Weekly Videos

Hey guys, I love reading everyones posts on here about their success and thoughts through this journey that we are all sharing but I am not really a blogger. I don't enjoy sitting down and typing out all of my thoughts at once, I am a Vlogger. For those of you who don't know what that is, it is an online blog on YouTube where I talk about how I am feeling and make a video about it.

If anyone is interested in checking them out you can find the link to my most recent video here:

If you would like to subscribe feel free, but you don't have to if you don't want to. I post a video about once a week if you're interested in watching them. Please check them out if you have the time. :smile:



  • Smadayrrek22
    oh and I forgot to mention that I use these videos instead of doing the blogs on this website, but I still comment on other peoples forum posts here :)