Any suggestions????

I am at the point of "to heck with this!!!" One of my friends on here already looked at my food diary and suggested water increase. (Yesterday should be 90 oz but don't think I logged any...forget to when I log from phone). Anyway, I just can't see how at 296 lbs I could possibly gain 4 lbs on a 1200 calorie diet as suggested by my doctor. The numbers in my diary are suggested based on MFP calculations and as a hairstylist I set activity as slightly active since some days (like this weekend only sitting 20 min of a 9 hour day)are more busy than others. Any other ideas/suggestion on things I might try changing???


  • Tonnina
    Tonnina Posts: 979 Member
    Start measuring yourself. I gained a pound but lost inches this last week. how much salt are you taking in? I'd drink 100oz or more of water each day. How much gym time are you getting in? are you eating back your exercise calories?
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I took a look at your diary almost to the beginning of October, and you are eating a lot of processed foods it looks like.
    Yea they may say things like diet, low fat, lean w/e, but that doesn't mean crap.. and they are full of sodium, which makes you retain water and bloat like none other. So I agree with upping the water.. that will help.

    Also though, cut the processed crap.. eat more fruits, veggies, whole grains, and lean protein. All of those should help make the weight loss at little bit easier.

    Also, if your not lifting weights already, then start. The more muscle you have, the more calories you'll burn at rest.. which means your burning extra without even doing anything more.
  • tracikearns
    tracikearns Posts: 138 Member
    I looked at your diary and I have 2 suggestions. First I think you need to up your calories a bit, especially when you exercise. I would think minimum 1350 without exercise. Some people on here have had great success with zig zagging too, that may help. The other is sodium, try and stay under 2000 a day. Congrats on your progress so far! Feel free to add me as a friend :)
  • mynanarocks
    mynanarocks Posts: 2 Member
    The water helps flush the fat, so getting it in is important. Try to at least double what you have been - so if you usually only get in one, make sure to have at least 2. The water was the hardest part for me. I've been working on dieting since the end of March, but have only worked up to the 8 glasses of water recently, and some days, I still only manage to get in 4-6. I found one way to make sure that I get in at least three, I drink water with my meals now.
    Other than the water, I don't know what else you should do, but I will say to keep doing something!! I plateaued and stayed there for 5 weeks, very frustrating to say the leasst. However, I kept logging in, kept trying, and in the last ten days I've been taking off ounces (my scale measures in tenths by twos of a partial pound) every few days, but before you know it those, .2s add up to another pound.
  • ccarpe
    ccarpe Posts: 118
    Don't give up and don't tell yourself you can't. I have my settings as sedantary, and no workouts per week. My calories intake is usually around 1200, even though the site says I should be at 1400. Try cutting out more carbs and adding more good proteins. I had to start measuring my food and it really helped, what I thought was a serving of cereal was actually almost double. Some weeks are definately harder than others, but slowly and surely I am losing. This week is one of the harder ones, as I don't think I have lost any scale weight, but I refuse to give in, I will just work a bit harder next week. I was doing really well at walking several times a week, up until my sons soccer season started, but that's over next weekend and I am getting back to regular schedule and walking routine. Good Luck!! and remember YES YOU CAN!!!
  • gazz777
    gazz777 Posts: 722
    ^^^^ what they said ^^^ plus DONT GIVE UP.

    We are in this WITH you. Please read your profile tagline.

    Hang in there. Keep at it. For me please ? No, how about for TIM !

    You are worth it ! Go for GOLD !
  • Expatgirl
    Expatgirl Posts: 33 Member
    Have you seen your doctor to see if you have a metobolic difference or thyroid?
  • cloneme_losehalf
    cloneme_losehalf Posts: 356 Member
    Thank you for all the advice. I tried to buy less processed foods for this week. With my job, its just easier :(
    I will do better on making sure I get the water in. I did best my first week and second week and then it was a little lax.
    I have been tested for thyroid and all.
    It could just be all the standing and walking I did. I was on my feet about 8 hours a day minimum the last 3 days with little breaks.
    I had also done three days of 30 day shred and some other strength training.
  • Connie_TN
    Sweetie are you able to take you lunch and snack to work. I know it sounds like a lot of work but I cook one day of the week for the up coming week. I pack my snacks..the ones that don't have to be refridgerated, my protein bars and off I go.
    MIMITIME Posts: 405 Member
    Just my two cents. I have had much better results with MFP guidelines than doctor guidelines. I set my activity at sendentary and goal to lose 1 pound a week. MFP allows me 1480 calories a day which is very doable. I just wonder if you are getting enough calories compared to what I get. I would try setting my activity to moderate and see what calories MFP offers. By backing down to moderate, that shaves off a few calories that would otherwise be allowed but you would still have enough calories to not be overwhelmed by the process.
  • steph1278
    steph1278 Posts: 483 Member
    In my opinion, for your weight, 1200 calories is too low especially if you are exercising as well. I weigh 240 now and have my activity level set to sedentary because I have a desk job. My goal is to lose 1 pound per week. My calorie allotment is 1860. I couldn't survive on 1200 calories personally.
  • cloneme_losehalf
    cloneme_losehalf Posts: 356 Member
    I have not been hungry. But I felt better when I was doing MFP guidelines.
    Yes, I can pack my lunch. It is just a habit I need to get into. I am so accustomed to fast foods and quick fix process foods I need to search more healthy alternative meals I can make in advance to freeze and take to work. I have split peas to make split pea soup this week, chicken breast, and pork tenderloin.
    Thanks again for all the suggestions and support!
  • siabevis
    siabevis Posts: 811
  • cloneme_losehalf
    cloneme_losehalf Posts: 356 Member
    Hmmmm.... I have lost nothing in my chest, but have lost 1 1/2" in both my waist and hips! (No wonder my jeans looked like I had a sack of poo poo starting in them Friday)