How Important IS breakfast??

So I am not a good breakfast eater. I don't feel well in the morning generally and by the time I feel hungry it is about 11...which of course throws me off the schedule of the rest of my family and I am left eating at 11, 3, and 8 while everyone else eats at like 8, 12, and is annoying to say the least.

So in terms of health etc how important IS it to have breakfast in the morning? Would I benefit from forcing myself to eat earlier in the morning or am I better off just leaving it alone?


  • CassandraD82
    CassandraD82 Posts: 71 Member
    Honestly once I started sticking to my calorie quota and not eating a big meal at dinner time I'm too hungry in the mornings to last til lunch.

    I never used to eat breakfast prior to MFP. I still only eat a light breakfast - toast with promite works just fine for me.
  • city_of_frogs
    city_of_frogs Posts: 101 Member
    I would force yourself to get something, anything into your digestive tract in the morning.
    A peice of fruit, protein shake, snack bar. It sets your body up for the whole day
  • Gigi_licious
    Gigi_licious Posts: 1,185 Member
    Meal timing is irrelevant.
  • asyouseefit
    asyouseefit Posts: 1,265 Member
    You could always snack around 11. That way you'd last until lunch and could have it with your family.
    Meal timing doesn't matter from a diet point of view but can be important from a social/organizational pov!
  • Just_Bethy
    Very.. because the body has been fed within 45 mins of waking (You break-fast) your body isn't trying to conserve its reserves so your metabolism is will burn more calories for the day til your next sleep mode and fasting period...I also hate breakfast and in the last 6 months I notice when I skip it for a few days my weight loss slows a bit....I go with a weigh loss shake first thing...
  • Robynm8
    Breakfast in the morning is incredibly important. It gets your metabolism up earlier so it works harder throughout the day and increases your mood and attention early in the morning. When you wake up your glucose levels are at their lowest and that is the fuel that your brain uses most efficiently. A good breakfast in the morning is also supposed to be most of your calories for the day and gives your body more time to burn off those calories before bed. Ive found that if you find a food with a high glycemic index and/or high in protein I stay fuller a bit longer.
  • fitaliciag
    I don't think you have to EAT in the morning because I DON'T. I do, however, drink a protein shake with frozen fruit blended in. it's a bit important to get your metabolism moving in the morning, but a big breakfast is not required. have a shake!
  • daves160
    daves160 Posts: 600
    After your body fasts all night, you should eat something. Try a half cup of plain Greek yogurt with some honey or granola mixed in. Very light, and really helps your system.
  • Gigi_licious
    Gigi_licious Posts: 1,185 Member
    I would force yourself to get something, anything into your digestive tract in the morning.
    A peice of fruit, protein shake, snack bar. It sets your body up for the whole day

    Why???? I don't know about anyone else, but it seems to me that I turned into a fat people by eating too much. A.k.a. eating when I'm not hungry. So I fail to see how force feeding would be a helpful method in weight loss.
  • jadimasi79
    jadimasi79 Posts: 27 Member
    It is very important as you are going from 8pm until 11 am with no food so your metabolism slows down and it makes it harder to lose weight. Your brain doesn't function as well if you don't get energy in the morning. Keep in mind breakfast can be as simple as a piece of fruit, crackers and cheese, or half a sandwich.
  • kykykenna
    kykykenna Posts: 656 Member
    Agree that timing of meals isnt really important....but I spent about 20 yrs not eating breakfast. Simply didnt like it. One day a friend asked what I was doing/struggling with in terms of weight loss....(couldnt lose weight no matter what)....I started telling him and he cut me off and said "You dont eat anything in the AM?" I said no. He said "Dont tell me anymore. That is one of your big your problems". So, figuring my way OBVIOUSLY didnt work, I would try it for 2 weeks. Told him if I gained weight I was going to be PO' guess shat??? Scale started going down! Now Im not saying I lost 20lbs by eating breakfast. I am saying for me, it was worth a shot. And it paid off. (I still hate breakfast. All I eat is usually an apple)
    Im not really hungry, either, but is only an apple. ;)
  • fitaliciag
    A good breakfast in the morning is also supposed to be most of your calories for the day and gives your body more time to burn off those calories before bed.

    not quite true. you should spread your calories around more evenly a bit during the day. DINNER should be slightly bigger because there is a longer wait until breakfast.
  • russelljclarke
    russelljclarke Posts: 836 Member
    It's very important, any dietitian or nutritionist would tell you that.

