Best time of the day to weigh yourself



  • RNewton4269
    RNewton4269 Posts: 663 Member
    I weigh first thing in the morning once a week (on Mondays) at my gym at work because they have the best scale..but it is pretty in line with my scale here at home.
  • jazzcait
    jazzcait Posts: 35 Member
    I think i can speak for everyone and say First thing after you wake up in the morning.

    And after you've gone wees :)

    And taken a crap.

    Yeah for sure after you take a crap. lol I know it sounds gross but hell every little bit counts ;)

    Yep sure does hahaha
  • After you drop the kids off at the pool, definitely! :P
  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
    i weigh in @ 830 every morning, after my walk
  • rockstarginaa
    rockstarginaa Posts: 1,529 Member
    In the morning after you do your business :)
  • heart_explodes
    heart_explodes Posts: 48 Member
    am i the only depraved individual that weighs himself before AND after a crap??

    i swear, once i actually gained a pound. it must have been muscle, because i was straining myself.

    HAHAHA OMG! I almost snorted my drink reading this
  • GymRatRaceRunner
    GymRatRaceRunner Posts: 160 Member
    After you drop the kids off at the pool, definitely! :P
    /\ this!
  • GymRatRaceRunner
    GymRatRaceRunner Posts: 160 Member
    am i the only depraved individual that weighs himself before AND after a crap??

    i swear, once i actually gained a pound. it must have been muscle, because i was straining myself.

  • ice1200s
    ice1200s Posts: 237 Member
    Once a week before breakfast, but after your morning "routine".
  • LMAO at these remarks...LOVE' EM!
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    Morning, after you drop the Duece
  • I joke that I even weigh in pre shower as wet hair weighs more ... :)
  • You'll weigh your lowest first thing after you wake up, but I like to weigh myself later in the day. I know the number is higher, but I also weigh myself clothed too. I just feel like it's a more accurate representation of what I actually weigh...but I'm a little strange. So just do whatever you feel works best!

    I'm sure you are not strange, that's basically what I do. Midday fully clothed (would be pushing it to strip down at the local pharmacy ;) ), in theory I way a little less as the clothes weigh something.

    It works for me as I have always had issues with home scales so I go to the same machine to try and get consistency.
  • GemmaRowlands
    GemmaRowlands Posts: 360 Member
    I weigh myself after a wee first thing in the morning with nothing on.
    If you do it clothed, then it's a bit hard as everything you wear is a slightly different weight, plus you might have drunk more water during a day which can add "weight" or eaten a heavy meal.. by the morning you'll get an accurate result of what you really weigh.
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    After you drop the kids off at the pool, definitely! :P
    I've heard some bizarre euphemisms in my time... but this is a doodie! :laugh:

    For me it's Saturday (no pun intended) first thing (usually around 6.30am) naked in the bathroom.

    I like Saturday :happy: because I know that the weekends are unpredictable and usually involve more sociable eating and especially drinking :drinker: , so Sunday or Monday would be too disheartening for me :laugh: Then I've got all week ahead to be good :devil: :laugh:
  • am i the only depraved individual that weighs himself before AND after a crap??

    i swear, once i actually gained a pound. it must have been muscle, because i was straining myself.

    You're not alone! I do it almost every time. And I'ved gained afterwards before and been like wtf!
  • ingies2011
    ingies2011 Posts: 127 Member
    I like to weigh myself in the morning after going to the toilet but also like to weigh before I go to bed, interesting to see what sleep does to your weight.
  • ShelleyD81
    ShelleyD81 Posts: 237 Member
    I always weigh myself in the morning, after taking a piss :L

    Same here! I weigh myself once a week on the same day too.
  • I love all the replies, and it is the way I feel too. I weigh myself on thrusday morning, it is after my mid week workout ( I do three really big swims a week, I am on a competive swim team).
    It was great seeing all the respones and reasons as to why we do what we do
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    Seriously! I've had a good poo take my weight down 2lbs. Wild and a little disgusting but its motivational aha.

    You're so pretty. :)