What can I add to Slim Fast to fill me up?



  • Arynamber
    Arynamber Posts: 162 Member
    I am also doing slim fast.... i have the shake for breakfast and I have an equate meal bar at lunch... and I have healthy snacks during the day along with my dinner with the family.

    is it really bad? am I hurting my plan to loose weight??

    I am confused now...

    After I did slim fast and GAINED weight.. I did much research and yes, I believe that it is bad. Basically you are getting sugar, chemicals.. none which are helpful if you want to lose weight. The thing that has helped me is eating food that is low on the glycemic index..and I have a tiny piece of chocolate every night. I dont feel deprived at all
  • red_hatorade
    Maybe I worded my question wrong. I guess I was trying to see if there was something like whey protein but that was formulated for losing weight. Most things I have read about whey protein have said they are for building mass. I thought maybe adding something to my Slim Fast would work, but if it is something by itself i am up to try that too. I only have been drinking Slim Fast because I got it on sale and I am so busy that cooking lunch isn't an option for me.
  • PAnn1
    PAnn1 Posts: 530 Member
    Everyone has their own opinion, of course, but I think the 3.2.1 plan isn't enough food.
    I saw your post after I posted this, but I posted this for arynamber that said she is confused about SF now. Sorry.
  • PompousClock
    I am also doing slim fast.... i have the shake for breakfast and I have an equate meal bar at lunch... and I have healthy snacks during the day along with my dinner with the family.

    is it really bad? am I hurting my plan to loose weight??

    I am confused now...
    It may help you lose the weight (seems the jury is still out on that one), but it won't retrain you in knowing how to eat to keep the weight off and maintain a healthy balance. Do you plan on consuming artificially flavored shakes and bars for two meals a day for the rest of your life? Probably not. MyFitnessPal is brilliant at helping you know the caloric and nutritional content of real food. In just over a week, it has been eye opening for me to know exactly how many calories I was chowing down. I was eating good foods, just FAR too much of them. I am now conscious of portion sizes and paying more attention to the nutritional content of my foods over the course of a week. Once I train myself in this approach, I know it's something I will be able to stick with long-term, in any setting. Can't say that about meal replacement products.
  • mstormth
    mstormth Posts: 119 Member

    so what is a typical breakfast or lunch and how much calories should one be consuming for these meals if hoping to loose weight?
  • liz3marie
    liz3marie Posts: 211 Member
    ive always used slim fast as part of my weight loss..never have had a problem with it. in fact im currently sittin here adding my calories for my slim fast meal bar...i use slim fast for the extra vitamins, fiber, and the low calories...i didnt realize so many people were against slim fast..is there anyone who is for it besides me??
  • PAnn1
    PAnn1 Posts: 530 Member
    I am..I don't rely soley on SF products and never did. When I belonged to SF they gave you options other than eating or drinking thier products, so I don't see that I was dependant on them. They are convenient. I have used them for bout 4 years now, but like I said not soley. I have learned how to eat healthy on my own, with the help of the SF dieticians back when I was on the Optima program. I can see, tho, how people get dependant on them. It takes a long time to learn to eat right and it's a constant learning experience, like any major lifestyle change. I had learned alot thru the old SF plan, but also have learned to experiment and look at alot of other sources for information. This worked for me.
  • downwardsunshine
    downwardsunshine Posts: 4 Member
    I am very busy in the morning and have a severe egg allergy, Oatmeal causes majoy carb crashes for me...the ONLY thing I have found that leaves me not starving for the three hours between breakfast and my snack is Slim-Fast. I only use it in the morning, I've lost 37 pounds doing this....
  • Angieee17
    Angieee17 Posts: 17 Member
    I persnally love a scoop of %100 Whey Protein Powder, half of a banana or a few berries, ice and 8-10oz of vanilla soy milk for a meal replacement.

    I buy bananas and strawberries in bulk, cut them up and freeze them so they're ready for my shakes.
  • stacyg317
    stacyg317 Posts: 6 Member
    I agree with most of the group. Whey protein is the way to go!!! I use GNC wheybolic with fat free milk. Try it, it's delish!
  • trixieabby
    trixieabby Posts: 987 Member
    I bought a can of it to get my chocolate fix and a quick meal to drink in the car. Used 1 c milk, 1 scoop powder and 1 banana put in blenderr with 8 ice cubes and called it breakfast. After reading this message board I think I will go back to my old smoothies.
    1 C. skim milk
    1 banana( or blue berries, peaches, strawberries
    1 carton lite yogurt
    8 ice cubes.

    How does that sound? Alot less calories and all good food. Anybody have other smoothie ideas?
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    i am substituting slim fast in place of a traditional lunch, and I wanted to know if there is anything I can add to it so that I will feel more full. I have heard of whey protein, but I don't think that is appropriate for me. Any ideas?

    I usually drink water with my slimfast and it fills me up, you can also have some fruit with it or a little later.
    I don't like how most protein shakes taste, but I like chocolate milk so I drink that instead, or I will once I get down the rest of these jillian micheals shakes
  • mstormth
    mstormth Posts: 119 Member
    That sounds realy really good....
  • Bajankat
    Bajankat Posts: 82 Member
    I use Body Fortress Super Advance Whey Protein. It helps with weight loss, not weight gain! You can get that from WalMart if you have a WalMart near you. If not then you can try your local health food store. It fills you up and you CAN use it as a meal replacement, 1 scoop of course.
    Slim fast is definitly not the way to go, as you can see from other prior users. I also learned this in a nutritional class.
    I dont usually drink Chocolate flavor but I like the Chocolate, Cookies and Cream and the Strawberry flavors.

    Good luck with it!
  • 12whilson
    I use half a scoop of slim fast chocolate shake powder, water, half a banana and a tablespoon of peanutbutter every day for breakfast and it has kept me full for 4 to 5 hours and I'veost about 40 lbs
  • cutesized
    cutesized Posts: 7 Member
    I usually add ice or a little water to my slim fast. I also generally have a healthy snack about 2-3 hours after my breakfast shake (usually yogurt or oatmeal) which keeps me full until lunchtime. For lunch, I don't always have a second shake, sometimes I eat a low calorie (around 300 or less) frozen dinner. (I work full time in retail and I also go to school full time, so being able to grab and go is essential for me) If I have a little extra time, I might throw together a spinach salad for lunch instead.

    I have found drinking plenty of water helps with the hunger. I carry a bottle of water with me at work and when I start to feel hungry between snacks/meals, I drink some water. I've also found that it's important to drink/eat slowly. It I guzzle my shake down, it doesn't satisfy. If I take my time sipping at it, I'm much more likely to feel full.
  • _Calypso_
    _Calypso_ Posts: 1,074 Member
    Get rid of the Slim Fast. Full of sugar and other crap. There are other protein meal replacements you can drink that are much better for you. Or you could try eating food..... that'll make you feel full longer.
  • Goal179
    Goal179 Posts: 314 Member
    You could get a really nice meal in for less calories than a slim fast. How about some baked tilapia and a plate full of broccoli. If you insist on a meal replacement, then go with a no sugar high quality whey protien and stuff it full of healthy protein and veggies (kale, spinich, almond milk, chia seeds, flaxmeal, coconut milk, etc.) . You have to be very, very careful with slim fast because it can actually make you gain weight as well as increase cravings.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member

    ETA: Just eat real food......that's all I do, see ticker below. :bigsmile:
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    some sort of food.

    well said , no short cuts when it comes to your health and weight
