200+ Hot For Halloween!



  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Hi ladies. Don't have much to say. Thats all :)
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    gonna give this a shot...

    nope, taking the % out didn't help. Oh well, as long as I got it to work, I'm fine with that.

    Logged 30 minutes on the treadmill today. I know it's been over a week since I last went, but I could not figure out why I couldn't keep jogging for 5 straight minutes. Then I realized I was jogging at 4.5 instead of 4.0 like last time. That's a big difference.
  • hkallembach
    Hi. I am in a rut wanting to give up weight loss. Boo. I know I won't but I have to get my feelings out. I will be a youthful bubbly personality comes the start of this new challenge! Yay!
  • WoWmamaErin
    WoWmamaErin Posts: 148 Member
    Hailie - keep it up - you can do this!

    Did my 2nd last day of 30DS today. My goal was to complete all 30 days before I leave on Tuesday for a wedding I'm it... so I'll do it tomorrow night when I get home and goal complete!

    I also jumped on the treadmill after my workout with Jillian... last time I went on the treadmill I could not run more than 3 minutes without wanting to die, hold the handles and then have to slow down. Today I went for 10 minutes and all but the beginning and end were jogging - so about 8.5 mins straight!! 30DS has really improved my cardio & endurance. I've also lowered my resting heartrate from the mid to high 70's down to the low 60's :) Amazing what a month and a half can do!
  • treehugginpam
    treehugginpam Posts: 1,131 Member
    Well, I didn't do the 5K because of my hip (I thought that would happen, boo), but instead on Saturday I swam laps in the gym pool and worked out on the elliptical (neither of which hurt my hip) and got a mega burn. Better than nothing! I also bought new running shoes, AGAIN, even though it killed me to spend more money on shoes when I just bought some. So far the new ones feel pretty good, so hopefully it'll help the hip problem.

    While at the gym on Saturday, I saw that a trainer there is going to do a 5 week beginner's boxing class that I'd LOVE to take. The two problems with it are that it's not included in the price of membership since a trainer is teaching it, and it's kind of expensive....but even worse than that, the classes are twice a week at 6am. I am NOT a morning person. A 6am class means I'll need to get up no later than 5:15 to get ready, rush out the door, and drive to class by 6am. That sounds HORRIBLE to me. However, I know I would love a boxing class and it would be cool to add something new to my workout plan. I guess I need to figure out if the coolness of the class will make up for the horrible-ness of getting up at 5am. :smile: It's only twice a week for 5 weeks though....I could probably get up super early 10 times in the next 5 weeks....

    Hailie, don't give up! You've been doing great!

    Wowmama, nice job on the treadmill! 30DS helped me get in better shape for running too.

    Kendal, I like the badge! So when we finish the challenge, we just use the link you put up there to stick it in our signatures? Super cute Halloween outfit!

    Lacey, hi!

    Jessi, more great pics! I have know idea what your camera is, but the bf knew exactly what you were talking about. :smile:

    Bobbie, way to rock the trail! That was brave of you to go exploring without knowing how hard it would be!

    Jenn, yay for the loss!!

    Sarah (WnT), how did your race go?

    Kerry, you are inspiring, as always!

    Tasha, I'm sorry about your heel -- glad you're okay! Don't worry too much about gaining on vacation; you'll get right back on track.

    Who else is not at all excited that Monday is almost here again? Yuck!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Me. I'm not excited for Monday. At all. But I'm going tO make myself be in a good mood tomorrow.

    On another note. My left foot heel and instep is hurting today. Fml.
  • jessicae1aine
    Nerd JUST got a call that his dad had a heart attack. We talked to him yesterday; his birthday was yesterday, as well. I lost my dad to a heart attack 5 years ago. I've never met his dad, but I'm way, way worried. I have a feeling this might be a long week.
  • wigglentwink
    wigglentwink Posts: 336 Member
    official time: 2:34:34

    More tomorrow...when I can focus and not fall asleep.

  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    I'm sorry I haven't been around all weekend. Sofie seems to be better as there hasn't been any vomit or diarrhea from her in 24 hours and she's back to eating and drinking. Loki came down with whatever she had and we spent all day Saturday and Sunday cleaning up doggy diarrhea but he seems to be a lot better already (thank goodness). We went to a dinner party Saturday night and I don't know if I ate something bad or what (I barely ate anything at all as it wasn't very vegetarian friendly - seriously, why must hamburger go into a cheese dip??) but Sunday afternoon I came down with a stomach bug and have pretty much been glued to the toilet ever since. I'm trying to keep hydrated but I think I'm doing a bad job as my head is KILLING me. I haven't exercised since Friday and I haven't been logging - it's just been too hard with the lack of sleep and all the stress about the dogs' health and now with me being sick. But I'm back to it once I clear out the stomach bug - I promise. Oh, and tomorrow is my birthday - doesn't that suck? My plan was to make myself an orange flavored angel food cake with cardamom scented caramel sauce and fruit compote but I can't even make myself a bowl of cereal, so we'll see how that works out. At least I'll get presents! (They are sitting on my kitchen table waiting for The Kid and The Hubbs to wrap them - a silver necklace and a new point and shoot camera, I got total camera envy when I played with Lacey's new camera in Paris).