    I love brekkie so much I often have two! Honestly, one before workout, and one after. LOVE it!!
  • fitaliciag
    I would force yourself to get something, anything into your digestive tract in the morning.
    A peice of fruit, protein shake, snack bar. It sets your body up for the whole day

    Why???? I don't know about anyone else, but it seems to me that I turned into a fat people by eating too much. A.k.a. eating when I'm not hungry. So I fail to see how force feeding would be a helpful method in weight loss.

    it's not "force feeding", once you get used to 200-300 calories 5 times a day, you will want to eat that breakfast. many small meal a day keeps your metabolism up!
  • LoriFleming
    LoriFleming Posts: 14 Member
    Breakfast in the morning is incredibly important. It gets your metabolism up earlier so it works harder throughout the day and increases your mood and attention early in the morning. When you wake up your glucose levels are at their lowest and that is the fuel that your brain uses most efficiently.

    /\ This. Breakfast is incredibly important as it jump starts your metabolism for the day. I share your problem, I don't wake up hungry and my mornings are too busy for me to think about breakfast. Therefore, I started MAKING myself have some kind of breakfast, be it a protein shake or at a minimum a fiber bar. Something healthy is better than nothing.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    I would force yourself to get something, anything into your digestive tract in the morning.
    A peice of fruit, protein shake, snack bar. It sets your body up for the whole day

    Why???? I don't know about anyone else, but it seems to me that I turned into a fat people by eating too much. A.k.a. eating when I'm not hungry. So I fail to see how force feeding would be a helpful method in weight loss.

    it's not "force feeding", once you get used to 200-300 calories 5 times a day, you will want to eat that breakfast. many small meal a day keeps your metabolism up!

    I have to agree there is no reason to force yourself to eat. Meal timing is irrelevant. Eating breakfast and small meals does not boost your metabolism. Very common myth
  • Gigi_licious
    Gigi_licious Posts: 1,185 Member
    I would force yourself to get something, anything into your digestive tract in the morning.
    A peice of fruit, protein shake, snack bar. It sets your body up for the whole day

    Why???? I don't know about anyone else, but it seems to me that I turned into a fat people by eating too much. A.k.a. eating when I'm not hungry. So I fail to see how force feeding would be a helpful method in weight loss.

    it's not "force feeding", once you get used to 200-300 calories 5 times a day, you will want to eat that breakfast. many small meal a day keeps your metabolism up!

    I'm way too sleepy, so ill just say "okay" and bow out gracefully. That being said....okay.
  • 1953Judith
    1953Judith Posts: 325 Member
    There is a whole lot of information about the optimal ways to eat healthily and about eating breakfast. One of my biggest struggles as I move towards a more fit physical body is how to incorporate my new individual eating habits into the other circles of my life. So to me, there is another question in your post. How important is it to sit down and eat with my family? If you are able to find a way in the rhythm of your life to sit down and eat once a day with your family in a peaceful way, I'd encourage you to do so. It might be good for them to see your efforts and good eating habits. Time passes quickly.
  • Silverkittycat
    Silverkittycat Posts: 1,997 Member
    So I am not a good breakfast eater. I don't feel well in the morning generally and by the time I feel hungry it is about 11

    If you're hungry at 11, eat at 11.

    I'd be questioning why you're not feeling well in the morning.
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    Ok folks please get off this "it boosts your metabolism" kick. You dont lose weight any faster by eating breakfast nor is it any healthier. Intermittent fasters dont eat breakfast, and they lose weight and are healthy. You think if you eat breakfast but eat junk you'll be healthy? What is unhealthy is being obese and sitting on the couch all day.

    Some of the broscience in this thread is also unhealthy. Seriously.