how long before i start losing weight?!! Grrr

I think i am going crazy with this weight loss, i think about what i'm eating, drinking, and working out more than ever; but the weight just isn't shifitng!! :angry: i have been totally focused for 3weeks - is it too early to start losing weight? :huh: ... right now it seems like nothing is working because im not even losing a tiny bit of weight! :indifferent:

sad times:frown:


  • CorrieV1976
    CorrieV1976 Posts: 320 Member
    It took me a month to drop on the will happen dont get discouraged!! :drinker:
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    Everyone is different, some start immediately, some take a little while, if you're calories are reasonable for your size and Body Fat % then it will happen, give it time.
  • schnugglebug
    schnugglebug Posts: 333 Member
    slow and steady wins the race they say
    keep up the great work and it WILL come off... I as well have been at it 3 weeks and have not lost weight... I FEEL healthier though... and your body will thank you for making it more healthy...
    hang in their!!! it will come!
    and the healthier you are the happier you will be!

    bets of luck!
  • robyncook36
    I was in the same boat! Was working out for 4 weeks with no change. Just when I started getting really frustrated the scale started to move. Now it is coming off about 1.5 to 2 lbs a week. The best tip I got was to not eat back the calories you earn from excercise. If you are trying to stay around 1400 calories don't eat 1600 just because you walked for 45 minutes and earned a higher calorie goal. Good Luck!
  • cppeace
    cppeace Posts: 764 Member
    make sure you are logging everything you eat.
    Go as natural as you can. Try not to eat and drink diet products. They are full of artificial sweetners which actually are bad for you and your metabalism. Drink tons of water. Avacado brazil nuts spicy food and no fat dairy are all good to help lose weight when added in modersation to a low calorie lifestyle. Live a more active lifeif you havent the time or want of more exercise. Take the stairs park further away stretch play with kids walk a dog ... Just keep moving and keep at it. It isa lifestyle and may take a while to truly sink in. Keep at it and feel free to friend me :)
  • coullmom
    coullmom Posts: 133 Member
    It took me over a month as well!! If you are lifting any weights or using resistance bands you are building the scale doesn't move alot. I have dropped 9 lbs total......that's 2 months in. Give it time!!! Pretty soon you will be posting some results...Good Luck.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Bad advice. ALWAYS eat back the exercise calories. Your body needs them to function.
  • amkelley
    Keep pushing on!!! It took me a little over a month before I started seeing results. How bad do you want it?!?! You can do it!!
  • LendaJ
    LendaJ Posts: 7 Member
    The best suggestion that I can give is water...water....water....water....then drink MORE water!! And, just when you think you've consumed more water than any human possible can, drink some more!! :happy: That has helped me lose 10 pounds in about 3.5 weeks.
  • LCFulmer
    LCFulmer Posts: 183 Member
    Excellent advice.... I shared this site/app with my family doctor and she was impressed. She told me exactly what you said "Just because you workout don't eat more that the 1600 I should consume. I too didn't see immediate results but I kept at it; I cut back to weighing myself only once a week. Most important don't stress over it. The weight didn't come on your body in 3 weeks it won't come off in that time.
  • alerica1
    alerica1 Posts: 310 Member
    My scale isn't moving, but I've lost an inch around my waist and I feeeeeeeeel great. I'm sure the scale will start moving in time. Hang in there with me.
  • FR89
    FR89 Posts: 186 Member
    Thank you girlies!

    I really needed to know I wasn't the only once facing this:ohwell: . I was getting upset every time I look at the scale!!