    Kristina: Mark me down for 190 again this week. I've done miserably this challenge - I gotta step it up for the next one.

    Sarah: Great job on the race, girl!!!

    Jessi: I am so sorry about Nerd's dad. My dad had a heart attack back in 2008 and ended up having a quintuple bypass. It was an eye-opener for him- he got really into working out and lost a lot of weight after that. I hope everything works out ok for Nerd. Oh and those pictures you've posted are amazing!!!

    Lacey: Take care of that foot, girl!! You know I'm speaking from experience....don't be me.

    Pam: Boxing class sounds super-cool!!! I'm not a morning person either but I think I'd wake up for that!

    Hailie: We've already told you, we won't let you quit!!!

    Kendal: That challenge button is sooo cute!!! Great job getting back to the gym!

    Bobbie: We have trails all around here that we don't know where they go or how long they are. We've found some really cool places by just picking a trail and going wherever it goes. It's an adventure!!

    I KNOW I missed people but that's about as far as my attention span and headache can take me this afternoon. I hope you are all doing well.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    We have one more week in this challenge, ladies! False alarm! The week was week #5 weigh-in, so one more week to get in a good loss.

    Monday morning call out:

    Sarah (wigglentwink)
    Sarah (rainvc)
    Jane <-last chance!
    Nataliegabriel <-last chance!
    alaskagirl <-last chance!
    Joy <-last chance!
    navallez <-last chance!
  • LadyG0915
    LadyG0915 Posts: 137 Member
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 263~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    My weekend was an Epic food fail from Saturday evening on. We had a fall festival at work and I had a hotdog, shared a singles bag of fritos with my son and woofed down 2 cheryl & co style cookies. I may have had a tootsie roll as well. My besties were here for SC and we went out for drinks. Those drinks turn into pitchers, those pitchers turned into "I'm starving" which led to the ordering of a delicious thin cruse cheese pizza and bread sticks with the hubs!!

    Sunday began with getting up sooner than I wanted to go pick my babies from g-mas house. Then we came home to clean and snuggle until the hubs got home from drill. I did have a well balanced lunch of chips and salsa. Then we went out to dinner at Tumbleweed......yummo! I tried to be good with a salad and a chicken and mushroom quesadilla (half of it went home).

    Then this AM, I was dog tired even though we all went to bed before 9, so I didn't get up to go to the gym. Good news is my friend is now in working out of our town more days of the week so we are going to meet at the gym in the morning before work. Now I have a buddy to push me.

    HUGE NSV: I usually go into Wal-Mart every morning to pick up my breakfast bananas and lunch for the day. The door greeter told me today that I looked great and she could tell I had lost weight. I told her I am about 20 down from my highest
    , and she said I can definately tell, you are doing great! She made my day! and gave me that little bit of umpf I needed to hear to stay on track today!

    I hope you all have an amazing monday!
  • hkallembach
    I was putting weigh-in until this morning hoping my weight would go down...nope official weigh-in is 250.7 pounds. Boo.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Pam - sorry you couldn't do the race. Hope the new shoes help. 5 am... but it's only 10 times, at least if it cost money, you'd actually get up...

    Kristina - I'm missing your conversations and check-ins!!! Trim for Turkey Day, Hot for the Holidays, Dishy for December, Doing it for December.... Anything works for me. The next challenge will run from 10/22 to 12/03...

    Amy - Sorry to hear about all the sickness in your home. Sending some virtual chicken noodle soup and chicken dog biscuits your way.

    Sarah(wnt) - excellent time. Yeah for finishing!!! I knew you could do it. Hope your friend cont to improve. I'm glad you've gotten a schedule worked out - caregiver burnout is a huge problem. cute kid pic!!!!

    wowmama - nice job on improving your fitness. Enjoy the wedding.

    Hallie - only 1 more week to hide in that shell. We've missed you!!!

    Kendal - nice badge. I can't wait to put it in my sig... Your day with the girls sounds wonderful. So happy that Mr. Reunion is doing the warrior dash with you. Maybe he'd do P90X to train with you - you need upper body strength for the obstacles. You look fantastic as bat girl...

    Jessie - Hope your tummy is better. So sorry to hear about the heart attack. Hopefully, it will be a life changing wake up call to all. I lost my dad to heart trouble 5 years ago too. He had a heart transplant at 51 so I actually was blessed with 10 extra years with him... Avoiding those issues is one of the reasons that I'm determined to make my life healthier. Your photos are fantastic!!! Hope you found your phone.

    Lacey - I'm with you on a blah Monday. It's cold and rainy here. It may be time to see a doctor about your foot.

    Bobbie - great job on the loss. You are doing fantastic. I'm proud of you for getting out and taking the exploratory walk!!!

    Jenn - you are doing great on losing too!!! I'll be a good sport and help you root for the Rangers in the world series.

    Kerry - I bow down to you Mrs. Speedy Gonzales!!! That time is rocking... How was the camel back?

    qofsheba - Octoberfest - I'm drooling.

