kick the habit! Say "no" to diet coke challenge

So I just finished reading all the responses to Amy's post in Weight Loss and Dieting about drinking diet coke (below) and it sounds like there may be enough folks interested in starting a thread for breaking the diet soda addiction. I'm inspired from all the responses to give this a serious shot! I drink several 12 oz. cans a day but also love water. Any one want to join me?? I will start tomorrow, though it may be tough since its the weekend and I've got a whole case in my fridge. We can share how long its been since our last diet soda and how much more H2O we've drank instead! Challengers??

"I thought about posting this in nutrition but since there is no value in diet coke, I thought better of it.

I sincerely believe I am addicted to diet coke. I also am quite sure it is a major contributing factor to eating bad foods. I've read about the conection between artificial sweetners and the brain craving actual sweets and that may be part of it but also, it's one of my comfort food companions. Pizza, spaghetti, any form of junk food, pretty much anything with a high GI must be eaten with diet coke. There are days when 100% of my hydration comes from diet coke. I also think it's making my skin look icky, just tired.

I have started drinking more water and everyday I try not to drink diet coke, though I always end up with a killer headache and cave. I've tried tea to compensate for the caffiene, no luck. I don't like coffee.

Have any of you had this experience? Any tips on how to break this habit?



  • miasuperstar
    So I just finished reading all the responses to Amy's post in Weight Loss and Dieting about drinking diet coke (below) and it sounds like there may be enough folks interested in starting a thread for breaking the diet soda addiction. I'm inspired from all the responses to give this a serious shot! I drink several 12 oz. cans a day but also love water. Any one want to join me?? I will start tomorrow, though it may be tough since its the weekend and I've got a whole case in my fridge. We can share how long its been since our last diet soda and how much more H2O we've drank instead! Challengers??

    "I thought about posting this in nutrition but since there is no value in diet coke, I thought better of it.

    I sincerely believe I am addicted to diet coke. I also am quite sure it is a major contributing factor to eating bad foods. I've read about the conection between artificial sweetners and the brain craving actual sweets and that may be part of it but also, it's one of my comfort food companions. Pizza, spaghetti, any form of junk food, pretty much anything with a high GI must be eaten with diet coke. There are days when 100% of my hydration comes from diet coke. I also think it's making my skin look icky, just tired.

    I have started drinking more water and everyday I try not to drink diet coke, though I always end up with a killer headache and cave. I've tried tea to compensate for the caffiene, no luck. I don't like coffee.

    Have any of you had this experience? Any tips on how to break this habit?

  • katiegrace318
    I will def take the challenge! My husband has been on me for not drinking enough water. He said drink 8 glasses of water in one day just for him to see what happened. And he was right! I lost a lb in one day simply from drinking the recommended water...Who knew?!

    As far as the headaches are concerned. Don't do it cold turkey. Take your self down slowly from D. Coke. I love coffee, so it's not so bad for me. But I have had the withdrawal headaches. Gradually cut it down until you get to half a can a day and you should feel better. Plus a little tylenol wouldn't be a bad idea. Why suffer?!

    Good Luck!
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    take aspirin for the headaches
    an aspirin every day is suggested by many health sites
  • GIBride01
    GIBride01 Posts: 328 Member
    I had to step down slowly from caffiene. What worked for me was alternating a caffiene drink with water, decaf tea etc. Your body does become dependent on the caffiene if you are taking in high levels routinely, and it will take a while to wean yourself down. That and asprin, or even Excedrin which has a small amount of caffiene in it. I still have my coffee in the am, but only drink diet soda maybe 1-2 x week now. Good luck!
  • ladyofivy
    ladyofivy Posts: 648
    Okay, I'll say "no" to the diet coke challenge.


    Seriously, I think this is a wonderful challenge, but I don't think I'll be participating, because I don't have a problem with diet soda....

    I can quit anytime I want!


    I just don't want to right now.
  • July
    July Posts: 239
    This is tough - I know it's bad for me, but is the chocolate bar I'm craving worse?
    I'm joining. Let's see if I can at least cut down - drink it only when I've got to have it.
  • miasuperstar
    It is tough, and i was actually thinking maybe i've made a mistake like "i can't do this. its crazy, I love Diet Coke and I'm already on a stinkin' diet" but.....I think i realized that this change MUST include diet coke for it to be real. I also drink a lot of coffee and am not worried about the headaches or caffeine, just the caramelized fake sugary stuff.

