People that have moved for relationships....

Iamfit4life Posts: 3,095 Member
How long did it take to find work?

Were you scared to leave friends and family behind?

Did you drag your feet or delay in any way?


  • Spruillie03
    Spruillie03 Posts: 155 Member
    1 month

    Yes, of course.

  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    It took me about a month to find work. I was lucky enough to only work 3 days a week on the weekend and I only lived 3 hours away so I would drive down stay with my bro and work until I found work where I moved to. I was scared and excited. Remember you can always move back. How long have you been in the relationship?
  • CJK1959
    CJK1959 Posts: 279 Member
    Had the job before I moved
    Of course it was hard, but sooooooo worth it
    Not at all
  • carriem73
    carriem73 Posts: 333 Member
    My husband moved in with me about an hour away from his childhood home when we first got married- he didn't have to switch jobs right away, but he did eventually- he is making new friedns at work, and has become much closer to the guys in my group of friends-

    I was a military brat growing up- moving is hard, but you have to look at it as a new adveture- you will make friends if you just try- having a routine helps- for example, have coffee at the same bagel shop every Sunday- you will realize you are not the only one there every week, and strike up a conversation with the table next to you-

    Good luck!!!
  • LilMissFoodie
    LilMissFoodie Posts: 612 Member
    I moved to the UK from Australia to be with my partner (I don't think you can actually move further away than that!!)

    1. I was working through agencies at the time (I'm a registered dietitian) so I personally didn't have any trouble finding work, that said, see number 3 :P

    2. Absolutely. But I knew it was at least worth the chance and now we are married. I still have days where I think about the sacrifice I made - I don't regret it at all but I do feel like I lost some relationships at home, but then maybe I never really had them to begin with?

    3. I wouldn't say we dragged our feet (when we were deciding, we didn't know who should move) but we thought about the situation a lot and while we both really wanted to be together, we also knew that as new graduates we had little chance of achieving what we wanted from our careers if we moved before we got some experience in our fields. So we waited 2 years which is a long time to do the long distance thing. People often told me we weren't going to make it - especially since a lot of the time we didn't even have a plan of when we would next see each other in person. I don't regret it in the slightest though because now we are together, I think our time doing long distance made our relationship stronger (since we talked as opposed to going out, watching tv etc for literally 8 hours or more each day) and both of us are still able to benefit from our qualifications.
  • Iamfit4life
    Iamfit4life Posts: 3,095 Member
    It took me about a month to find work. I was lucky enough to only work 3 days a week on the weekend and I only lived 3 hours away so I would drive down stay with my bro and work until I found work where I moved to. I was scared and excited. Remember you can always move back. How long have you been in the relationship?

    A year and half

    It's him, he keeps insisting he isn't dragging his feet and that he's trying.
  • caligirl2802
    caligirl2802 Posts: 232 Member
    I moved from England to California... I didn't work immediately I stayed home to take care of what would become my Step-Children.

    Yes it was scary leaving behind family and friends but it was a great experience for me and even though the marriage ended in divorce 10 years later I wouldn't have traded that experience for anything.

    However I am now back home in England and happy to be close to my family again.
  • terrellc1
    terrellc1 Posts: 231 Member
    I have lived overseas for 16 years (the majority of my adult life). This coming summer, I am moving back to the states to be close to the most amazing guy I have ever met. I don't have a job yet...but will be working on that. I will also be closer to my family...which will be great as well.

    Am I nervous about it? Hell yes! I love being an expat and feel quite comfortable being in different places. It's who I am. But this guy is something I am going to give it a go and see if it works out. If not, I can always go back overseas.
  • JulieSD
    JulieSD Posts: 567
    My ex husband and I both moved for the relationship. We went to the same high school and we both wanted to go back to school after we had already finished college (we are both fickle I guess lol). So he moved 2 hours from childhood home and I moved 8 hours from childhood home, after that year we met in the "middle" and have lived here ever since (almost 8 years). We are 3 hours from family but we like it here a lot. Even though we aren't together now, we'll probably always live here - just separately.
  • AmbersChubbyCheeks
    Hi Im Amber and I just moved for my relationship about 3 months ago. I found a job, that wasnt ideal, before moving. Even though it wasnt the type of job I wanted or the pay I wanted, it still make me feel more comfortable just having SOMETHING. After being here about 3 weeks I got another job offer that was what I was looking for. I accepted it and quit the other job.

