Prodigal child

I'm back, tail between my legs, head hanging down. I've not been watching my diet since April and have gained back everything plus a few extra (30 lbs total gained since April 26). I feel like junk, none of my clothes fit and I'm exhausted all the time. My dad passed away a month ago yesterday. He had to have double bypass surgery and was improving when 9 days later, the day after his 79th birthday, he went into cardiac arrest and was gone. One of the things he said to me and my kids after he came out of surgery was "take care of your health". I intend to do that for myself, my kids and to honor him. I was a little discouraged to see that only 10 friends had not deleted me and that I had no messages or entries on my profile. I'm looking for some friends who will stick with me through good times and bad! This is a marathon, not a sprint; it's a journey, not a destination and we all need every ounce of help we can get!


  • gablondie
    So sorry about your dad! I need to do this for health reasons as well! ((HUGS))

  • sunshinel397
    Welcome back. Sorry to hear you have had tough times. Hopefully this helps get you going in the right direction.:smile:
  • cpegasus01
    cpegasus01 Posts: 400 Member
    Feel free to add me as a new friend.
  • MissObstinatiox
    MissObstinatiox Posts: 275 Member
    You can add me as a friend :0)
  • SueGeer
    SueGeer Posts: 1,169 Member
    So sorry to hear about your dad. Sounds like his message has hit home. He's looking down on you....make him proud :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Sue :smile: x
  • dianeellen2
    dianeellen2 Posts: 259 Member
    Remembering his advice in the tough times will help you - add me as a friend if you like (i have never deleted anyone - YET!!!)
  • queenpushycat
    queenpushycat Posts: 761 Member
    My condolences to you and your family, and your dad gave us all wise words. I had once heard of that line before; no matter how much money we earned, how much knowledge we learned, health is the most important thing. :)