    Megan - glad you're pulling yourself out of the funk... Positive thoughts are coming your way.

    Apryl - hope you've recovered from your wild weekend.

    Rain - Hi. Did you make anything really good over the weekend?

    Crystal - Hi. Waves...

    Tasha - your vacation sounded wonderful. I just watched the new Drinking Made Easy which was on Kauai. It looked like so much fun.

    Kiki - was the pumpkin bagel good?

    Hosanna - did you survive the weekend? Wish we could have joined you...

    Rikki - we'll do our best to be here for you. I'm glad your work is being accommodating. I'd be getting nervous too.

    I think I caught up with everyone... Sorry if I missed anyone. I haven't checked in since Friday since I ate horribly, didn't ex and didn't log. Weekends are killing me. At least today is a new day and I can start all over...Happy Monday - NOT!!!
  • silver02bullet
    silver02bullet Posts: 261 Member
    I'm on the Grump for Monday team as well. My roommates (and the DOGS!) left yesterday afternoon and will return Tuesday afternoon. If I had known how good it would have been to not wake up to people or dogs or something going on in my house, I think I would have taken a vacation day today and just slept in and then had a veg day on the couch. It's amazing what a little peace and quiet can do to rejuvinate someone!!! I wanted to just stay home all day and enjoy the alone time!!!!! Tonight and tomorrow morning will be the last of it though, as they will be home when i get home from work tomorrow. And it sucks that I won't really get to enjoy tonight either because I have step class. At least i'll have a couple hours of peace.

    As for me on the love front, it's still very hard some days. I think if I didn't work with him, it would be easier. I still look and see if his jeep is in the parking lot, etc. I had a bump in with him Friday....apparently he has shaved his goatee off. Mind you, he already has a shaved head. He looked SOOOO different. and it upset me to see it. I had asked him several times to shave it off just so I could see what he looked like. And of course, after we break up, he did it. Do any of you ever feel that after you break up, the boy becomes the man you WANTED him to be? He's now doing all the things you had asked of him, going to new places, etc. Why couldn't he be that way when he was with me? Sometimes he makes me feel like I wasn't good enough or worth it. Given, we had some obstacles to overcome, but I was willing to get over them. It's like he just saw it as too much work. grrrrr. F him.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member


    Rikki- That's a FANTASTIC NSV when a stranger notices weight loss enough to mention it!! Congratulations!!

    Hallie- you're not alone in having a less than desireable weigh in

    Amy- how're you feeling today? any better?

    Pam- boxing sounds so fun! that's the one thing my gym is lacking- classes. No zumba or aerobics or boxing or fun stuff like that. The only classes they have target certain muscle groups (abs, legs, back, arms....)

    Jessi- Nerd's father has my prayers.

    Victoria- Mr. Reunion has asked about working out with me before. Normally if I workout with a buddy, it's my bff and she has a lower fitness level than I do, so I tend to hold back so that I don't make her feel bad for not keeping up. But I know Mr. Reunion can seriously kick my butt so once I start P90X again, I will definitely make him do it with me.

    Lacey- I agree with Victoria and Amy- it's time to go to a podiatrist!

    Megan- I'm sorry for the man troubles. :frown: It's gotta make it a lot tougher when you run into him at work.
  • rainvc
    rainvc Posts: 142
    ***************Weigh-In 232.1*****************

    Going to go catch up now!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Somehow, I had my work schedule off in my head... I have 3 less clients than I thought today so YEAH!!! only have to work a half day. I'm back to logging today. I can't believe this is the last week of the challenge.

    Megan can you change jobs or transfer? Enjoy the alone time!!!
  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556
    Kristina, put me down at 161. My scale is going bonkers... 162 on Friday, 159.9 on Saturday, 162.6 on Sunday. and 161.3 this morning. So we'll just take something in the middle. I'm guessing between running, TOM coming next week, plus beer/fried food goodness on Saturday, that's all causing me trouble. So we'll take 161 for this week.

    Amy, I hope you are feeling better! Boo for being sick/having sick dogs. AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY! (Today? Tomorrow? I never know with your crazy German time!) :flowerforyou: :heart: :drinker: I hope you are feeling better and get a chance to enjoy it a little. Pics (using the new camera) of the new necklace please!

    Kendal, your batgirl outfit rocks my socks. And the badge is SUPER cute. Nice work!

    Pam, that boxing class sounds awesome, and a good motivator to get you up in the AM! Do it! Do it! How are the new shoes?

    Victoria, the CamelBak seriously was awesome. I'm happy I ran with it for 4 short runs before, so that I had it all figured out for where it rode most comfortably on my back. I was worried that it would rub/chafe, but nothing! Yay!

    Sorry, that's all I got for right now...

    Saturday night I slept for 12 1/2 hours! I guess that's what getting up at 7, running 13.1 miles, then spending the day drinking does to you.
  • wigglentwink
    wigglentwink Posts: 336 Member
    ***********************************:heart::heart: 171.1 :heart: :heart: ***********************************************************
  • silver02bullet
    silver02bullet Posts: 261 Member
    happy bday amy!