    Leaving my friends and family was the hardest part. It really tests your relationship. Being here has started a set of issues that didnt exhist when we were in our home town. Moving really makes you rely on the person your in the relationship with in a way that you may not be used to. Meaning, no friends or family around, no real job security yet, all you have is them. I really think it will make or break the relationship because if you both dont step up and give each other what you need during the difficult transition then the relationship prob isnt going to go much further.

    I didnt drag *kitten* about comming here. I actually because really devoted to figuring out my plan for leaving. I was applying to school and jobs around the clock!
  • Spruillie03
    Spruillie03 Posts: 155 Member
    It took me about a month to find work. I was lucky enough to only work 3 days a week on the weekend and I only lived 3 hours away so I would drive down stay with my bro and work until I found work where I moved to. I was scared and excited. Remember you can always move back. How long have you been in the relationship?

    A year and half

    It's him, he keeps insisting he isn't dragging his feet and that he's trying.

    Uh-oh. How far did he move for you? Do you live in a metropolitan area? How long has he been "dragging his feet"? How old his he?
    I know that's a lot of questions, but they all play a role.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    How long did it take to find work?

    Were you scared to leave friends and family behind?

    Did you drag your feet or delay in any way?

    I found the job before I moved.

    Yes, I was terrified. It was also very difficult on my relationship because, while we didn't live together, I was very dependent on him for entertainment. When I lived up north I was out in one city or another with friends every weekend. I'd leave DC and visit friends in Baltimore or Harrisburg almost every single weekend, and if I didn't it was because I had plans in DC. I never sat, then I moved and the first weekend rolled around and I got a lot of use out of my DVD player and I thought "WTF, I moved here to be alone?" So then I started demanding his time, which he wasn't used to (we'd been together living in DC and Detroit for 18 months), and it got harder and harder. I've been here for 8 years, I love it, and once I started to have a life of my own our relationship improved a good deal because I started meeting people and making friends. The trick is to join a gym, a club, get involved in organizations, put yourself out there to meet people with the same interests.
  • Iamfit4life
    Iamfit4life Posts: 3,095 Member
    It took me about a month to find work. I was lucky enough to only work 3 days a week on the weekend and I only lived 3 hours away so I would drive down stay with my bro and work until I found work where I moved to. I was scared and excited. Remember you can always move back. How long have you been in the relationship?

    A year and half

    It's him, he keeps insisting he isn't dragging his feet and that he's trying.

    Uh-oh. How far did he move for you? Do you live in a metropolitan area? How long has he been "dragging his feet"? How old his he?
    I know that's a lot of questions, but they all play a role.
    It will be about 700 miles. Metropolitan area to another metropolitan area. Part of the problem is he loves his job and has an impressive title which he doesn't want downgraded for another position here. He's 27.
  • LilMissFoodie
    LilMissFoodie Posts: 612 Member

    Leaving my friends and family was the hardest part. It really tests your relationship. Being here has started a set of issues that didnt exhist when we were in our home town. Moving really makes you rely on the person your in the relationship with in a way that you may not be used to. Meaning, no friends or family around, no real job security yet, all you have is them. I really think it will make or break the relationship because if you both dont step up and give each other what you need during the difficult transition then the relationship prob isnt going to go much further.

    Absolutely agree. In general, we don't really argue very often at all but the first months were really, really hard. I definitely expected him to make some sacrifice in his life to keep me company and make me feel more comfortable given the huge sacrifice I had just made for him. If that hadn't happened, then I don't think it would have worked out.
  • Hattie2879
    It will be about 700 miles. Metropolitan area to another metropolitan area. Part of the problem is he loves his job and has an impressive title which he doesn't want downgraded for another position here. He's 27.

    I can sort of relate to him. I've been with my employer for about 12 and a half years. I make good money, have good hours, have good working relationships, good benefits, etc. I've been looking for a job but it's not easy to find one in this economy, plus, it's hard to think that I'd be working for another company after I've been here for so long. I love my employer and can't really imagine working somewhere else. I don't drag my feet, but at the same time, I refuse to apply for just any job simply to be in that city.

