Please may I hear from big losers (80 to 100 lbs loss) who d

I have noticed a lot of posters on MFP have had weight loss surgery, good on you and it is great to hear people making a success after these operations.

As I hope to lose weight without surgery, I would love to hear from success stories from posters who have lost 80 to 100 lbs through watching diet and exercise only. How long did it take you to lose it and any good pointers :)


  • bonnynblithe04
    bonnynblithe04 Posts: 123 Member
    Link to my personal site is in my profile. The entire saga is there, but it took a little over two years to lose the first 100 (still off five years later!) and another 18 months to lose the remaining.
  • LoriFleming
    LoriFleming Posts: 14 Member
    I'm close.... I've lost 76.3 lbs. It's taken me right @ 2 years to do it, though. I started off by walking, then progressed to doing C25K. I didn't start actually counting calories until 100 days ago, prior to that I simply made sure I was eating at least 3x/day and made smart food choices. I also gave up sweet tea and now exclusively drink H20.

    It CAN be done without surgery, it just takes dedication and determination!
  • YMTaylor
    YMTaylor Posts: 230 Member
    I haven't lost it yet but I'm on my way to losing 100 pounds. I hope you don't mine my input. I have been on this journey for two years so far and I have done it with watching portions, eating more fruits and veggies, less fried and baked stuff and exercising. I go to the gym 3-5 times a week and have started running 5K's which I continuously train for. I also take Body Pump (strength training barbell class) and lift every week. I have always been heavy so it took my lifetime to get the weight on, so I know it won't come off right away. The best advice I have is to stay as consistent as possible, don't get too legalistic about anything, find what works for you and be open to new things. Good luck on your journey! :)
  • knapowell
    knapowell Posts: 230 Member
    I've lost 115 to date. I started with MFP on November 8, 2010 and have lost it all through diet and exercise. I still have about 25 pounds to just get into the heathy range, and I will reassess when I get there.

    I don't know if I have any tips that we all don't already know. I drink a lot more water than I used to, I am more active, I eat less, and I try to make what I eat more healthy than not.
  • Babieseverywhere
    Babieseverywhere Posts: 311 Member
    Thanks for the posts and links, I'll be reading everything.

    I expect this journey to be over the rest of my lifetime, I'm not after a quick fix, I know it will take a minimum of a couple of years to get anywhere near my goal, I'm not 100% sure of where I want to end up. Just healthier and able to move better.
  • Katbaran
    Katbaran Posts: 605 Member
    I've lost 91 pounds with just diet and exercise. It took me about 2 1/2 years. I've still got 76 pounds to go. Its not easy, but it will happen if you try. I probably could have lost more in that time but I'm older and I have arthritis in my knees so I couldn't do full-on, hard exercise. I just rode the exercise bike and did some old fashioned floor exercises on my bed. I also did some low impact water exercise--check with your local rec center or YWCA for classes. Walking is great too but I'm not able to do much of that right now. I just had my left knee replaced in Sept. and will have the right one done in early 2012. After that, I aim to be unstoppable! With limits, of course. I've abused my poor joints for too long for them to allow me to do high impact anything, but I do want to look into an Aqua Zumba class when I am fully recovered from the second knee surgery. It sounds like great fun as well as easy on the old joints.

    I lost some before I got to MFP by not eating very well but eating less. Since I joined MFP, I've followed the recommended calorie allowance and it works! I try to eat more fruits and vegetables and non processed food. Those are lower in calories and fill you up. Home made soups are really good too, for filling up and still being healthy. All that being said, I do allow myself the occasional cheat meal OR a treat once in a while--like pizza (a slice or two) or a meal out. Mostly though, I cook at home. I have found that is is the best way to control what goes in to my food and *I* control the salt and fat. I believe we need some good fats to keep our bodies healthy and our skin from drying out, but I use good fats, like olive oil. Fish and seafood also plays a biggish part of our menu.

    IMHO, I think a huge part of this weight loss thing is having the right mindset. I tried so many times to lose weight and I didn't really know what or how to eat for weight loss and good nutrition. So many diets I'd been on left me hungry, weak and crabby and I'd quit after a couple weeks. I'm not a stupid woman, but some of the diets seemed so complicated--points to count, different foods to eat at different times of day--what a hassle. For some reason these past few years, it just sort of clicked in my head. (see my blog) It works if you let it work. If you have any questions, pm me. I'll always try to help!
  • cculb524
    I've lost 85 pounds since January first 2011 through counting calories and exercising. My biggest influence is motivation. About two weeks after I started my weight loss journey I joined a biggest loser competition at work and that helped push me. Throughout that I was working out about 6 days a week. I am a full time working mom of a 2 year old so I don't have much time to work out. I use exercise videos, walking on lunch, and occasionally go to Zumba classes. Changing up your exercise routine is crutial, so that your muscles don't get used to the same thing over and over. I've also read that strength training is key because the more muscle you have the more calories you will burn! I am a sweet-a-holic, so I had to find low-calorie sweets to fullfill my craving, such as the skinny cow products. I didn't keep anything sweet in the house until I was confident with my will power to resist eating the whole box, lol! I also did kind of a biggest loser style email to my close friends and family, asking them for help. I told them my starting weight, my goal weight, and about my struggles and then asked them to commit to helping me. Their encouragement is what has kept me going. Good luck, you can do it!!!