heart break food.



  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    My friend just got dumped by her fiance who she has been with for 7 years. It's hard but you know you will get better, just get it all out and then focus on you and what you want. By the way it's been two weeks and she had a first date last night, it went great and she is so happy!! Plus all the guys that were just her friend for 7 years are now stepping up to the plate and coming out of the woodwork. I am sure the same is going to happen to you if it hasn't already. Oh an focus hard on your diet, look at it as preparation and training, whip that booty into dating shape!
  • Food is often where we turn to comfort. I am so sorry that you are in pain. Heartache is awful. Give yourself time to grieve. Exercise is good, but if it turns into punishing yourself, it isn't helping. Take a day, curl up on the couch and watch a movie. Cry. Let it all out.

    If you feel the need to eat, remember what foods make us feel better. It is usually hot, yummy, and something you can eat a lot of. My new favorite comfort food is a sliced zucchini (medium sized), a sliced yellow squash (medium) and a hand full of quartered button mushrooms. Spray a cookie sheet with pam and spread the veggies out. Bake at 375* for about 15 minutes. It is hot, good, and only about 75 calories!

    Hope you feel better :)
  • amelia_atlantic
    amelia_atlantic Posts: 926 Member
    Living (and eating!) well is the best revenge.

    First off, I'm sorry your heart is broken. There is no worse pain. Accept it, acknowledge it and take every day as it comes.

    Second: Mind over matter! This seems totally cheesy but check out this website. You don't have to buy the program but I personally have benefitted from the tips and emails: healmybrokenheart.com. Try positive affirmations as well!

    Third: Nutrition! Make variations of your favorite comfort foods. Use low fat cheese, cut out fatty butter or sour cream, eat tons of vegetables, look up recipes and see where you cut calories. Buy a good multi-vitamin and take extra vitamin D. 5-HTP is a homeopathic supplement that produces dopemine (a feel good hormone).

    Fourth: Hit the gym! Look up some zumba, yoga or pilates classes. Try something new. Buy a new workout outfit. Focus on your fitness and not your broken heart.

    It WILL get better. It always does. You are not doomed to feel this way forever. Respect and love yourself. :flowerforyou:
  • FR89
    FR89 Posts: 186 Member
    i find when i am upset/heart broken, i work out harder at gym! it's one way of letting stress and sadness out of your system and also with the strong emotions behind it helps to burn more by going the extra mile.
  • Breckgirl
    Breckgirl Posts: 606 Member
    For me I have to shoot hoops. Just throwing the ball and visualizing the face of the offender on that backboard when I bank it in makes me feel better. I have a friend who felt the same about tennis. If you exercise you can give yourself a little comfort food.

    Better men are comming...hang on!

    Until they find you, try the chocolate cake mix and a 15 oz can of pumpkin. mix together and pour into 9x 13 pan, bake 30 mins. Enjoy!
  • sunnyrunner23
    sunnyrunner23 Posts: 182 Member
    I agree with all the previous advice. One really stupid thing that got me through some heartache from my divorce was long walks while listening to comedy...I had to get my mind to stop reeling, So I listened to the dirtiest obnoxious comedy routines that would shock me out of whatever was on my mind.

    Trust me it was not in my nature to listen to this stuff but it reallllllly helped!!

    sometimes you need a break from it all!