    It's tough. :indifferent:
  • SkateboardFi
    SkateboardFi Posts: 1,322 Member
    How long did it take to find work?

    Were you scared to leave friends and family behind?

    Did you drag your feet or delay in any way?

    it took me about 5 months to find a decent job. but that's because i moved to a small town with a huge military base where you have military spousal preference, retirees, etc, so a lot of places weren't hiring.

    i wasn't scared exactly, moreso sad to leave my mom behind, we had a big cry over it, but she comes to see me and i go see her as often as we can and we talk pretty much everyday via phone, text, etc.

    i didn't drag my feet, i was working two pretty good jobs where i was living and just wanted to become a bit more financially stable before i up and moved because i didn't have a job already lined up in columbus..but then my roomates cat got fleas...which i caught...and i took that as an omen to just leave. plus it was around tax season so i ended up being okay.
  • Iamfit4life
    Iamfit4life Posts: 3,095 Member
    It will be about 700 miles. Metropolitan area to another metropolitan area. Part of the problem is he loves his job and has an impressive title which he doesn't want downgraded for another position here. He's 27.

    I can sort of relate to him. I've been with my employer for about 12 and a half years. I make good money, have good hours, have good working relationships, good benefits, etc. I've been looking for a job but it's not easy to find one in this economy, plus, it's hard to think that I'd be working for another company after I've been here for so long. I love my employer and can't really imagine working somewhere else. I don't drag my feet, but at the same time, I refuse to apply for just any job simply to be in that city.

    It's tough. :indifferent:
    That's pretty much it exactly.
    We've talked about it so many times, he assures me he isn't delaying this. And usually I believe him. Sometimes it's hard.
    Glad to read what you had to say though.
  • Hattie2879
    Yeah, since the move would be only about 1.5 hrs away from me, I've even considered commuting. Which, it would completely suck going from about a 25 minute drive to work to about a 2-3 hours drive to work, it's still an option I have.

    And I'm not sure about your relationship and why he's trying to move to where I'm assuming you are, but is there any particular reason you can't move to where he is? The reason my g/f and I are moving to Austin is because that's where her family is and she's not too fond of San Antonio - it's quite different from Austin. Although, she has mentioned coming to San Antonio if I absolutely can't find a job in Austin.

    Good luck to the both of you. :smile:
  • dragonbait0126
    dragonbait0126 Posts: 568 Member
    I moved from Mississippi to Phoenix at 19 to be with the guy I was dating. He moved 3 months before I did and the original plan was for me to finish my sopomore year of college and then transfer schools. By Christmas we couldn't stand being apart any longer. He took the train home to come get me and help me move to Phoenix. We left from Memphis (where his parents live at the time) on December 28. I started work a little under a month later but would have started sooner had I not gotten sick with the flu and then Valley Fever.

    Oddly, I wasn't scared or worried when I moved. I was leaving all of my family and friends behind and moving 2300 miles away but it didn't bother me at all. I've been in Phoenix for almost 12 years now and I don't regret the move at all. Thankfully, the guy I moved for is still as awesome as I thought he was at 19. We've been together for 13 years and married for 1 year this past August.

    I didn't drag my feet at all. I decided to move at the beginning of December and actually left town on 12/28. I packed all my stuff, quit school, transitioned all of my school resposibilities to someone else, and said all my goodbyes in a matter of about 3 weeks.
  • pain_is_weakness
    pain_is_weakness Posts: 798 Member
    When my husband and I were dating, he got stationed in San Diego, CA. He asked me to move on a Tuesday, I told my friends and family on Wed. and I moved Friday night (he drove down to help me move). It was the ebst decision I ever made! I had/have no regrets and we always so those were the best times ever, it was our "home" and we plan on moving back when we are kid free someday, lol.

    I had plenty of work opportunities, it only took me 2 days to fine 2 different places where I could work, and they were doing to hire me, but fortunately he made enough to support our two households on his income alone. (we lived in separate homes until we got marred, then we moved into his appartment.)

    It is not for everyone, i didn't have kids at the time so for me it wasn't so hard, but if your heart tells you to go, then listen