Starting C25K on Monday (17th Oct)... want to join me?

I have been putting this off for ages, worrying about my knees, wanting to just exercise in the privacy of my own home but this is something I really want to do and if I start it now I should be running for 30 mins by Christmas... and lets face it people, that time of year is a time when we could all do with burning some extra calories!

Join the thread, nothing formal, no permissions required :tongue:

Chat about how you feel, any changes you notice, the weather, anything really.

I'll try and post after each run, so I'll be back on Monday morning :flowerforyou:


  • I have about 8 or 9 people starting tomorrow with me if you're interested in that.
  • wildcard29
    wildcard29 Posts: 322 Member
    I am...I am
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,493 Member
    Oooo Oooo Ooo... me and a MFP friend are starting Monday too!!!!! We're so in!!! :drinker:
  • I would love to join you! I've tried the C25K before but wasn't able to keep myself motivated. Hopefully we can help keep each other motivated!
  • Erykah3584
    Erykah3584 Posts: 324 Member
    Im in with you friend!
  • I'm game. As I posted in another C25K thread I seem to always start and stop w/o completing all 8-9 weeks of the program. I really need to stick with it this time.
  • ladybug1009
    ladybug1009 Posts: 68 Member
    Oooo Oooo Ooo... me and a MFP friend are starting Monday too!!!!! We're so in!!! :drinker:
    +1 woohoooo more people to make this more fun!
  • I'll join too if thats ok, been contemplating it for last couple of weeks
  • emsgma
    emsgma Posts: 13 Member
    I don't know much about it. Does it have to be done outside or can u use a treadmill? It gets VERY cold where I live and lots of snow so I don't want to try it outside, plus I'm to embarrassed to do it in public.
  • MrsWibbly
    MrsWibbly Posts: 415 Member
    I don't know much about it. Does it have to be done outside or can u use a treadmill? It gets VERY cold where I live and lots of snow so I don't want to try it outside, plus I'm to embarrassed to do it in public.

    I had a test run of week one yesterday on my mini trampoline which was fun but not really 'running' as such. I see no reason why you can't have a go on the treadmill.

    I use the UK NHS website for reference but there are other websites with information on too.

    Another option maybe - is there an indoor running track near you that you could use?
  • MrsWibbly
    MrsWibbly Posts: 415 Member
    Taken from obstacleone's thread

    a website:
    a treadmill version found here:

    Hope this helps
  • jenniferhe
    jenniferhe Posts: 52 Member
    I'm currently on my 2nd week of this program and it's great. I think the hardest part is actually making the time and getting out the door. once I do it though it's amazing. I wish everyone who is starting all the best :)
  • MrsWibbly
    MrsWibbly Posts: 415 Member
    I'm currently on my 2nd week of this program and it's great. I think the hardest part is actually making the time and getting out the door. once I do it though it's amazing. I wish everyone who is starting all the best :)

    Thanks - and if you have any tips / advice for us newbies I am sure we would all appreciate it.
  • MrsWibbly
    MrsWibbly Posts: 415 Member
    One more sleep til starting C25K.

    Just planning a route now - will have to see how that works out. Going to plan it a little longer than I think I need and just walk the rest of the distance.

    How is everyone else preparing?
  • Im in....thinking of starting today though
  • pars1981
    pars1981 Posts: 158 Member
    Hi there, can I join in too?

    I did start C25K last year but once the bad weather came, I stopped and never really started again. Would really like to get all the way through this time. and Im not going to use the bad weather as an excuse this time!!
  • MrsWibbly
    MrsWibbly Posts: 415 Member
    Route planned and set up on my phone (using endomondo) for approx 2.1 miles. Hope its reasonable weather tomorrow as I still haven't sorted out a suitable waterproof jacket (my current waterproof is too heavy and not breathable enough so even in the rain I end up wetter on the inside than it is outside!)

    I'll be back tomorrow to post my results.
  • MrsWibbly
    MrsWibbly Posts: 415 Member
    Back from my 'run' and feeling great :happy: {I'll stop using inverted commas around the word run when I am running more than walking!!}

    I wasn't sure how fast I would go, so I had estimated 6mph, but when I got home and calculated it I was actually running at 10mph.

    Bit cold out to start with so I really need to get a decent jacket.

    Feeling energised so now it's time for my 30DS.
  • Ok did my first session, hard work and legs a bit wobbly but thats the start :) Good luck everyone
  • ladybug1009
    ladybug1009 Posts: 68 Member
    Felt under the weather this morning but I will give it a go tomorrow morning!