what you have managed and don't give a spare thought to others opinions of the processes you have chosen to get yourself into a healthier situation.

    Congratulations on your journey so far - and I wish you well for the future

  • ycc1964
    ycc1964 Posts: 698 Member
    Thanks for sharing your story it is very inspiring and was just what I needed to read this am. It is post like this that helps me get back on track, so I say again, thank you, thank you, thank you and congratulations on your success.
  • As you said it's still work. I had gastric bypass in 2002 and wish I knew then what I know now. Be proud of youself I know it takes. hard work to loose no matter what it is not a quick fix. Stay positive! :smile:
  • Klw43
    Klw43 Posts: 61 Member
    I think you're really brave to share your story.

    Thanks for sharing!
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    Jessica, you have done what you felt was right for your body. It's good that you know that WLS is not the end all and that you still have to work to control your weight. A lot of people get WLS and never get healthy, because they continue to walk on their bad habit road. WLS helps a person drop weight, it doesn't help a person stay focus and person has to do that.

    You are doing great. Don't feel about about your decision. You are on the healthy road and trying to do healthy stuff and that's all that matters. Keep your head up and your back straight. Be proud of yourself. Love yourself.

    We are here for you.
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    Sounds like it wasn't an easy decision and it was something you had to do for your health. The main thing, though, is that you know it isn't an easy way out and that you still need to eat right and exercise. Who is anyone on here to pass judgement on something like that? Congrats on what you've lost so far, and for keeping it up and good luck with your future weightloss as well.

    Very well put. I had a difficult time starting towards losing my last 30 pounds. It took me 2 - 3 years of being off track to finally start up again. It made no difference that I had already lost over 50 and knew exactly what to do. I still could not mentally seem to make that first step. Your life was in jeopardy. You had proof you were going to fight a very difficult battle if you did not do something quickly. You did what you had to do. It worked. You are now on your steady path and your condition has markedly improved because of YOUR effort. You, like everyone of us here MUST continue forever to make the efforts that we do today or else everything was for nothing.

    Congratulations on changing your life! YOU did the work. Your surgery helped you get there at a faster pace, but it would not have taken you there without your efforts.

    It is very brave of you to talk about this openly and lay it out there for every critic to see. Some people may not understand, but it wasn't their life that was in danger, either.

    I'm so glad you are a much healthier person today and have gained control over your life now. It is an addictive feeling and if you are like me, you only want to spread the word to get healthy! There are hundreds of ways to do so and each one of us must find what works for us. Everyone has a different situation and it is easy to judge. But again, I am so happy that you have taken the steps you needed to in fact save your own life! Thank you for being a friend and sharing your experience with us! = D
  • Kid70
    Kid70 Posts: 36
    You're inspiring me......no matter how it happened! You only need to worry about you. Good job.
  • maremare312
    maremare312 Posts: 1,143 Member
    Good for you! Even with the surgery you have to put the hard work in, it's just a tool and it sounds like you used the tool wisely! I know people that have had surgery and still not lost the weight, so you rock!
  • Hoppymom
    Hoppymom Posts: 1,158 Member
    My sister had the surgery in 2004. She lost a lot of weight and tried to get me to do it too but I wanted to lose it "the right way" for me. I didn't feel that WLS was right for me. She has gained back about 20 and then stabilized. I put on 30 more pounds but now I am losing in the way that is right for me. I think that you did what you had to do to get yourself well. Good for you!
  • Wow! YOU are beautiful. Thank you for sharing your story.
  • Spedden
    Spedden Posts: 207
    Only you could make that decision, and it looks like you definitely made the right decision for yourself! Anyone who thinks it was the easy way out should walk in your shoes first before speaking. Thanks for sharing your story with everyone, and thanks for being an inspiration to all of us; we all have to make diffiult decisions at some point. Hope you continue to enjoy good health! :smile:
  • TexasDarling09
    TexasDarling09 Posts: 210 Member
    I honestly think that WLS is as good of an option as losing weight the old fashioned way. Its your LIFE we're talking about. How you save it, no matter what, is not important. That you save it IS important.
  • I just wrote a paper on weight loss surgery for school. I'm here to tell you (and anybody else that matters or wants to know) that WLS is by NO means the easy way out! The side effects that can happen from weight loss surgery are unbelievable. Granted, I did not write on the lap band but gastric bypass (Roux-en-Y). I, at one time, thought I wanted to have the gastric bypass surgery. Mainly because I had no support system to lose weight, just some nagging people who told me I was overweight and should exercise more (blah blah blah). It was easier said than done in my eyes. I have arthritis in my knees and lower back. I have exercise induced asthma. Thoughts of running make me wheeze...let alone doing it!

    Anyway, you did what you had to do to start the path for you. You did what was the best way for your health and your liver. AS long as you are learning to watch what you eat and to eat in moderation, that is all that matters. Staying healthy and fit is all that matters and if somebody judges you for what you did they are not your friend to begin with. (Judge lest ye be judged. and I am not a very religious person but I truly believe in that!).

    Good for you in your decision to lose weight and get healthy, no matter what started you down the right path!
  • That's amazing! Congratulations!
  • I think it only matters what you wanted and how yo feel. I got a Lap Band in 2008. I didn't tell anyone but my close family. Now several of my friends know and some of my co-workers at my new job know. I still feel it's not everyones business. My oldest daughter has one now too and we will continue this journey together. we are at different stages in our weightloss, but we are both loving this website and meeting lots of new friends.

    KEEP UP the job work!
  • carebear7951
    carebear7951 Posts: 404 Member
    I don't think it's the easy way out. I think that if anyone is "disgusted" by your choice to have WLS then it's their problem. You still took responsibility for your own life and health issues. You DID SOMETHING. You didn't sit around "poor me'ing"-that's what is "disgusting"...I'm so happy for you that it worked out and you ARE still working hard-b/c I've seen the people who had WLS and didn't allow it to work-and guess what? they didn't lose the weight and they're not healthier now than they were then. It's still a daily choice.
  • I had VGS surgery on June 30th. Only about 10 people in my "real" life know about it....but it is my business, and it is helping me save my own life.

    Good for you for allowing the physicians to assist you in getting your life back.

    Take care of you!
  • mleoni092708
    mleoni092708 Posts: 629 Member
    You did what you had to do to save your life-there's no shame in that. I know exactly what you mean though. Some people are very judgemental and the last thing you needed was anyone making you feel bad about your decision. I'm so glad it worked out well for you and you are feeling better.
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