Just signed up today!

Hi all! My name is Candice. I have been a WW member for a while but wasn't really following it. I heard about MFP from a friend on Facebook and wanted to check it out. The Android app seems to be pretty good, and so far I like the site quite a bit. I need something to change, my 32nd birthday is next month and I am at my highest weight ever. I have 2 young boys and I do not want to set a bad example and let them think that being this overweight is OK! I need to get healthy. For my boys and for myself. Here we Gooooooooo :)


  • armacd
    armacd Posts: 95
    Welcome!! You can do it :)
  • Mishy
    Mishy Posts: 1,551 Member
    Welcome! This is a great place to be. Good Luck!
  • ashnm88
    ashnm88 Posts: 748
    Welcome to MFP, good luck! :smile:
  • Chunky_As_Charged
    Those are great reasons to get fit. Kudos to you for realizing that one plan wasn't working out for you and for starting a new one. I absolutely love the android app. I use the barcode scanner to scan in my foods as I prepare them. Feel free to add me as a friend. I'd love to help support you on your journey!
  • BigCat175
    BigCat175 Posts: 38 Member
    Congrats to you for making changes! MFP has been great for me since I got back on track a week ago. Feel free to add me and we can support each other on the journey! Cheers
  • gazz777
    gazz777 Posts: 722
    Hi and welcome to MFP.

    The support here is excellent.

    Feel free to add me as friend if you wish.
  • queenpushycat
    queenpushycat Posts: 761 Member
    Welcome to MFP!! :) You have a great goal! Feel free to add me as friend, and we all can work hard towards our goal! :D Cheers... I also found MFP through my Android apps. :) It's awesome! I can actually add my food and my exercise just through my phone.
  • Robinkinchen
    Robinkinchen Posts: 39 Member
    Good for you and good luck on your journey!:smile:
  • suzieq413
    hey all i am suzie and i just signed up today. I have done weight watchers in the past had great results but with my kid's busy sports agenda i had to miss some meetings and then just did not go back. I went to my doctor last week and he told me i needed to lose weight and quit smoking. I need a lot of prayers for the not smoking part. losing weight is the easiest. I am so happy though since last wednesday i have not had a mellow yellow!!!!. Good luck to everyone here and i will check in everyday. God Bless!
  • candicejn
    candicejn Posts: 458 Member
    Wow, thanks for all the welcome posts! I can already tell this will be a more friendly place than the WW boards :D
  • candicejn
    candicejn Posts: 458 Member
    I am so glad I came here - only on day 3 so far but this has been so great :) Can't wait to see my first WI on Sunday :)