

  • It always sounds easy but it never is, I'm encouraging all of you and including myself to keep on moving forward, everyday just a little bit helps. Thank you guys.
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    Last Friday I had a pile of chicken mcnuggets, a large order of fries, a coke and a candy bar for dessert. I still lost 2 lbs over the week. As long as you work out and eat right most of the time, a few indulgences won't torpedo your weight loss.
  • coloradocami
    coloradocami Posts: 368 Member
    Quick! Run around in circles for an hour. Thats the only way you will live!

    It will be ok...just start again! and well exercise is a good choice
  • Edithrenee
    Edithrenee Posts: 546 Member
    i like most of the advice on here. It is true tomorrow is another day to do better. It is over now.. the good thing is you are at least felt bad for the cravings. But you have beat yourself up enough, I used to eat it and not think twice so i think you are fine.

    We just cant do it everyday. Im proud of you.... lol you confest!!!
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    You guys must have lots of success in losing weight, I'm just a beginner.

    We all started somewhere. I had a "cheat" day today and I ate sooooo much. It's over, so get over it and move on. It sounds harsh typing it out, but imagine me touching you on the shoulder with a smile on my face while saying it :smile: You can't change what you did, you can only pick yourself up and do better next time!
  • sschmidt928
    sschmidt928 Posts: 39 Member
    Deep breath, close the bag, and walk away. Take yourself for a walk (if it's not too late at night) and give yourself a break. Are you totally denying chocolate in your diet? If you are, you may need to have a bit - perhaps one piece? - each day. But don't go for the cheap stuff. I have one block out of a bar of super dark chocolate (usually with nuts and fruit in), if I need chocolate. It satisfies that craving and for me, dark chocolate isn't a trigger. Milk chocolate is. I could down a bag of the fun size Milky Ways... so I don't have them in my house. Also, the good stuff costs more so you won't want to eat it all in one sitting.
    Good luck, and remember - one slip, one time, give yourself a break. If you're regularly doing 11 candies in one sitting, you're gonna want to think about why.
  • So it's okay to eat something sweet once in a while?
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    So it's okay to eat something sweet once in a while?

    A lot depends on the person. I didn't have any sweets for a while because I have a crazy sweet tooth and never knew when to stop. I'd eat sweets until I was sick, then feel guilty and get depressed.

    Now that I've built up my self-control and decreased my sweet tooth, I don't restrict my diet at all. If I want chocolate and I have the calories for it, I eat it. I want brownies? I'll make some. I just know when it's ok for me, and am able to stop myself (most of the time).
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I can't believe what I just ate an hour ago, I was graving chocolate and then I ate down 11 fun size nestle and one kit kat! I feel like I might bloat and gain 10 pound tomorrow! I don't know what to do~!

    Part of this whole journey is learning to forgive yourself when you screw up. Don't sweat it, just get up tomorrow and don't do it again.
  • Thank you! I'm so lost without you guys support.:blushing:
  • Or better yet, throw the candy away! I can't have that stuff in my house or I'd annihilate it!


    I find if it's not in the house and readily accessible, I don't have to worry about succumbing to temptation. There's just certain stuff I cannot have in the house, because I know for a fact I will snorfle it faster than a ... snorfling... snorfler... thing. :bigsmile:

    That being said, don't be too hard on yourself. Everybody...and I mean EVERYBODY... occasionally just loses it and dives head-first into the delicacy of their choice. Rather than feel guilty, just truly enjoy it, then forget about it and focus on tomorrow. Don't fall into the cycle of self-denial, and when you fail to resist, guilt and despair. It is what it is, acknowledge it and then move on. You're going to be just fine, simply stay positive about what it is you ultimately want to accomplish.

    You CAN and you WILL succeed! :smile:
  • the_new_robin2016
    the_new_robin2016 Posts: 97 Member
    i work at subway, and i have a VERY hard time not eating those delicious cookies! It's a struggle every shift. i found that chewing gum helps keep my mouth busy and helps with the cookie craving. It might help you with your chocolate craving!!
  • btrez2
    btrez2 Posts: 3 Member
    Don't beat yourself up about it. Tomorrow is a new day. We all have weak moments. Be proud that you are on your journey to a healthy life. Remember, all roads have their ups and downs. I bet you have had many more incredibly positive days than you have had small slip ups.
  • Thank you guys, I do think that chewing gums do help with my hunger all the time, it just kept my mouth moving that my stomach doesn't bother me.
  • Sounds like you may have been hungry & didn't have a back-up plan...for instance, you may not have had the healthy food choice in front of you....:flowerforyou:

    Planning ahead works, with healthy choices prepared ahead of time.....:flowerforyou:

    Chocolate! What's wrong with it? Nothing, it's amount one chooses to eat. :flowerforyou:
    It is trial & error that will teach you. (That will give you the motivation you need!!!)

    I'm sure you are not so hard on yourself now, are you?
    You must make the changes, in order to get to the goal you want. One day at a time!! :flowerforyou:

    sschmidt928-you got it right, dont' deprive yourself! It used to be lots of ice cream for me, so i just eat less of it & I can smile cuz I am not over doing it. Progress is slow, but so worth it!!

    Great support, I love it!
  • traceycrapper
    traceycrapper Posts: 18 Member
    i do that sometimes but am a little easier on myself now it will not make much difference as long as i dont do it everyday . Be kinder to yourself and carry on tomorrow
  • Ritala1987
    Ritala1987 Posts: 135 Member
    Quick! Run around in circles for an hour. Thats the only way you will live!