    Today, I'm allotting myself 2 12 oz. cans, which is a little more than half of what i normally have. I 'm gald i have company to do this. Less is better for a start.
  • star139
    star139 Posts: 134
    I'm IN!! i'm fairly new to the site though, how do I follow a thread and keep up to date with this challenge?

    I LOVE soda and was addicted to caffeine, so when i tried to stop i got the WORST headaches ever. like someone else mentioned, i just slowly started going off of it and trading in for decaf tea and eventually just water all the time. i sometimes pack a diet coke for lunch but i would love to cut soda out completely. it seems pretty useless.

    Good luck to me and everyone else doing this challenge!
  • miasuperstar
    Awesome! I guess the best way to follow the thread is just look for the title everyday. We can all post everyday how successful we've been, changes we may feel etc. and that will keep it going. Open to any other ideas. I will probably post in the evening after i know how the day went. I know my water intake will increase and i'm hoping my junk food craving go down since these two things go hand-in-hand. I guess we'll see:drinker:

    I'm IN!! i'm fairly new to the site though, how do I follow a thread and keep up to date with this challenge?

    I LOVE soda and was addicted to caffeine, so when i tried to stop i got the WORST headaches ever. like someone else mentioned, i just slowly started going off of it and trading in for decaf tea and eventually just water all the time. i sometimes pack a diet coke for lunch but i would love to cut soda out completely. it seems pretty useless.

    Good luck to me and everyone else doing this challenge!
  • ttoombs
    ttoombs Posts: 220 Member
    I reward myself one diet pop on Fridays for doing good the rest of the week. This way I don't completely deny myself one pleasure. It helped me get away from drinking pop every day. :happy:
  • kak1018
    kak1018 Posts: 183 Member
    I switched to Green Tea, been 28 days off the diet coke, sad I know. My skin looks a lot better, and my abs are more defined so it is true even diet soda bloats you. I can't say I will abstain forever but it is worth cutting back.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    If the headaches get bad, take an Excedrin, drink some tea, or even try a caffeine pill. Most people who get headaches from 'withdrawal' are really just experiencing caffeine withdrawal. Caffeine is addictive and withdrawal causes headaches, whether it's from coke or coffee.
  • miasuperstar
    I switched to Green Tea, been 28 days off the diet coke, sad I know. My skin looks a lot better, and my abs are more defined so it is true even diet soda bloats you. I can't say I will abstain forever but it is worth cutting back.

    that's awesome! Well, yesterday i had 2 cans which is better than normal. Today i will try to do better!
  • Kimono
    Kimono Posts: 367
    Oh Yippy-so glad we have a support group now! Day 3 for me! I am even going to try some tea.
  • katiegrace318
    I have been soda free for 5 days now and am just as happy with my morning coffee. If I am in the mood for something fizzy, I drink Canada Dry Cranberry Ginger Ale. It's caffeine free and very yummy!

    but other than that, I have been drinking my 8 glasses of water for the past 3 days, it has cut down my sweet tooth and appetite! I wish I had listened to the doctors years ago!!!
  • lizabean89
    lizabean89 Posts: 33 Member
    I'm in! Great challenge. I am new to the site but this is a bad habit for me. I love diet sodas. I know it sabatoges my efforts. It can only help.
  • Shadowpaws
    Shadowpaws Posts: 109
    I'm on day four of no diet coke! :)

    It's kinda rough to not go for one in the fridge, but so far so good. Only green tea and water for me thus far!
  • Jennnnnnnny
    Jennnnnnnny Posts: 373 Member
    i like diet coke..and diet ginger ale. its good...i mean i guess you shouldn't drink it everyday for all your meals but i see nothing wrong with it... its better than high carb juices i think
  • Kimono
    Kimono Posts: 367
    I am on day 4-really wanted one yesterday but made it through the day. Can't believe how much plain water I am drinking now.
  • Kimono
    Kimono Posts: 367
    How is everyone hanging in there? It is harder than I thought, but not giving up. I had some Diet coke in the fridge and I used it to make the Diet Pop Cake from another post. Works well, kids loved it.