    I think i'll weight my self after a month rather than every other day - and I hope I see some sort of results by then :indifferent:

    All your advice is taken on board! :smile:

  • cppeace
    cppeace Posts: 764 Member
    oh I wouldnt wait a month to weigh in. I think once a week is perfect really. Its a check in. Just always take in account dehdration and time of the month. Daily or every other day is bad for your brain lol we women fluctuate too much specially if time of day is different. Weigh way less in morning than in the eve. Anywho keep it up :)
  • FR89
    FR89 Posts: 186 Member
    you are so right - I am going crazy with checking my weight so often! :frown: and it just upsets me and i don't want to turn to food for comfort!:indifferent:

    i will keep at it till i reach my goal ..
  • butterflimom
    First off- congrats on the decision to change your eating habits and lifestyle. That is an accomplishment in itself!
    Losing weight the proper way so that it doesn't come back, takes time.
    I, myself am sitting at what I thought was a plateau, but someone told me to start measuring myself and I did about 3 weeks ago. Although I haven't lost pounds in almost a month, I have lost almost 10 inches.
    Today is my 65th day of being constant on here and honestly, I have only lost 10-12 pounds, not without hard work :)
    You will get there if you want to and push yourself enough, I promise.
    The scales are not people friendly :) Lol
    Bottom line, get support from people who care about you, there are great ones on here.
    Hang in there. Do the best that you can by uping your protein, lowering your bad carbs, sugars, and sodium. Also, allow yourself a cheat day.
    Before you know it, you will be a healthier, happier person!
    Best of luck to you
  • FR89
    FR89 Posts: 186 Member
    thank you! :smile: I'm trying my best to keep on track.. and not let the scale demotivate me..

    But as the day at work is nearly coming to an end, so is my energy..:frown: .. trying to think positive and motivate myself to hit the gym after work:yawn:

    I guess i'll be ok once im out of work and at the gym!!:ohwell:

    PS: i'll try to measure myself too and see if im improving in losing the inches instead... thank you! x
  • smcassaro
    smcassaro Posts: 123 Member
    I'm also on day 65 & I weigh almost the same as when I started. It is frustrating, but I made the committment when I started that I WILL NOT GIVE UP this time! Measuring yourself is the best bet; I also have lost inches (which I think are most important) but not lbs. Hang in there, your body will have to cooperate eventually! :)

    PS- Unless you have a ton of weight to lose, I strongly suggest eating your exercise calories. Many people on here will tell you that the scale didn't move until they started eating more. It is hard to wrap your mind around, but it works!
  • Dawna47
    Make sure you are eating. If you lower your calories too much then your body will hold on to its fat storage. It thinks it is starving. Find out the number of calories you need to maintain your weight, then eat 500 calories a day less than what is needed to maintain weight. Eat 5 small meals a day and never eat after 8pm. If you work nights then do not eat within 3 hours of going to bed. This has helped me.
  • FR89
    FR89 Posts: 186 Member
    I am eating less and thinking it will help boost my weight loss. I was told if i cut down the cals and work out a lot at the gym I will lose weight fast! Guess it may take a little time. Currently I am aiming at have 1200-1300 cals per day. :cry:

    And eating late night is one of my bad habits - i get midnight munchies!!! :frown: but I haven't had any late snacks for the last 3weeks. :wink: i guess i'll have to keep going for a while before I see any sort of results! :indifferent:

    Thanks =) x
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    I am eating less and thinking it will help boost my weight loss. I was told if i cut down the cals and work out a lot at the gym I will lose weight fast! Guess it may take a little time. Currently I am aiming at have 1200-1300 cals per day. :cry:

    And eating late night is one of my bad habits - i get midnight munchies!!! :frown: but I haven't had any late snacks for the last 3weeks. :wink: i guess i'll have to keep going for a while before I see any sort of results! :indifferent:

    Thanks =) x

    your calorie deficit should be based on how much you have to lose and what your body fat percent is. If you're working out, and you don't have a lot of weight to lose respectively, you need to eat a healthy amount for your body to release fat for burning, otherwise it will hoard fat calories. See my posts on this:

    long, but it explains calorie deficits and exercise calories

    a quick and dirty guide to estimating how much of a deficit you SHOULD have.