
I started MFP a few months ago. Lost 8 pounds in the first 6 weeks (the pace I should be at according to my doctor). 1 month ago I stopped logging in to MFP (I have my excuses, but they're just that, excuses, and it wasn't intentional just was no longer a priority) I made the decision to start tracking everything on this site again, only to find over half my MFP friends de-friended me. This was not exactly the motivation I was looking for to get my butt moving again.

My question to everyone is... How do you motivate yourself after others abandon you during a slump?


  • redlava85
    I have no friends on MFP lol, why do you need friends here anyway?
    Motivation should come in yourself, MFP is a good tool to measure how much you're eating on a day-day basis.
    Why dont you get a personal trainer? or join a gym (they have regular classes)
    If you have a regular appointment or regular scheduled class, IMO thats a strong motivation because you're held accountable.

    I personally have a personal trainer, and he makes me accountable from eating/nutrition to exercise.
  • EmmaRankmore
    I get on here and make new friends :) Everyone moves on sometimes and you're not always friends with the same people for the same time/reasons, so just make some new ones. Reason, season, lifetime - some friends are there for a reason, some for a season, some for a lifetime. Just make the most of what you can :)

    I agree with the above post in the respect that this is a great tool for motivating YOURSELF too, but sometimes a gal needs mates and I get that too. You'll be fine - get chatting to some new people and it will happen easily I'm sure :)
  • MrsBlobs
    MrsBlobs Posts: 310 Member
    I guess people want others that are going to be there to cheer them on too! The thing is, you may feel abandoned, but you abandoned them too.
    Having friends on MFP isn't essential. It makes things more interesting and it is lovely when others recognise your achievements but ultimately this journey is a bit of a solo deal anyway. Self motivation comes first and foremost - friends are the cherry on top, not the whole cake.
    I'm sure you will find new friends and I'm sure others will pick you back up. Just remember, it's a two way street.
  • astul
    astul Posts: 63 Member
    i'm still here for you hun! and I agree that the more friends you have giving u that push, the more you can lose! I have lost more on here, logging everything, reading the boards for inspiration and getting little messages of support, than I did just going along on my own doing my own thing! I wish I had found this site last october when I decided to do something....I would have been nearer to my goal than I am......but I will have got there by next June when I go to Malaysia to see my oldest friend and that is my incentive! xx