New Year Walking Challenge Week 2 (closed group)

Hey guys how is everyone? You all seem to be doing well.. Thank you to the people who post an update each and every day, to the ones who don't, if you could try to get an update in each day that would be awesome. If not we understand.. lifes busy sometimes :)

Anyway week two is upon us... weigh in is upon us.. I'd like everyone to weigh in tomorrow please (monday) and then post you're weight and loss on here.

Also our weekly challenges will be different as of tomorrow

Nic1976 has decided them this week and they will be:

50 jumping jacks
50 lunges
50 squats

any questions about these exercises should be directed to her :)

So everyone enjoy your hourly walk. If something is preventing you from walking (pouring rains/lightening storms/floods/hurricanes etc) please feel free to substitute it with an hour of some other kid of exercise of equal or higher intensity. I had to do it myself a couple of times this week.

Keep up the good work!! :)


  • Candice83
    Candice83 Posts: 217 Member
    Oh just wanted to specify... post your weigh ins on the old thread.. we'll post next weigh in on this one!
  • Candice83
    Candice83 Posts: 217 Member
    Hi everyone! did an hour and a half walking today and will complete my mini challenges after dinner!
  • Candice83
    Candice83 Posts: 217 Member
    mini challenges completed!

    Where is everyone?
  • nic1976
    nic1976 Posts: 38 Member
    Completed my walk & mini legs are really feeling it right now haha
  • gemco
    gemco Posts: 129
    evening folks

    i've been away for the weekend so not checked in, soz. did about 5 or 6 hours walking saturday sunday and just a short walk this afternoon. hope everyone's well.
  • belladebil
    belladebil Posts: 17 Member
    Today can bite me, worst day at work ever - BUT I have a week holiday next week, and I have done my excersise already today so means tonight can be spent doing housework!
    Didnt get to stop for lunch, and as I didnt have anything here (Had planned to buy a subway salad) I was scabbing in the cupboards for whatever I could find and will replace tomorrow.
  • Candice83
    Candice83 Posts: 217 Member
    hey guys i might be a little slack in the next few days... just started my new job and doing those lunges and squats last night really screwed me since all day today i had to squat and kneel on the floor for 7 hours while grinding metal in the ground.. im in serious pain right now and dont want to push it in case i have to do the same thing tomorrow.. i did 25 mins walk today and will do some sit ups in place of mini challenges.. Hopefully within a week or so i should be used to it a little more and can do the mini challenges.. i still will get the walk in since i'll be walking to and from work.. i just gotta take it a bit easy on the leg work for a bit lol A couple of times today i was kneeling and trying to push at the ground with the grinder at the same time.. the way i was hunched over was putting enormous pressure on my leg muscle and both my legs began to quiver so much i had to stop because i was embarassed others could see hahahaha.. i'll get there though.
  • belladebil
    belladebil Posts: 17 Member
    Wow, sounds like your job is very physical! What do you do ?
  • Candice83
    Candice83 Posts: 217 Member
    im helping build warships.. it is very physical... im aching all over haha
  • gemco
    gemco Posts: 129
    sounds interesting! my dad worked at the shipbuilders for about 25 years. i got to go and nose round one of their submarines once, was very cool.

    no walk yesterday, i was scared off by the horrendous weather. after lunch we're going out with the small people as it's sunny today and the boy is poxy and can't go to school. not sure how far i can drag him but will try for an hour!
  • belladebil
    belladebil Posts: 17 Member
    Lol any wonder you are aching!! If you have a bath I find that a long soak helps ease the muscle aches :)

    As for me - relatively on track. Dreading next week, having surgery on my toe Tuesday and going to be on crutches - imagine the calories I will burn lugging my heffalump self around on those LOL!!!
    I am loving daylight savings, it is so much easier to go for a walk once we finally get home as it is still light. Ned-dog loves his time with mum too and it's wearing him out so he isnt as jumpy which is good.
  • belladebil
    belladebil Posts: 17 Member
    Just finished another small walk and this time I carried weights, so I was doing various arm lifts as I went - luckily we live on a farm so I did this walk around the paddock otherwise I think I would have looked majorly stupid!
  • gemco
    gemco Posts: 129
    hi. still on track with the walking, though going to have to break it up into chunks to get it done today. poorly children have really interfered with my weeks plans.
  • Candice83
    Candice83 Posts: 217 Member
    hey guys sorry i havent been posting everyday.. im running out of my months quota of the net... have been continuing my hourly walks each day but no minin challenges yet... today is a rest day for me but my legs are finally starting to feel better!
  • gemco
    gemco Posts: 129
    my walk today will be too and from the pub. not sure that counts :ohwell:
  • gemco
    gemco Posts: 129
    how do. 90 minutes today. is everyone doing ok? am i on the wrong thread?
  • nic1976
    nic1976 Posts: 38 Member
    Hey guys! Sorry I haven't been on here much this has been so busy with lots of long hours :(

    I've still managed to get in my hour walking each day but that's about it...not many mini challenges. Don't think this has been a very good week for me!

    How is everyone else doing?
  • belladebil
    belladebil Posts: 17 Member
    Sounds like you are all doing well at the walks! I've been slack, none today but will make up for it tomorrow!
  • belladebil
    belladebil Posts: 17 Member
    No change to weight. Soooooooooooooo frustrating!!!!!!!!!!!
  • nic1976
    nic1976 Posts: 38 Member
    Sorry for my late post!

    Not such a great week but on the up side I did lose 0.2 so now down to 96.3....slow & steady hehe